
How good is West China Hospital?

author:Happy Coke..
How good is West China Hospital?

Today's topic "How good is West China Hospital?" ”

How good is West China Hospital?

Hot comments from netizens:

There is a Huaxi Shangjin in Pixian County, which is cooperative, but the doctor is from Huaxi, and the equipment is also very good

How good is West China Hospital?

There may be a great doctor in the hospital, but you may not be able to meet it

How good is West China Hospital?

Broken bones are good to go to the orthopedic hospital, Huaxi is an incurable disease, life-saving kind [covering face] [covering face] and the bone positioning is set, as long as it is not an open fracture. You can grow well on your own, but you should be careful not to be sloppy when locating the bones. Otherwise, there will be sequelae

How good is West China Hospital?

What cancer was cured?

How good is West China Hospital?

Generally, when you take a taxi to Huaxi, the taxi driver will say: Terminally ill? [covers face] [covers face]

How good is West China Hospital?

Is it a closed needle, this can't be more shot

How good is West China Hospital?

There is a saying that the king of Hades told you to die in the third watch, and Huaxi left you in the fifth watch

How good is West China Hospital?

That's a good thing, of course, congratulations, it's not cancer after all.

How good is West China Hospital?

It's not the best, it's just that I've suffered so many sins before [covering my face] [covering my face]

How good is West China Hospital?

Ranked second in the country, ranked first in the country in the field of diagnosis, and it is not a waste of fame [Flash] What disease is generally diagnosed in West China, just find a hospital to go to the symptomatic treatment [Flash] No matter how serious the illness is, you will not be allowed to stay for three days. [covers face] [covers face]

How good is West China Hospital?

I think it's worth it [tears]

How good is West China Hospital?

Netizens said that in the eyes of Chengdu people, Huaxi only saves lives and does not see a doctor! General diseases do not go to Huaxi to squeeze

How good is West China Hospital?

What do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the discussion forum

(The source of the material is from the Internet, invaded and deleted)