
His father and Lao Jiang were classmates, and Lao Jiang painstakingly selected him as a senior counselor, and he was actually a red agent

author:Coffee History C

On the road of the Chinese revolution, there were many unsung heroes who silently sacrificed everything they had. Some of them, although they were once in the enemy camp, their innocence was always red. The brothers Duan Boyu and Duan Zhongyu are such a special pair of red agents. Their father, a member of the Confederate Society, was a classmate of Chiang Kai-shek, which allowed them to enter the enemy camp and become Chiang Kai-shek's hand-picked senior staff officer. However, their original intentions have never changed. In times of crisis, they made outstanding contributions to the party and the country.

When it comes to the brothers Duan Boyu and Duan Zhongyu, they seem to be a pair of ordinary soldiers, but they are few well-known legends among the red agents in the party. Their father was a member of the League and was an old friend of Chiang Kai-shek, a veteran of the Kuomintang. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the eldest son, Duan Boyu, was arranged by the party organization to infiltrate the Kuomintang. With his father's connection to Chiang Kai-shek, he successfully entered the Army University and was personally appointed by Chiang in 1946 as a senior attendant and staff officer in the presidential palace. At this time, who would have expected that Chiang Kai-shek's favored senior staff officer would be the red agent sent by our party?

His father and Lao Jiang were classmates, and Lao Jiang painstakingly selected him as a senior counselor, and he was actually a red agent

As soon as Duan Boyu took office, he used his authority to serve the party organization. When he learned that the Kuomintang wanted to exterminate the secret of the Dongjiang Column, he plotted to resolve it; When Chief of Staff Wang Qiming led more than 5,000 people to revolt, he delayed for two days to allow Wang Qiming to arrive safely in the liberated areas. Not only that, but he also used his friendship with the Kuomintang generals to successfully rebel against Liu Nongji, Jia Yibin and others, and made significant contributions to the victory of the Liberation War.

And how did Duan Zhongyu cooperate with the party organization? At first, the younger brother was convinced that Chiang Kai-shek could save the country. However, he was completely disappointed to see that Chiang Kai-shek, while negotiating with the Communists, ordered the promulgation of the "Handbook for the Suppression of Bandits". After learning that his brother was a party member, Duan Zhongyu was determined to support the Communist Party. In order to make his brother better lurk, he took the initiative to recommend Duan Boyu to the chief of the guard to enter the attendant room. During his work in the chamber, Duan Zhongyu's house became a place for secret meetings of the party organization, and later he also sent a large number of communication equipment to the liberated areas.

His father and Lao Jiang were classmates, and Lao Jiang painstakingly selected him as a senior counselor, and he was actually a red agent

I have to say that the Duan brothers are indeed heroes who can sing and cry. After Lao Jiang finally discovered the truth, he had to praise them for "ruining the southeast half of their country". Presumably, the stories of a generation of heroes must make us proud, right?

His father and Lao Jiang were classmates, and Lao Jiang painstakingly selected him as a senior counselor, and he was actually a red agent

The brothers Duan Boyu and Duan Zhongyu have been able to successfully lurk for many years under the heavy noses of Kuomintang spies, which is really extraordinary. However, they also have their own element of luck. For example, Duan Boyu was personally appointed by Chiang Kai-shek as a senior staff officer in the presidential palace, and the key was that his father and Lao Chiang were good friends. That's Chiang Kai-shek's most trusted person, and it's not easy to lurk in the inner line.

His father and Lao Jiang were classmates, and Lao Jiang painstakingly selected him as a senior counselor, and he was actually a red agent

You must know that Lao Jiang is strict with the people around him, how can he let the pheasant fly into the sentry post. It is said that when Duan Boyu went to see Jiang, Lao Jiang deliberately examined him and asked him where his father had studied, wanting to see if he was a classmate with him. Fortunately, Duan Boyu's answer was accurate, which made Jiang let down his guard and bring him under his command. From this point, it can be seen that Lao Jiang is indeed extremely protective of the people around him.

His father and Lao Jiang were classmates, and Lao Jiang painstakingly selected him as a senior counselor, and he was actually a red agent

However, although Duan Boyu relied on a lot of luck to sneak into the Jiang family's compound back then, his subsequent actions were not ambiguous at all, and he could be described as extremely brave. Don't look at him as just an attendant staff officer, he actually has countless military secrets at hand. For example, the marching route of the Dongjiang Column, the information about Wang Qiming's uprising, etc., are all top secrets in the army, and if they are easily leaked, they will have to be hanged. However, Duan Boyu was not chaotic in the face of danger, and he always designed well, ensuring that our army could turn things around at a critical moment. It's just an unborn strategist and fierce general!

His father and Lao Jiang were classmates, and Lao Jiang painstakingly selected him as a senior counselor, and he was actually a red agent

At the same time, Duan Zhongyu, the youngest son, also did his best to serve the party organization. His home became a secret meeting room of the party organization in Shanghai, and later a large amount of communication equipment was continuously transported to the liberated areas. It can be said that the two brothers have made outstanding contributions to the party organization in two important positions, how can it not be admired? It is really worthy of being born in a revolutionary family, and the red gene is rooted in the heart, so he will be so brave and fearless, and he will regard death as home#头条首发大赛! #