
Wang Xingyue COS Li Xin, Brother Kid exploded and changed the cross-dimensional marshal brother, with blue hair and red eyes, and full marks for appearance

author:Kerr Games said

The Glory of Kings female star COS has always been very popular, and because of her high appearance and long legs, it has attracted the attention of players. But the effect of male star COS is really not as good as that of female stars, and the image of many male star COS is really not very similar.

But despite this, there are still a few male stars whose works are still relatively good, among which Wang Xingyue COS's Li Xinyi Nian is of high quality, and many players like his image very much.

Wang Xingyue COS Li Xin, Brother Kid exploded and changed the cross-dimensional marshal brother, with blue hair and red eyes, and full marks for appearance

Li Xin thought of gods and demons, it is the best skin of the Glory of Kings direct sale of legendary skins, basically players who play Li Xin will be the first choice to get this skin, of course, because of this skin Li Xin's handsomeness and excellent skin quality, many players who don't play Li Xin also started.

Li Xinyi Nian Gods and Demons is one of the few legendary quality dual-form skins, you must know that the multi-form skins in the kings are basically peerless or glory collections, and the legend is indeed relatively rare to have dual forms.

And the king also launched an exclusive glory broadcast for Li Xinyi Nian God and Demon before, which is an honor that many heroes do not have.

Wang Xingyue COS Li Xin, Brother Kid exploded and changed the cross-dimensional marshal brother, with blue hair and red eyes, and full marks for appearance

So we can take a look at Wang Xingyue's COS's Li Xinyi, what is going on with the gods and demons? In the words of players, it is that the COS works are super handsome. The clothes and makeup are really perfectly restored, and many celebrities may not wear wigs for convenience, but he wears them.

And in order to restore Li Xin's image even more, he even wore contact lenses.

Wang Xingyue COS Li Xin, Brother Kid exploded and changed the cross-dimensional marshal brother, with blue hair and red eyes, and full marks for appearance

You may not be able to see the picture above, but you can see this one, right? The more red Wang Xing's eyes, coupled with his delicate face, are simply too good-looking.

In fact, Wang Xingyue has only become popular in the past two years, and many players may know him in "Zhou Shengru" and "Ning An Like a Dream". Although he is not the protagonist, his handsomeness and acting skills have allowed him to officially enter the audience's field of vision from a small role.

It is precisely because of this that he has the opportunity to cooperate with the glory of kings, and he is not very old, and it is very likely that he will go to the top after that.

Wang Xingyue COS Li Xin, Brother Kid exploded and changed the cross-dimensional marshal brother, with blue hair and red eyes, and full marks for appearance

In addition, in addition to Li Xin of Wang Xingyue COS, the new star Tian Jiarui COS is actually not bad. Tian Jiarui has also become popular recently, so much so that now there is a Douyin on a certain sound that he didn't have before on it, which is a bit funny.

The KPL of Pei Baohu of his COS, and the KPL skin itself was also launched because of professional competitions, so it needs a young and enthusiastic feeling. Tian Jiarui himself is very young, so he is actually more suitable for this skin. And his styling is also perfectly restored, and his face itself is good-looking, allowing players to see a sweet Pei Baohu.

Wang Xingyue COS Li Xin, Brother Kid exploded and changed the cross-dimensional marshal brother, with blue hair and red eyes, and full marks for appearance

Finally, it is Sun Yizhou's Lu Bu, who has been praised by many players. Unlike other celebrity COS, Sun Yizhou was summoned by the player to COS Lu Bu. Because of Lu Bu in "Love Apartment" starring him before, players will never forget.

The so-called is to never forget, there will be repercussions! Sun Yizhou actually responded to the call of the players, and when Sun Yizhou responded to the call, the Glory of Kings also directly sent him equipment, so that the players saw the works he brought to everyone.

I have to say that his COS is really restored, both in terms of modeling and expression, it is very good. You must know that there is an action with an open mouth in Lu Bu's game, and many stars may be reluctant to open their mouths in order to maintain their image, but in order to restore the character more, he has a work with an open mouth, but the player doesn't feel anything at all, but feels that his work is very good, and it can be seen that he has put his heart into it.

The above is the star COS brought to you in this issue, so which star COS king hero do you want? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss~

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