
The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

author:Tintin talks about travel
The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse
The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse


The name of a city is the logo of a city and the business card of a city, and some cities have their names reversed and become the name of another city. Cities with similar names have completely different geographical locations, historical cultures and cultural customs, and the differences and characteristics between them also make people sigh at the diversity and richness of China.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

First, the name is reversed, and it turns out to be such a city

1. Renhuai and Huairen

When it comes to Renhuai, people will naturally think of Moutai, which is the location of Moutai Town and the hometown of Moutai, with a unique geographical environment and climatic conditions, and the Moutai produced has a unique aroma and a long aftertaste, which is famous at home and abroad.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

Similar to Huairen, which is a county-level city in Shanxi, is also an ancient cultural county with a long history, where the summer climate is pleasant, it is a summer resort, and there are unique tourism resources, with the reputation of the national four-A scenic spot, attracting many tourists to come for sightseeing.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

2. Xinyang and Yangxin

Xinyang is located in the south of Henan Province, which is the hometown of Chinese tea, famous for Xinyang Maojian, and Xinyang is also a famous historical and cultural city, with a long history and splendid culture, and is one of the important cities in China.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse
The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

Xinyang hair tip

Yangxin is located in Zibo City, Shandong Province, which is rich in intangible cultural heritage, especially in the performance of folk dances, such as drums and Yangge, which are very distinctive, and every holiday, there will be a variety of cultural activities to attract tourists and citizens to participate.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse
The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

Guzi Song

3. Xi'an and Anxi

As the capital city of Shaanxi, Xi'an has a long history and splendid culture, there are many well-known historical monuments and cultural landscapes, attracting a large number of tourists to visit every year, and Xi'an is also an internationally renowned tourist resort, with a strong historical heritage and cultural atmosphere.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

Located in Gansu Province and now known as Guazhou County, Anxi is a paradise for photographers with its natural beauty, spectacular natural landscapes and unique geological wonders.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

4. Open and seal

Kaifeng is an ancient capital city in Henan Province, where there is a rich history and cultural and scenic spots, such as the White Horse Temple, Daxiangguo Temple, etc., each scenic spot carries a long history and profound cultural connotation, is a historical city.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse
The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse
The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

Located in Guangdong Province, the city is at the junction of the Pearl River Delta and the Southwest, where it is blessed with unique natural scenery and beautiful mountain water resources, and is known as the "Great Garden of the South", attracting many tourists.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

Second, the story behind the name

These cities with similar names have rich historical and cultural and regional characteristics behind them, whether it is Renhuai or Huairen, whether it is Xinyang or Yangxin, or Xi'an and Anxi, these cities have unique charm and characteristics, and such coincidences also add some interesting elements to these cities, which are impressive.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

Each city is unique and cannot be copied and replaced, and the coincidence of these names also makes people sigh at the connection and communication between cities, sometimes, cities with similar names will bring some confusion and misunderstanding, but it is this coincidence that makes people pay more attention to these cities, and are more curious about the stories and legends of these cities.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

The name of a city often becomes a representative of a city, and such a special name also adds some unique colors to these cities, and virtually becomes a business card of these cities, so that more people can walk into these cities, understand these cities, and feel the charm of these cities.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

3. Inspiration and reflection

Although the name is small, it contains a wealth of cultural connotation and historical information, and behind each name, there is a unique history and culture, through the coincidence of such city names, it can also trigger people's conjecture about regional culture, historical heritage and geographical location, and make people pay more attention to everything these cities carry.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

In this era of pluralism, the diversity and richness of places have been fully demonstrated, each place has a unique customs and regional culture, and the coincidence of the names of these cities has also added some interesting elements to the spread and cognition of local characteristics, so that people can better understand and recognize this beautiful oriental country.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

We can get some inspiration from the coincidence of such city names, whether it is a person or a city, it should have its own unique name and characteristics, so that it can be remembered and loved, and I hope that through such coincidences, more people can pay attention to and understand these beautiful cities, and add a force to the development and construction of these cities.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse


Every city has its own story, and the coincidence of these names has also added some unexpected surprises to these cities, let us walk into these cities together, listen to the stories of these cities, feel the charm of these cities, maybe in such coincidences, we can find our own surprises and touches.

The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse
The names of these four pairs of cities in China are the same, but they have become another city in reverse

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