
Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild

Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild

Basketball small vegetables

2024-05-28 11:45Posted in Hebei

Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild

This season, the NBA league is very serious in the replacement of the old and the new, take James, Curry and Durant as examples, James was swept out of the Nuggets in the first round, Durant was also shaved by the powerful Timberwolves in the first round, Curry did not even enter the playoffs this season, it is conceivable that now some young people in the NBA are already challenging the status of Janduku, ready to move, maybe their future achievements will not reach Janduku, but at least at this stage their ability has achieved catch-up. Especially Durant, if the machine wins another championship trophy, then his historical status will be surpassed.

Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild

The Suns did not play well this season, originally they formed a triumvirate of Durant + Booker + Beal, and there were high-quality role players such as O'Neal, Allen and Gordon in the middle of the season, but they were still swept and lost to the Timberwolves by a total of 70 points in four games, which shows the huge gap in strength. originally thought that the Suns were the favorites for the championship, but it turned out to be so stretched, it can be seen that the Suns may not rise in recent years, after all, Durant is already a thirty-year-old man, Booker's ability to lead the team is debatable, and Beal is a playoff softie, which is simply impossible to compete for the final championship. Look at the current Mavericks and Celtics in full swing, the sun really can't do it.

Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild

First, let's talk about Durant. Durant may still be in the top 10 of the league now, but his offensive ability has declined compared to his time with the Warriors and Nets, mainly in terms of scoring explosiveness. Back then, Durant could easily cut down 40+ players, but now he can't, after all, Durant's physical strength has always been bad, and he is 35 years old, so he needs to control his playing time and number of shots. Moreover, Durant is not a superstar with a very strong ability to lead the team, he is like a mercenary, he can give the championship team a charcoal in the snow, and can even save the team in times of crisis, but his ability to lead the team alone is really average, and he needs to be paired with a player with strong ability to lead the team like Paul or James.

Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild

Booker is a player who can't lead the team, his scoring ability is not bad, and it can even be said that he is the league's first-tier scoring ability, the efficiency is very high, and it is easy to score 30+ points, but it's a pity that Booker's goal of promising the team to practice a good organizational ability has not been achieved, he really does not have Paul's overall view, nor Paul's passing and guarding work, super top ball quotient is innate, not acquired.

In my opinion, the Suns shouldn't trade Paul away, what's the use of trading for Bill? Paul can at least average 15 points per game, and if Beal is iron, he can't even score 15 points. The main thing is that Paul can also deliver 10 assists per game, and it is not a problem to connect the team.

Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild

Now the Suns might as well overturn and rebuild, counting on the combination of Booker and Durant is impossible to win the championship, after all, the West is now full of giants, the Mavericks will only get stronger and stronger, the Timberwolves have also reached a very suffocating defensive system, the Nuggets also have championship strength, and they may not be able to play next season's Lakers. It can be seen that trading Durant and Beal is the right move, the Suns need to find a guard with a better overall view, who can be selected through the draft, and then find a type who can eat cakes, plus Booker, a top attacker, so that the Suns will have a future.

Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild

All in all, the current Suns are just a playoff team, they don't have championship competitiveness, it's not that Durant is incapable, it's not that Booker is incapable, it's just that they don't fit together. I also hope that the Suns can match their roster well next season, so why not make a series of big trades?

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  • Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild
  • Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild
  • Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild
  • Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild
  • Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild
  • Lose 70 points! 0-4 out! The championship favourites have quietly fallen, and it's time for you to overturn and rebuild

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