
Shi Yujiang went deep into the new town to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

author:Fence Meltant

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 27, Shi Yujiang, secretary of the county party committee, went deep into the new town to visit some old party members and party members in difficulty before the founding of New China, sent condolences and condolences to the old party members of the county, and extended cordial greetings and high respect to the old party members in the county. Li Xiaomei, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and head of the organization department, and heads of relevant departments such as the county party committee office attended the visit.

Shi Yujiang went deep into the new town to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

In Zuojiawan Village, Shi Yujiang went to the home of Zhao Anmin, a 75-year-old veteran party member who had been a member of the Communist Party of China for 75 years, and cordially inquired about his physical condition and family life. He hoped that the elderly would take care of their health, strengthen their confidence, treat life positively and optimistically, and report to the party organization in time if they have difficulties. Town and village cadres should take more care of their lives and spirits, always keep their well-being in mind, create better conditions for them to enjoy their old age, and let them share more high-quality development results. In the Xinghe community where the old party members lived, Shi Yujiang also put forward relevant opinions and suggestions on the infrastructure construction of the community.

Shi Yujiang went deep into the new town to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

At the home of Bai Yinhong, a party member in Qingnan Village who had difficulties in living due to a serious illness, Shi Yujiang had a cordial conversation with his family, showed concern for their thoughts and lives, learned in detail about their family situation, physical condition, and children's current employment situation, listened carefully to their difficulties and aspirations, and encouraged them to strengthen their confidence, have the courage to face difficulties, and with the help and support of the party and the government, they will definitely tide over the difficulties. Relevant departments, town and village cadres are required to continue to implement various assistance policies, help solve practical difficulties in employment, medical care and other aspects in a timely manner, give more care in spirit, and give more help in life, so that poor party members can truly have a guaranteed life and implement policies, get rid of difficulties as soon as possible, and live a happy and healthy life.

Text/Zhang Wenxuan Photo/Ma Xueni

Shi Yujiang went deep into the new town to carry out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities

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