
Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say


Hello readers! I am not stained with dust, and today I will bring you the topic: why can't many young people save money? After reading my views, everyone is welcome to actively discuss in the comment area! 当然,也希望各位看官用发财的小手给小弟点个免费的关注呀‬。

Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say

Hi! It seems to me that young people can't save money. First of all, the cost of living is large, and it costs money for food, clothing, housing, transportation, entertainment and socialization. Coupled with the large expenditures of housing prices and education, the pressure is huge. Then, nowadays young people are pursuing a quality of life and like to try new things, which also costs money. And then the most important thing is that many young people have not yet formed a stable concept of financial management, and they are prone to impulsive consumption. Therefore, if you want to save money, you must learn to plan, spend rationally, and accumulate slowly.

Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say


Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say


Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say

That's right, there is no shortage of small money, and there seems to be a trench in the middle of the big money, and it is useless to save it.

Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say


Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say


Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say

Enjoy the moment and live for yourself. There is no need to be poisoned by Confucianism, be yourself. Of course, the necessary money still has to be saved, and the pension money must have [flash of inspiration]

Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say


Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say


Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say

To tell the truth, if I am not a relative, suddenly a colleague asked me about the deposit, and I must have said that I have no money, not for anything else, and my wealth will not be exposed.

Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say


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Why can't so many young people save money? Let's see what netizens have to say