
What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

author:Happy Coke..
What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

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What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

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I don't know who I am, but I know exactly what I have to do: Salute! [Bikoin] [Bikoin]

What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

At that time, the foreign language professor was already very powerful [flash of inspiration] [flash of inspiration]

What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

When our country announced it, it was already fully serviced [cover your face] [cover your face] and like to play this one the most.

What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

Fighters to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea [Like] [Like]

What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

It's almost the same to say that 56 and a half or 56 rush, and when the 81 bar comes out, there are very few militiamen [flash of inspiration] [flash of inspiration]

What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

Normally, at that time, everything was kept secret and strictly investigated, and it could be made public in the past few decades

What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

Admiration and admiration [作揖] [作揖]

What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

Many of the advanced weapons that are now being announced began to be developed decades ago. And at that time, the secrecy was strict, and I might not know what I was doing

What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

Most of the people who expressed skepticism were young and did not know what a state secrecy unit was

What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

The older generation hides too much, and we only know that my friend's father was a soldier, and the old man has never said what he does, only that there is a requirement for confidentiality

What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

This is called deep concealment, and generally special positions will be kept secret and not talked about much

What are the stories of those who don't know Tarzan?

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(The source of the material is from the Internet, invaded and deleted)