
Carlo Ancelotti and Pep Guardiola, who is the "One Religion of the World"?

Carlo Ancelotti and Pep Guardiola, who is the "One Religion of the World"?

Jimu News

2024-06-02 22:32Published on the official account of Hubei Chutian Metropolis Daily

Jimu News reporter Deng Pengwei

On June 2, Beijing time, the Champions League final was played between Real Madrid and Dort, and in the end, Real Madrid had the last laugh 2:0 and ushered in the club's 15th Champions League championship trophy.

Carlo Ancelotti and Pep Guardiola, who is the "One Religion of the World"?

Real Madrid players toss coach Carlo Ancelotti after the game (Photo source: Xinhua News Agency)

The 64-year-old Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti once again stepped onto the altar, leading the team to 6 finals and 5 championships, with a winning rate of more than 83% in the final, ranking first in history in the number of cups.

Carlo Ancelotti's five Champions League titles are: AC Milan in 2002-03, AC Milan in 2006-07, Real Madrid in 2013-2014, Real Madrid in 2021-22 and Real Madrid in 2023-24. At the Champions League level, he is the current "Shiyi Sect".

Speaking of "Shiyi Religion", we have to mention Pep Guardiola. In the just-concluded Premier League, he led Manchester City to four consecutive Premier League titles, a feat that Ferguson and Arsene Wenger failed to achieve. Moreover, his 38 trophies are unmatched.

So who is the "one religion" between Ancelotti and Guardiola?

When Ancelotti re-entered Real Madrid, it was the time for Real Madrid to renew, with the departure of a group of meritorious players such as Ronaldo and Benzema, Real Madrid had to rely on Vinicius, Rodrygo and other players around 20 years old to play the world, in terms of strength, this group of players is far from reaching the level of Benzema back then, but it is relying on these people that Ancelotti has won the Champions League twice, and he also beat Barcelona to win the championship in the league.

At least when it comes to developing young players, Ancelotti is not much better.

Another point is that Ancelotti is the only one who has won the five major league titles today.

Compared with Ancelotti, Guardiola's "wind review" is not so good, and many fans criticize it: Guardiola is bringing top giants, and it is impossible to say that he does not win the championship!

Indeed, in his current managerial career, Guardiola has only spent time at three clubs, namely Barcelona, Bayern Munich and Manchester City (Barça B is just a preparation before his debut), and these three clubs are currently the top clubs in Europe. Although fans criticized Guardiola's abundant resources, it has to be admitted that Guardiola has brought too many accolades to these three clubs, as evidenced by the 38 trophies.

In particular, Guardiola's reputation has reached its zenith, with four consecutive Premier League titles and last season's first Champions League trophy for Manchester City.

Carlo Ancelotti had said before the Champions League final, "After winning the Champions League one more time, I will probably retire at Real Madrid. This means that Carlo Ancelotti could retire or coach other clubs and push his limits. If he really leaves Real Madrid, Ancelotti will not lack the opportunity to coach, and at that time, let's discuss who is the current "Shiyi Sect".

(Source: Jimu News)

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  • Carlo Ancelotti and Pep Guardiola, who is the "One Religion of the World"?

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