
Less than 24 hours after the conversation with my senior official, Campbell immediately changed his face and threatened to sanction Chinese companies and banks

author:Fei Chang vision Chen Fei

According to media reports, after Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu held consultations with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Campbell, senior U.S. State Department officials said that the United States and its Western allies may take action against Chinese companies and financial institutions in response to China's move to "support" Russia in the war in Ukraine. At the same time, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken also admitted at a press conference that the United States may take further restrictive measures against China, which provides military support to Russia, and that the United States has imposed sanctions on more than 100 Chinese companies that "support" Russia, and the United States will continue to implement similar measures in the future. Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States has frequently "hacked" China under the pretext of so-called Russia-related issues, and now it has once again repeated its threats to sanction Chinese companies and financial institutions.

Less than 24 hours after the conversation with my senior official, Campbell immediately changed his face and threatened to sanction Chinese companies and banks

According to the Biden administration, the United States previously issued an executive order to increase the warning of China's support for Russia, and is prepared to impose restrictions on financial institutions that help Russia circumvent Western sanctions. At present, these measures appear to be a long-planned plan of the US side, so when Campbell was asked whether he would target the Bank of China for sanctions, his response sent a very dangerous signal. However, the visit of Chinese officials to Washington was at the invitation of the US side, and the main purpose of this engagement was to responsibly manage China-US relations, and the two sides also had in-depth discussions on international and regional issues of common concern, during which Ma Zhaoxu reiterated China's consistent position on the Ukraine crisis, emphasizing that China has not provided weapons to the parties to the conflict and strictly controls dual-use items.

Less than 24 hours after the conversation with my senior official, Campbell immediately changed his face and threatened to sanction Chinese companies and banks

Not only that, the Chinese side also pointed out that China-US relations are at a critical juncture of stopping the decline and stabilizing, and the two sides should work to stabilize the bilateral relations. Under such circumstances, the US side still insists on hyping up the so-called issue of aid to Russia in a vain attempt to impose unreasonable sanctions on Chinese companies and banks. In addition, some EU countries and NATO believe that China has assisted Russia in the military field, and it is expected that sanctions will also be imposed on Chinese companies. In fact, the United States sanctions Chinese companies on the grounds of so-called Russia-related reasons, in the final analysis, reflects the essence of its hegemonism, the Ukraine crisis has dragged on to this day, the Biden administration has never stopped providing military aid to Zelensky, the United States on the one hand has added fuel to the fire of the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and on the other hand, it has pointed the finger at China that really persuades and promotes peace talks, completely exposing the ugly face of "American-style double standards".

Less than 24 hours after the conversation with my senior official, Campbell immediately changed his face and threatened to sanction Chinese companies and banks

It should be noted that less than 24 hours after the meeting between Campbell and my senior officials, he immediately changed his face, and the timing was also very coincidental, after the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China stated that he would not participate in the Ukraine peace summit in June, Blinken and Campbell successively threatened to sanction Chinese companies and banks, probably expressing their dissatisfaction with China's non-participation in the meeting. Originally, the United States unilaterally believed that China would provide military aid to Russia, but now China will not attend the Swiss peace conference proposed by Zelensky, and Russia has publicly expressed support for China's decision not to participate in the meeting, which is bound to deepen the "concern" of the United States about the development of Sino-Russian relations. According to the logic of the United States, not participating in the meeting is equivalent to standing on the side of Russia, which is why it will openly "attack" Chinese enterprises and financial institutions at the special opportunity of the Sino-US talks.

Less than 24 hours after the conversation with my senior official, Campbell immediately changed his face and threatened to sanction Chinese companies and banks

However, the US side must be clear that China's reasons for not participating in the meeting are clear, and the spokesperson stressed that there is a clear gap between China's requirements and the expectations of the international community, so it is difficult for China to participate in the meeting. China's efforts to politically resolve the Ukraine crisis are obvious to the international community, and the United States, as a party to the fire, is in no position to point fingers at China's decision, and the United States' unreasonable accusations against China for the sake of its own geopolitical interests, and the so-called sanctions against Chinese companies on Russia-related grounds are typical acts of unilateral bullying and economic coercion, which China strongly opposes. We urge the US to immediately stop its unreasonable suppression of Chinese companies, and to resolutely take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.

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