
Chen Lijun "stage bungee jumping"? Gastroenteritis is also crazy about chasing stars?

author:Xiao Wang's research diary


Chen Lijun's "Last Leap to the Stage"

That day, Chen Lijun was standing on the stage and devoted herself to her performance. The lights focused on her, as if the whole world had fallen silent, leaving only her and her character. But no one expected that at this most critical moment, Chen Lijun suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from her abdomen, and her face turned pale instantly.

Chen Lijun "stage bungee jumping"? Gastroenteritis is also crazy about chasing stars?

The originally smooth movements began to stiffen, but Chen Lijun did not choose to back down. She gritted her teeth and persisted, trying to overcome the sudden illness with willpower. However, the pain in her body continued to intensify, and cold sweat began to break out on her forehead. The audience may not have noticed the anomaly, but the other cast and crew on stage have seen it.

Chen Lijun "stage bungee jumping"? Gastroenteritis is also crazy about chasing stars?

At this moment, Chen Lijun suddenly felt a wave of dizziness, and her body fell backwards uncontrollably. At the moment when she was about to fall to the ground, she used all her strength to support herself and did not let this scene happen in front of the audience. However, this also made her expend her last strength, and the whole person leaned weakly against the corner of the stage.

Netizen God Comment: The iron-beaten body is also afraid of "gastroenteritis"

Netizen A: @陈丽君 Are you acting in "Triathlon"? Even fainting had to be chosen at the last moment of the performance, it was so hard!

Chen Lijun "stage bungee jumping"? Gastroenteritis is also crazy about chasing stars?

Netizen C: I felt sorry for Chen Lijun for a second, and then laughed out of a pig. This scene can be made into a movie, it's called "The Last Leap on the Stage"!

Ambulance becomes the "best supporting role"

At the moment when Chen Lijun fainted, the other actors and staff on the stage reacted quickly. They quickly called the 120 emergency number and notified the theater's security staff. Soon, the ambulance roared and stopped at the entrance of the theater.

Chen Lijun "stage bungee jumping"? Gastroenteritis is also crazy about chasing stars?

The paramedics quickly lifted Chen Lijun into the ambulance and began emergency treatment. In the ambulance, the doctor preliminarily diagnosed that Chen Lijun might be suffering from an acute gastroenteritis attack. The news came as a relief to everyone – although it wasn't a major illness, it needed timely treatment and rest.

Chen Lijun "stage bungee jumping"? Gastroenteritis is also crazy about chasing stars?

Health first, stage second

After emergency treatment and rest by doctors, Chen Lijun's body gradually returned to normal. She took to social media to express her gratitude to her fans and viewers who cared about her, and promised to pay more attention to her physical health in the future.

Chen Lijun "stage bungee jumping"? Gastroenteritis is also crazy about chasing stars?

This incident also aroused everyone's concern about the artist's health. Many people say that while performance on stage is important, the physical health of artists should not be neglected. Only by maintaining a healthy physical condition can we better bring wonderful performances to the audience.

Conclusion: The "Contest" between the Stage and Health

Although Chen Lijun's "last leap on the stage" let us see her persistence and perseverance, it also made us realize that the physical health of artists also needs attention.

Chen Lijun "stage bungee jumping"? Gastroenteritis is also crazy about chasing stars?

While pursuing the perfect performance on stage, we also need to pay attention to the physical health and mental health of the artists. After all, only physical and mental health can bring true artistic charm!