
If not, come back! Played 12 minutes and 0 points in 2 games, only grabbed 4 rebounds, and the core of the women's basketball team was in a dilemma

author:September Panda Home

Unexpectedly, whether it is in the WCBA arena or the European arena, Li Yueru, the core of the Chinese women's basketball team, who can kill all sides, has encountered a dilemma on the stage of competing in the WNBA. In the two games she has played, she has only come off the bench and played a total of 12 minutes, never scored, only grabbed 4 rebounds. For the core of the Chinese women's basketball team, you must hold on, and I look forward to your play next. If it really doesn't work, let's just come back.

If not, come back! Played 12 minutes and 0 points in 2 games, only grabbed 4 rebounds, and the core of the women's basketball team was in a dilemma

Speaking of Li Yueru, the people in the rivers and lakes call Xiaobao, the little girl is cute and loving, but she is full of spirituality when she plays, she can be said to have no opponents in the domestic WCBA arena, except for Han Xu, she is one of the best insiders in China.

Last season, after finishing the journey of the WCBA league, Li Yueru chose to jump out of her comfort zone and went to Europe to play.

Unlike Han Xu and Li Meng, the first two spoke out publicly, in order to prepare for the Paris Olympics, they took the initiative to give up the opportunity to continue playing in the WNBA, Li Yueru did not choose to give up, but went to the Spark team, and followed the team to start the WNBA journey in good health.

If not, come back! Played 12 minutes and 0 points in 2 games, only grabbed 4 rebounds, and the core of the women's basketball team was in a dilemma

It's a pity that the WNBA has played 2 games, and Li Yueru didn't get too many opportunities to play, and played 4 minutes off the bench in the first game, only grabbed 1 rebound, didn't have a chance to shoot, and didn't score. In the second game, he still came off the bench, played only 8 minutes, grabbed 3 rebounds, and still had no chance to shoot, and failed to score.

In this way, after 2 games, Li Yueru came off the bench and played a total of 12 minutes, without scoring, but only grabbed 4 rebounds. Obviously, Li Yueru is currently in a predicament, and she still needs time and ability to conquer the coach and conquer the field.

Of course, the intensity of the WNBA is definitely much greater than that of the WCBA and the European League, and for Li Yueru, it may take time to integrate and find a feeling. However, given the high intensity of the WNBA, if Li Yueru can't get back her touch early, then how many opportunities she can get to appear on the stage is probably a question mark.

If not, come back! Played 12 minutes and 0 points in 2 games, only grabbed 4 rebounds, and the core of the women's basketball team was in a dilemma

In fact, this also shows from another aspect that the level of the WNBA league is very high, think about last year, Han Xu couldn't play the main force, let alone the current Li Yueru?

Therefore, for Li Yueru, the current thing is to maintain a good mentality, train and prepare for the game seriously, wait for the opportunity to wait for the opportunity, and once you get the opportunity to appear, you must enter the state as soon as possible, and quickly play the data to prove yourself and conquer the coach.

If it continues like this, it may not be a good thing for Li Yueru, and it is not a good thing for the Chinese women's basketball team, after all, this summer, the Chinese women's basketball team has the task of competing in the Olympic Games, and Li Yueru is an important member. Since you can't get training in the WNBA, it's good to come back, join hands with the Chinese women's basketball team, follow Zheng Wei to train and prepare, and help the Chinese women's basketball team, which is also excellent.

If not, come back! Played 12 minutes and 0 points in 2 games, only grabbed 4 rebounds, and the core of the women's basketball team was in a dilemma

Of course, the WNBA league has just begun, and there is still a lot of time for Li Yueru, so let's bless Li Yueru and Xiaobao together.

The Chinese women's basketball team is about to start a warm-up match with the Australian women's basketball team at the end of this month, and we look forward to the wonderful performance of the Chinese women's basketball team.

Special statement: It's not easy to be original, thank you for your attention, welcome to forward, let's talk together!