
The French Navy has started building a new generation of aircraft carriers, spending 10 years developing new power systems, which China still does not have

author:Military masters

"Build a new aircraft carrier!" Last month, the French Minister of Defense made a statement.

It can be seen from the contents of the official release that many military factories in France are ready to carry out the manufacture of various accessories.

In addition, major research laboratories have also begun to prepare for a highly focused research state.

The development of an aircraft carrier requires so many forces, so how difficult is it to build an aircraft carrier? To this day, as France, which has the largest military power in the international standing.

Are there any challenges they still face?

The French Navy has started building a new generation of aircraft carriers, spending 10 years developing new power systems, which China still does not have

The long-term research and development of nuclear power systems

France, a country with an international reputation in the field of nuclear energy technology, is facing an unprecedented challenge – developing a completely new nuclear power system for its new generation aircraft carrier, PANG.

This is not only a demonstration of technology, but also an expression of national pride.

After all, it's exciting to have your aircraft carrier sail around the globe without needing to refuel!

However, the technical difficulties and pressures that come with it are also enormous.

First of all, we have to mention that France's accumulation of nuclear power technology began in the middle of the last century, and today it already has a powerful fleet of nuclear submarines.

However, the application of nuclear propulsion systems to larger, more complex aircraft carriers has undoubtedly pushed the technology to a whole new level.

The French Navy has started building a new generation of aircraft carriers, spending 10 years developing new power systems, which China still does not have

Not only does the nuclear power system need to provide high thrust while maintaining extremely high safety standards, but it also needs to be seamlessly integrated with a variety of systems on the carrier, such as radar, carrier-based aircraft operating systems, and weapons systems.

Moreover, any small mistake in nuclear power technology could have catastrophic consequences.

French engineers were faced with the dual challenge of designing a reactor that was both powerful and safe, with extreme care and precision at every step.

In addition, the development of nuclear power systems is not only a technical challenge, but also requires rigorous environmental and safety audits, which require a significant amount of time to test and validate.

The French Navy has started building a new generation of aircraft carriers, spending 10 years developing new power systems, which China still does not have

Compared to other countries, such as the United States, which have been operating steadily for many years, and China is actively developing its own nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, the challenge for France is not only to catch up with existing technology, but also to innovate in some key technological areas.

This uniqueness is reflected in the fact that French engineers are trying to create a more efficient, safe and environmentally friendly nuclear reactor, which is the technological independence and innovation that France seeks to demonstrate on the international stage.

By developing the nuclear power system of the PANG project, France has not only demonstrated its scientific and technological prowess, but also endowed its aircraft carriers with the ability to sustain operations at sea for a long time.

But when it comes to building a PANG carrier, the challenges go far beyond that.

The French Navy has started building a new generation of aircraft carriers, spending 10 years developing new power systems, which China still does not have

The importance and scarcity of specialty steels

In addition to nuclear power systems, every ton of steel is not just a building material, but a key factor in the performance and safety of an aircraft carrier when building an advanced aircraft carrier like PANG.

Special steel plays a pivotal role in the construction of aircraft carriers.

They need to be extremely strong to resist the strong winds and waves in the ocean and maintain their structural integrity in the event of a direct hit.

In addition, these steels must have good corrosion resistance to withstand seawater erosion over time.

However, these daunting requirements are not met by every steel.

The French Navy has started building a new generation of aircraft carriers, spending 10 years developing new power systems, which China still does not have

The production of this special military steel is extremely technically demanding in materials science, requiring precise control and absolute accuracy in the processing process.

For this reason, high-quality specialty steels are a scarce resource worldwide.

What is France doing in this regard? The answer is to strengthen technical cooperation with other countries by strengthening domestic production capacity and strengthening.

France itself is home to some of the world's top steel manufacturing companies, which have long been committed to the development and production of specialty steels.

However, in order to secure the supply of steel for the PANG project, France has not only increased its investment in domestic production capacity, but also established partnerships with top steel companies in other countries to ensure that there are no shortages in terms of quality and quantity.

The French Navy has started building a new generation of aircraft carriers, spending 10 years developing new power systems, which China still does not have

In contrast, there is still a certain gap in the production capacity of military special steel in some other countries in the world.

For example, although some countries have strong capabilities in civilian steel production, they still rely on foreign technology and material imports for high-specification military steel production.

This not only makes them subject to others in the manufacture of military equipment, but also puts them in a disadvantageous position in international competition.

In this way, France not only ensured the smooth progress of the aircraft carrier PANG project, but also demonstrated its competitiveness in the field of global high-end manufacturing.

In conclusion, the use of special steel plays a crucial role in the construction of PANG aircraft carriers.

The French Navy has started building a new generation of aircraft carriers, spending 10 years developing new power systems, which China still does not have

Other technical difficulties and innovative attempts

The development of electromagnetic catapults (EMALS) and arresting cables is also a problem when building a modern aircraft carrier such as PANG, which is not only a technical challenge, but also a great test of fine craftsmanship and innovation.

Electromagnetic catapults use electromagnetic force instead of traditional steam technology to accelerate aircraft take-off from ships.

The introduction of this system has greatly improved the starting efficiency of the carrier-based aircraft, saved valuable onboard space, and reduced the weight of the entire ship.

The French Navy has started building a new generation of aircraft carriers, spending 10 years developing new power systems, which China still does not have

And for the rapid stop of the aircraft after landing, the arresting cable system is also crucial.

This complex rigging system had to be able to safely and accurately capture and slow down a multi-ton aircraft in a very short time.

Each component is designed and manufactured with the utmost precision to ensure its reliability and safety in extreme situations.

In addition to electromagnetic catapults and arresting cables, the construction of modern aircraft carriers involves many areas such as digital control systems, advanced defense systems, and the integration of complex sensors and communication technologies.

The French Navy has started building a new generation of aircraft carriers, spending 10 years developing new power systems, which China still does not have

The integration of each technology requires cross-disciplinary coordination and cooperation, including hull engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, weapons systems and information technology, almost all technical disciplines of modern engineering.

This high level of collaboration requires not only that each project team be cutting-edge in their own area of expertise, but also that they can work closely with other teams to ensure seamless integration of all systems.

For example, the need to match the driving force provided by the nuclear power system with the energy needs of the electromagnetic ejection system, and the data processing capabilities of the information system to support real-time analysis of radar and sensor systems demonstrate the complexity and challenges of modern aircraft carrier construction.

The French Navy has started building a new generation of aircraft carriers, spending 10 years developing new power systems, which China still does not have


In general, the construction of the PANG aircraft carrier is not only a military project, but also a collection of scientific and technological innovations.

The key to its success is the effective integration of multiple high-end technologies and ensuring their stable operation in high-pressure and complex offshore environments, which perfectly reflects the precision and complexity of modern engineering.

I don't know, ten years from now, you will be able to see the PANG aircraft carrier put into service.

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