
Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman

author:Moe Kami Tree Tree

More than 7 months after the singer Wang Feng announced his divorce, he officially announced his new relationship.

Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman
Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman

Wang Feng posted on Weibo about the time he had been with his new girlfriend and the beginning and end of the divorce, he said that out of the protection of his family, he had chosen to forbear, but now there are more and more rumors and slanders, so he has to come forward to formally respond and clarify.

Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman

Regarding his recent relationship with Internet celebrity Forest North, Wang Feng directly admitted it.

He said that the two met in October last year because of their work. At the end of October last year, it was the day when he and Zhang Ziyi officially announced their divorce, Wang Feng said that he had been divorced for two months at that time, that is to say, when he and Zhang Ziyi officially announced their divorce, he already knew his current girlfriend. However, Wang Feng insisted that he and the woman did not start dating until they had known each other for 4 months.

Wang Feng said frankly: "In the process of acquaintance, I felt her persistent optimism about work and life, saw her integrity and kindness, and we started dating after knowing each other for about four months." ”

A few days ago, the two took their children to dinner and were photographed, and after the photo was exposed, it triggered malicious speculation and distorted facts, Wang Feng also hinted that someone maliciously smeared, saying: "Some people with ulterior motives began to maliciously fabricate and distort facts, and cooperated with the Internet water army, causing a large number of false speculations and attacking us with public opinion." ”

However, Wang Feng also admitted frankly that these malicious public opinions were all aimed at him, and he was very sorry for the harm he brought to his girlfriend.

Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman

In fact, the so-called rumor is that some netizens questioned Wang Feng's cheating on his current girlfriend, and the evidence is that the two had IDs in the same city in July last year, and Wang Feng also vigorously denied this.

and rarely revealed his divorce: "The end of my last marriage was a prudent and responsible decision of our husband and wife at that time, and it had nothing to do with anyone. Before the divorce officially took effect, I did not know Ms. Li Qiao at all. ”

In the end, Wang Feng said that he would no longer choose to tolerate it, and would use legal weapons to protect himself and the people he cared about. And called on the outside world to stop malicious speculation and slander.

Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman
Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman

A few days ago, Wang Feng was photographed by the paparazzi taking a lady to a party with the children on Mother's Day, and then the two left in a car together.

Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman
Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman

She once held hands successfully on a blind date show, fell in love with a male guest and got married, and the two also had a daughter, but later divorced.

Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman

Originally, I came to see this, but in fact, netizens have nothing to gossip about. But then, some netizens found out that Wang Feng will go to Xinjiang frequently in 2023, and the woman was also in Shanghai during Wang Feng's concert, and the woman was found to have liked Wang Feng's Weibo in September.

Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman
Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman
Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman

All kinds of details made some netizens question that the two had known each other for a long time, but now Wang Feng insists that these are slander and rumors, saying that "our IDs were in the same city in July last year, so it means that we were already together at that time" This kind of malicious speculation is pure slander.

Wang Feng officially announced his relationship! admits to being in love with a beautiful Internet celebrity, denies cheating in marriage, and resolutely protects the woman

Since Wang Feng has taken legal measures to defend his rights, the outside world still eats melons rationally. However, the rhythm of Wang Feng's relationship is also surprising to the outside world, there is really no window period.

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