
Douyin e-commerce margin is reduced by up to 90%, and multiple stores are supported with one certificate to help merchants open up a new situation

author:Shanghai Hotline Finance

For a long time, Douyin e-commerce has been a growth home trusted by small and medium-sized merchants and brand merchants. In 2023, the number of merchants settled in Douyin e-commerce will increase by 355%, and GMV will increase by 80% year-on-year. The benign ecology of mutual benefit and symbiosis between the two sides has become an excellent soil for nurturing the miracle of growth.

On May 31, in order to continue to reduce operating costs and help merchants release their "price power", the "new policy to open a store without worry" Douyin e-commerce new business policy conference announced the margin reduction policy, covering nearly 70% of Douyin e-commerce merchants, with a maximum reduction of 90%, and at the same time launched a new policy of opening multiple stores with one certificate, merchants can open multiple stores under a single business entity and reduce the operating costs of multiple stores. On the eve of 618, the "sincerity card" shown by Douyin e-commerce is bound to attract more natural persons and enterprises to start new businesses and capture new growth in Douyin e-commerce.

Douyin e-commerce margin is reduced by up to 90%, and multiple stores are supported with one certificate to help merchants open up a new situation

Margin reduction: up to 90% Good for small and medium-sized businesses

Paying a deposit is an important step for merchants to settle in Douyin e-commerce and start their business dreams. This round of margin price reduction, the category covers nearly 70% of the merchants, and more than 90% of the enterprise category margin reduction ≥ 50%, with the highest reduction of 90%, covering a wide range of categories and a large price reduction, demonstrating the determination to reduce the burden on merchants. Data shows that on Douyin e-commerce, more than 90% of enterprises are small and medium-sized enterprises. The margin reduction saved them real money, especially during the big promotion period when funds were tight, and eased the operating pressure.

Douyin e-commerce margin is reduced by up to 90%, and multiple stores are supported with one certificate to help merchants open up a new situation

It is worth noting that the new and old merchants are subject to the latest margin amount, and the old merchants can refund the corresponding amount according to the new regulations, and the new merchants can eliminate their concerns and settle in "buying the bottom". In addition, most categories can participate in the trial operation of "0 yuan entry", and new merchants do not need to pay a deposit, they can first settle in the platform for trial operation, and then pay the deposit in full to the platform standard.

Open multiple stores with one certificate: multiple stores, multiple tracks, and multiple revenues

Another highlight of the policy upgrade is the opening of multiple stores with one certificate. After mastering the "marketing password", many merchants are not satisfied with a single store, but look forward to multi-store, cross-track, and differentiated operations, looking for the possibility of further surge in traffic. However, the cost of obtaining multiple business licenses is gradually increasing, it is understood that after the reform of the "Company Law", the registered capital of enterprises will be changed from the subscription registration system to the deadline payment system, which means that the registration of new entities must be paid in full within the specified number of years.

The arrival of the policy of "one certificate to open multiple stores" just "quenched the thirst" of these businesses. From now on, merchants can open multiple stores and manage multiple brands or categories under a single business license. Specifically, on the premise of meeting the requirements for the number of corresponding store types, the number of flagship stores (including official flagship stores), specialty stores, franchised stores, and enterprise stores under the same business license shall not exceed 5, and the number of individual stores shall not exceed 3. Opening multiple stores with one certificate greatly reduces the threshold for opening stores and reduces hidden operating costs.

Douyin e-commerce margin is reduced by up to 90%, and multiple stores are supported with one certificate to help merchants open up a new situation

After the implementation of the new policy, merchants can build multiple brands and categories on the basis of their existing supply chain advantages and trading experience, further increase sales and expand their business territory. Of course, the head merchants with strong funds can also directly switch from "individual combat" to "group army operation" mode, and rely on the matrix operation of store groups to achieve a surge in traffic.

In addition, in the process of operation of individual stores and individual stores, there may be a need for individual stores to be upgraded to individual/enterprise stores, and individual stores to be upgraded to enterprise stores. In this regard, Douyin e-commerce has specially optimized the qualification change process to help merchants break through business restrictions.

Attract high-quality merchants to enter the market and make concerted efforts to leverage traffic growth

It can be seen from the new policy of Douyin e-commerce that with the sounding of the 618 horn, the major e-commerce platforms have set off not only a user battle, but also a business battle. Under the background of peak traffic, slowing user growth, and rational consumption, the platform is full of "desire to survive".

Douyin e-commerce margin is reduced by up to 90%, and multiple stores are supported with one certificate to help merchants open up a new situation

Douyin e-commerce, which is based on small and medium-sized enterprises, will take how to lower the threshold, reduce costs, and retain the hearts of merchants as a lifeline research. Previously, in addition to 0 yuan to settle in, 0 fans to enjoy the enterprise account blue V certification, 0 fans to open the e-commerce permission to bring goods, Douyin e-commerce also provides freight insurance support, new business promotion traffic time-limited subsidies, commodity card commission-free rights, up to 1 million yuan 30-day interest-free credit loans and other support policies to help new merchants complete the cold start. The heavy increase in the margin reduction and the policy of opening multiple stores with one certificate will fill the "temptation".

Although the new policy will inject more new vitality into the entire traffic pool, the process of merchants chasing differentiated marketing is also the process of creating a diversified purchase experience for consumers, which is also one of the ways for Douyin e-commerce to seek traffic growth in the era of rational consumption.

In addition, this round of policy upgrade is the implementation of the price power strategy on the merchant side. The so-called low-price competition is not only a test of the ability to reduce prices for a while, but also a test of the comprehensive level of supply chain and operation capabilities. Douyin e-commerce strives to reduce operating costs for merchants, so that merchants can free up their hands and feet to focus on users and cost performance itself.

The arrival of the new policy will be the starting point for exploring new growth and new business opportunities. Enter the official website of Douyin e-commerce investment, open a store for 0 yuan, open multiple stores with one certificate, and work hard for your own business blueprint!