
"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

author:Luna talks about life

In 2019, on an ordinary day, an unusual patient walked into the hospital. His body curled up like a crumpled mass of paper, as if tightly bound by invisible shackles.

The patient, named Li Hua, has been battling the disease for 28 years. When the attending doctor announced the treatment plan, everyone in the room gasped: the bone would need to be broken four times and 22 steel nails would need to be implanted.

How will this amazing surgery plan change Li Hua's fate? Faced with such a difficult choice, Li Hua and his family fell into deep thought. This decision is not only about a person's future, but also a re-examination of the value of life.

In an atmosphere of hope and fear, a life-changing operation is about to begin. Li Hua was born in an ordinary rural family, and his childhood was as bright as sunshine.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

He is active and loves basketball in particular. In terms of learning, Li Hua is also a leader, often among the best, becoming a proud protégé in the eyes of teachers and the envy of classmates.

However, a twist of fate quietly struck after an ordinary basketball game. That day, as usual, Li Hua sweated on the court and enjoyed the happiness brought by sports.

After the match, he suddenly felt a strange pain in his knee. At first, Li Hua didn't care, thinking it was just an ordinary post-exercise reaction. However, this seemingly insignificant pain became the beginning that completely changed the trajectory of his life.

As time went on, Li Hua's knee problem not only did not improve, but became more and more serious. He had to give up his beloved basketball, and it became difficult to even walk normally.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

Li Hua's mother took him everywhere to seek medical advice, but he never got an accurate diagnosis. Some doctors thought it was arthritis and prescribed medication, but the effect was minimal. Li Hua's physical condition deteriorated, his spine began to bend, and his body gradually "folded".

The once sunny and cheerful teenager can now only curl up in bed, and even the most basic self-care has become a luxury. This state lasted for 28 long years, and Li Hua's mother became his most solid support, taking care of this once hopeful son day after day.

In these long years, Li Hua has experienced unimaginable pain. The physical torture is obvious, but even more heart-wrenching is the mental torment. He watched his peers study, work, and start a family, while he was imprisoned in his illness and unable to achieve any of his ambitions in life.

Hope is like quicksand between your fingers, faded with the passage of time. In the past 28 years, Li Hua and his family have never given up the possibility of finding treatment. They traveled from hospital to hospital, large and small, consulted with countless specialists, and tried every possible treatment.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

However, every hope is accompanied by greater disappointment. Doctors were helpless about Li Hua's condition, and some even bluntly said that his condition could not be changed. In the face of such a blow, anyone can give up hope.

But Li Hua and his family have always maintained a trace of stubborn faith, believing that one day they will wait for the turnaround. This kind of persistence may seem futile to others, but for Li Hua's family, it is the only motivation to support them through every difficult day.

Li Hua's mother often secretly wiped her tears in the middle of the night, looking at her son's huddled figure, her heart was like a knife. But in front of Li Hua, she always remained strong and optimistic, giving her son endless love and support.

Li Hua's father traveled from place to place looking for possible treatments, while working hard to support the family's expenses and medical bills. In the past 28 years, although Li Hua's body has been tortured by illness to the point that he is not human, he has always maintained his love for life in his heart.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

He enriches his spiritual world by reading and keeps in touch with the outside world through communication with his family. Although the physical pain haunted him all the time, Li Hua never gave up hope for life.

In this way, in the interweaving of pain and perseverance, despair and hope, Li Hua spent a long 28 years. It wasn't until 2019 that an unexpected opportunity allowed Li Hua, known as the "folding man", to see the dawn of a new life.

When Li Hua and his family were about to give up hope, an unexpected news was like a ray of sunshine in the darkness, illuminating their lives. Li Hua's mother learned from a group of patients that there was an expert in a university hospital who might have unique insights and treatments for Li Hua's condition.

This news was like a seed of hope, quietly germinating in the hearts of Li Hua's family. However, the price of hope is enormous. The high cost of medical care is undoubtedly a heavy burden for this family, which is almost impoverished due to long-term treatment.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

Li Hua's parents began to run around to raise money, selling valuable items, borrowing money from relatives and friends, and even considering mortgaging their own house. The decision was fraught with risks, but for them, it could be Li Hua's last ray of hope.

With full expectation and apprehension, Li Hua went to the University Affiliated Hospital accompanied by his parents. When the expert carefully examined Li Hua's medical records and physical condition, a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes.

The specialist explained Li Hua's condition in detail and proposed a bold and complex treatment plan. At the heart of this plan is a series of corrective surgeries, which require Li Hua's curved bones to be re-broken and then fixed with steel nails to gradually correct his body shape.

Experts admit that the process will be extremely painful and full of risks. However, if he succeeds, it will be possible for Li Hua to get back on his feet and live a normal life.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

Faced with this opportunity, Li Hua and his family fell into a deep conflict. On the one hand, this may be the only chance to change Li Hua's fate; On the other hand, the risks and pain of surgery frightened them.

Li Hua's parents couldn't sleep at night, repeatedly weighing the pros and cons. Li Hua is engaged in a fierce ideological struggle in his heart, he is not only eager to regain his life, but also worried that the failure of the operation will bring a greater blow to his family.

After careful consideration, Li Hua finally made up his mind to accept this challenge. He thought that even if he failed, at least he tried hard and would not leave regrets. When he expressed his decision to his parents, there was both relief and distress in their eyes.

They know that this decision means that Li Hua will face more pain, but it may also be his only chance to get a new life. In this way, with the support of his family, Li Hua embarked on this road of treatment full of unknowns, and took a difficult and courageous first step towards the goal of regaining a new life.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

In the corridor of the hospital, Li Hua was pushed to the operating room, his eyes were full of determination and hope, as if he had seen himself standing and walking in the future. Li Hua's treatment journey was like a long and arduous marathon.

The doctor developed a four-stage surgical plan for him, each of which was fraught with challenges and risks, testing Li Hua's perseverance and the professional skills of the medical team.

The first stage of surgery is the most critical step in the entire treatment process. Doctors need to re-break the bones of Li Hua's severely curved spine and legs. In the operating room, the doctors held their breath and watched carefully.

For Li Hua, the process was extremely painful. After the operation, he was covered in bandages and casts and could not move. Even under the action of powerful analgesics, the severe pain still hit wave after wave like a tide, often keeping Li Hua awake at night.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

The second stage of surgery is more complicated, and the doctor needs to perform delicate corrections on Li Hua's spine. The risk at this stage is extremely high, and the slightest carelessness can lead to paralysis.

The atmosphere in the operating room was tense to the extreme, and the doctors were preoccupied for fear of anything going wrong. After several hours of intense operation, the operation was finally successfully completed. Li Hua's spine began to slowly return to its normal curvature, which gave the medical team hope.

The third stage of surgery focused on Li Hua's hip and knee joints. After the first two surgeries, Li Hua's physical condition has improved significantly, but further correction is needed to be able to stand and walk.

After this surgery, Li Hua felt that his body was more relaxed than ever, as if he had regained his life. The last stage is the correction of Li Hua's feet. Years of "folding" have left his feet badly deformed, requiring surgery to return to their normal shape.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

The surgery was relatively simple, but it meant a lot to Li Hua because it meant that he was about to be able to actually stand and walk. Every operation was a huge test of Li Hua's body and will.

However, he has always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude, believing that he will be able to overcome the disease. In between the operations, Li Hua began arduous rehabilitation training. Learning to stand and walk again was a huge challenge for him.

Every movement, every step was accompanied by severe pain, but Li Hua gritted his teeth and tried again and again. The process of recovery was slow and difficult, but Li Hua's progress was evident.

With the encouragement of his family and medical staff, he has been working miracles step by step. Two days after the operation, he was able to speak, a weak but hopeful voice.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

Ten days later, Li Hua was able to eat on his own, and this simple action made him feel extremely happy. At fifteen days later, with the support of his parents, he was finally able to barely stand, and at that moment, the ward was filled with cheers.

Twenty days later, Li Hua could walk slowly in the ward, every step of which was cautious but unwavering. Two months later, he was able to walk some distance on his own, an improvement that was heartening for everyone.

In this process, Li Hua experienced unimaginable pain. Every rehab session was like a battle against pain, but he always maintained a strong will.

He knows that every pain means he is one step closer to a normal life. Li Hua's courage and perseverance not only touched the medical staff around him, but also brought hope and strength to other patients.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

Doctors are often amazed by Li Hua's speed of recovery and strong will. They say that Li Hua's recovery process has created a medical miracle. Li Hua often said that it was the professionalism and dedication of the doctors, as well as the support of his family, that gave him a chance to be reborn.

During this long recovery process, Li Hua and his family experienced countless difficulties and setbacks. But every progress, every small success, brings them great encouragement.

Li Hua's mother often watched her son walk step by step with tears in her eyes, and the complex emotions of joy and distress were difficult for others to understand. In this way, after nearly a year of treatment and rehabilitation, Li Hua finally got back on his feet and took a solid step towards a new life.

A year after the surgery, Li Hua's life has changed dramatically. The "folded man" who used to be curled up in bed is now able to stand with his back straight. Although he is still a little staggered when walking, he can already walk considerable distances on his own.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

This seemingly simple action is undoubtedly a huge victory for the former Li Hua. Li Hua's face bloomed with a smile that he had not seen for a long time, and his eyes flashed with love for life and expectations for the future.

He began to reintegrate into society, learn new skills, and even began to think about future work plans. These dreams, which have been unattainable for him for the past 28 years, have now become tangible realities.

What makes Li Hua most gratifying is that he can finally complete various things in his daily life independently. Dressing, washing, and eating, these seemingly ordinary actions mean to Li Hua to regain his freedom and dignity.

He no longer needs to be completely dependent on his mother's care, which not only reduces the burden on his family, but also allows Li Hua to regain his self-confidence and self-esteem. In the process of recovery, Li Hua made many friends who shared the same illness.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

He often shares his experiences and feelings with them, encouraging them not to give up hope. Li Hua's story has become the motivation for many people to persist in treatment, and his courage and perseverance are infectious to everyone around him.

Li Hua, who has been reborn, is full of gratitude for life. He is deeply grateful to those who have accompanied and supported him along the way, especially his parents. Over the past 28 years, their unwavering care and sacrifice have been the biggest motivation for Li Hua to persevere to the end.

Now, seeing their son stand up again, Li Hua's parents' faces are full of relief and happiness. Li Hua is also very grateful to the doctors and nurses who treated him. Their professionalism and dedication have made a seemingly impossible miracle a reality.

Li Hua often said that they gave him a second life. Li Hua, who has regained his health, is full of expectations for the future. He plans to continue his studies and hope to one day find a job and realize the value of his life.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

Although the road ahead is still full of challenges, Li Hua at this moment has the courage and confidence to face any difficulties. Whenever Li Hua walked on the street, felt the warmth of the sun on his face and breathed in the fresh air, he would be full of emotion.

These things that ordinary people are accustomed to are so precious to him. Li Hua knows that his new life has just begun, and he is ready to meet every challenge in the future.

This story has inspired countless people who are facing difficult situations and made them believe that if they don't give up, there is always a chance to get back on their feet. It reminds us that the value of life is not in its length, but in how we cherish and live it to the fullest.

"Folding man" Li Hua: Bones were broken 4 times, 22 steel nails were implanted, and he learned to walk again in 28 years

Li Hua's experience also highlights the importance of medical advances in life-changing, and the critical role of family support in a patient's recovery process.