
Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list

Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list

Talk about sports

2024-05-28 22:22Posted in Shandong Sports Creators

For a player in football, his value will fall if he does not perform well in a cycle or as he gets older. And just now, the authoritative data website German Transfer announced the list of Premier League stars whose value has declined. In first place is Bernardo Silva, and the Manchester City attacker is worth 70 million euros this period, which is 10 million euros less than in previous periods. Objectively speaking, the performance of seat B has indeed regressed in the recent stage. Coupled with the increase in age, the shrinkage of the value is also expected, but I didn't expect so much.

Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list

In second place is Arsenal youngster Martinelli, who is currently worth 70 million euros, down 10 million. For a star like Martinelli who is on the rise, the shrinking value is not good news. This means that the player's performance on the pitch in the recent stage has regressed considerably, and Martinelli has indeed been a bit lost at Arsenal this season. The offensive stats have shrunk across the board, which is why he is second on the list. Hopefully he'll be able to adjust soon.

Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list

In third place is Salah, the Egyptian striker's value in this period is 55 million euros, a decrease of 10 million euros compared to the previous period. Objectively, Salah's offensive performance is still good, but with the age, the player's value will also be expected to fall. For the Liverpool star, he may be leaving the top five leagues next, and he should be seen often in the future shrinking value list. In fourth place is Manchester City midfielder Kevin De Bruyne, who is worth €50 million this period, a decrease of €10 million.

Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list

De Bruyne's shrinking value is not due to poor performance on the pitch, but mainly due to injuries and age, which has allowed De Bruyne to reduce his value so much. Previously, many media and fans believed that De Bruyne may usher in a comprehensive regression in performance after the injury. didn't expect him to play better after his comeback, which really didn't surprise the fans. I don't know if Dezhuan will increase his value slightly in the future.

Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list

In fifth place is Brighton prodigy Alex Ferguson, who was valued at €60 million at one point. But this list has shrunk by another 10,000,000, mainly because Ferguson's recent performance has not met expectations. Fans wanted him to be a sensational top talent, but he didn't keep his momentum after showing his talent, which is the reason for his downward value. In sixth place is Chelsea star James, the defender who is worth only €40 million this period, a drop of €10 million.

Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list

In seventh place is Chelsea striker Raheem Sterling, who is now worth only €35 million, down €10 million from the previous period. Raheem Sterling's performance since joining Chelsea has been diligent, but his form and stadium have declined severely. As a result, the German has lowered his value, and it's hard to imagine that he was one of Europe's top wide attackers in previous seasons. In eighth place is Manchester United midfielder Casemiro, who only has 20 million euros left in this period, and his value has shrunk by 10 million. Casemiro's form has declined significantly in the last two seasons, as he has lost his hardness and immediacy on the pitch as he has aged. It was only a matter of time before he left United.

Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list

In ninth place is Villa star Aaron Ramsey, who has shrunk by €7 million to €35 million. Ramsey's performance in the latest period has not been as good as expected, but it is still generally enough in the team. He missed a period of play in between, which was part of the reason why he lowered his value. In 10th place is Fofana, who is currently worth only 25 million euros. The Chelsea star has been plagued by injuries since joining the club and has not played well in the games, so it is no surprise that his value has shrunk by €7 million.

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  • Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list
  • Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list
  • Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list
  • Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list
  • Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list
  • Blood loss of 10 million euros! The Premier League players are on the list of declining values, Salah is third, and Manchester City is on the list

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