
The World Women's Volleyball League lost to Japan, which should not be lost, and head coach Cai Bin has to bear the greatest responsibility!

author:Blue Rain Star City Entertainment reviews the world


The World Women's Volleyball League lost to Japan, which should not be lost, and head coach Cai Bin has to bear the greatest responsibility!

The Chinese women's volleyball team, no one can lose to Japan.

But under the leadership of Cai Bin, the Chinese women's volleyball team lost to the Japanese women's volleyball team again.

Or in the crucial competition of determining who will make it to the Paris Olympics through world ranking points.

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to the Japanese women's volleyball team, not only did it look bad on the face, but also put itself in a more dangerous situation, this loss, lost 18 points inside and out, and is currently only 7 points ahead of the Japanese women's volleyball team, and then play Thailand and Italy. If it is still in this state today, the future is worrying!

This game is really aggrieved, losing is one thing, and the most infuriating thing is the on-the-spot response and arrangement of head coach Cai Bin! The biggest problem is Cai Bin!

The World Women's Volleyball League lost to Japan, which should not be lost, and head coach Cai Bin has to bear the greatest responsibility!

In the first game, Cai Bin sent his favorite Wang Yunrui again, and the beautiful name Wang Yunrui was stable in one pass, but in the last game against the Netherlands, there were several mistakes in one pass; In the second game against Japan, it was also two one-pass errors as soon as it came up, and two points were directly sent. What kind of stability is this?!

Not only was the pass bad, but the offense didn't get off the ball, and several balls were deducted, all of which were defended by the opponent, and it took only 1 point to get one point in the last game, which was extremely bad!

The World Women's Volleyball League lost to Japan, which should not be lost, and head coach Cai Bin has to bear the greatest responsibility!

In the second game, after replacing Wu Mengjie, the overall attack of the Chinese women's volleyball team was much smoother. With the joint efforts of everyone, this game was pulled back.

In the third game, the Japanese women's volleyball team continued to impact us, and in the middle of the game, Wu Mengjie's pass fluctuated and lost points in a row; But Cai Bin just doesn't change people, in fact, at this time, replacing Zhu Ting can not only stabilize the morale of the army, but also disrupt the rhythm of the opponent, maybe we still have a chance to reverse and counterattack. But Cai Bin is dead and doesn't change people, and a few big brothers can be heard shouting there during the live broadcast: "Change Zhu Ting!" But Cai Bin was unmoved; It wasn't until the second half, when we were six points behind, that Cai Bin replaced Wu Mengjie with Zhang Changning, but it was too late. Cai Bin is really too stubborn! Aren't you looking forward to Zhu Ting's debut? I don't! The main one is a "strong donkey", and the main one is against the fans!

The World Women's Volleyball League lost to Japan, which should not be lost, and head coach Cai Bin has to bear the greatest responsibility!

In the fourth game, being forced to a dead end, Cai Bin let Zhu Ting start, but at this time, the momentum of the Chinese women's volleyball team had been suppressed. Although Zhu Ting scored 2 points in a row as soon as she came up, and scored a total of 6 points in the fourth game, her performance was quite good, but she couldn't stand the Japanese team, and she was completely crazy, and for us we have been forced to a life and death game, so everyone was a little impatient and made many mistakes, which made the Japanese team lead by 7 or 8 points for a while. Only let Zhu Ting play in the fourth game, but in fact, it was the end of the strong crossbow, and the best fighter had already been lost.

Throughout the game, if Cai Bin replaced Wu Mengjie with Zhu Ting in time in the third game and when the Chinese women's volleyball team appeared in the card round, maybe we could win back in the third game, even if we lost, it also laid the foundation for the fourth game; But Cai Bin just doesn't follow the good stream, he just wants to compete, he just wants to push himself to a dead end before sending Zhu Ting to play, giving people the feeling that he is not really for the good of the team, but is angry - don't you just want Zhu Ting to play? I didn't let her play when I should have played the most! Then wait for this energy to pass, and then let her go, and then tell you with the actual results that Zhu Ting is no play!

From another angle, it can also be seen that Cai Bin's pre-game preparation is too inadequate, and the on-the-spot response is very poor.

The layman can see that we played so well in the second game, why did the situation reverse in the third game? It's not because the other party is impacting Wu Mengjie's pass! This point, as a head coach, should be thought of before the game, and make a plan, such as planning before the game: once Wu Mengjie is unstable, she should be replaced by Zhang Changning immediately, or simply replaced by Zhu Ting.

But Cai Bin waited for the opponent to continue to increase the score and the score difference to 6 points, and then replaced Zhang Changning in the second half.

And at that time, the whole stadium was calling the name of "Zhu Ting", as the head coach, didn't he think about taking advantage of the home advantage and mobilizing the atmosphere of the players on the spot? If Zhu Ting is replaced in time in the third game, this is called taking advantage of the trend, and there is a high probability that our side will take advantage of this to rise and reverse the situation, but Cai Bin did the opposite. I can't believe him if he has no selfish intentions; Either that, or his ability to read the game is too poor!

The World Women's Volleyball League lost to Japan, which should not be lost, and head coach Cai Bin has to bear the greatest responsibility!

However, compared to the first game, we also saw some welcome changes:

1. Before this game, Zhu Ting finally warmed up and trained with everyone, it should have been like this a long time ago, the Chinese women's volleyball team is a group, and the head coach should set up such a concept for everyone after Zhu Ting came back: Zhu Ting is back, we are still a family, training, warm-up, and playing games, everyone should be together, neatly and neatly!

2. During the suspension of the game, Zhu Ting also changed the posture of a "bystander" in the first game, but took the initiative to move closer to the main players as before, took the initiative to hand over water and towels, and also took the initiative to explain some experiences to Wang Yunrui one after another. As a veteran player and former captain, Zhu Ting should always play an exemplary role everywhere, take the initiative to integrate into the team, and only by truly putting herself into the collective can she form a strong synergy when she plays.

The World Women's Volleyball League lost to Japan, which should not be lost, and head coach Cai Bin has to bear the greatest responsibility!

Losing to the Japanese women's volleyball team, although it is very hot, Cai Bin has to bear the main responsibility, but I also have to admit that our secondary attack in this game is really not in place in terms of blocking the net, the Japanese women's volleyball team's offensive speed is too fast, our secondary attack basically can't keep up, a lot of smearing and hanging balls, borrowed smashes were hit by the opponent to score.

Except for Li Yingying's 3 service points (she also had 3 service errors), the others basically made no achievements in serving, and they couldn't break the Japanese women's volleyball team's pass, so their offense played so smoothly!

Our personal score in this game:

Li Yingying scored 24 points, in this game, Li Yingying's offense was opened, which was better than the game against the Dutch women's volleyball team.

Yuan Xinyue scored 11 points, which was not as heroic as the first game.

Wu Mengjie 10 points, if Wu Mengjie is used at the beginning, maybe she won't lose in the first game, her offensive success rate is still quite high, but the third game is unstable, resulting in a card round.

Gong Xiangyu scored 9 points, Gong Xiangyu's smash mistakes today were a bit too much, and he didn't play it.

Wang Yuanyuan scored 8 points, which is a pity, Wang Yuanyuan was completely restricted in this game, only 6 points for offense, and only 2 points for blocking the net.

Zhu Ting scored 6 points, scored 6 points in the last game, and played well!

Zhang Changning 2 points.

The World Women's Volleyball League lost to Japan, which should not be lost, and head coach Cai Bin has to bear the greatest responsibility!

After the game, foreign media interviewed Zhu Ting, and Zhu Ting replied in English: We didn't defend today, didn't block the net, didn't attack......

Is it a three-no team? But what Zhu Ting said is also true! Cai Bin should reflect on it!

Foreign media asked: How will you deal with the next matches against Thailand and Italy?

Zhu Ting replied: I don't know, you go and ask the coach.

That's a good answer! doesn't let people go to home, how does Zhu Ting know how to fight next?

There are two more important games ahead, I hope Cai Bin can really open his mind, let go of his personal shackles, clarify the stakes, put the interests of the collective and the country in the most important position, send the strongest lineup, and repay the fans with two victories!

The main attack combination can use Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie, but once Wu Mengjie is unstable, please decisively replace Zhu Ting!

Author: Blue Rain Star City

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