
In this life, live as you like! (In-depth article)

author:Kogetsu Seishin 1376


In this life, live as you like! (In-depth article)

What is a person's best state?

It should be a good temper, a stable mentality, no one who belongs to, no one owns, not afraid of losing, not afraid of offending, able to withstand wind and waves, and able to withstand lies. Look down, look away, keep yourself to yourself, and return others to others. Although his face is full of stories, he doesn't see wind and frost on his face, he doesn't envy or ridicule, he just works hard quietly, swallows grievances, feeds the big picture, and lives like his favorite.

After all, everyone's life is finite, and just a few decades are not worth wasting. Living is not for the sake of pleasing others, but for oneself to see.

In this life, live as you like! (In-depth article)


Know how to turn the page in time

Rabindranath Tagore said: If you weep over the loss of the sun, then you will also lose the stars.

Turning the page in time is to clean up the dust in your heart. Only by clearing yourself to zero can you stand at the starting point again, can you have space to accommodate the happiness of the present and the future, and can you catch up with the starry sky after missing the "sun".

The reason why the spring will bounce too violently is nothing more than the pressure lifting too quickly. If you hold on to the spring and slowly move it away, the spring will change back to its original shape, but it will not hurt you. If you push too hard and move away quickly, it may hurt you. Therefore, when you are full of negative emotions in your heart, instead of slowly releasing them bit by bit, but venting them violently and roughly, you will only hurt yourself more deeply.

Just like Zeng Guofan said: "Things come to conform, and the past is not in love." ”

Say goodbye to the past, turn the page in time, let go in time when you should put down, give peace to the soul, and give life a picture of peace and tranquility. After all, mental internal friction, to put it bluntly, there are too many dramas in his heart, and before he speaks, the result has been performed thousands of times; The body has not moved, and the heart has passed the ten thousand mountains; If the line is unsuccessful, the illusion of suffering is not fulfilled; It's over, and the past is still playing out in my head.

Life is short for decades, learn to turn the page, and reconcile with yourself. Because, the only one who does not give up and lingers on the pain is himself.

In this life, live as you like! (In-depth article)


Be true to yourself

Yi Nengjing once generously responded to netizens' complaints: "Women have different beauty at different stages, I don't want to hide anything, I like my 55-year-old, and I also hope that all girls like your own present and future." ”

In life, we often do this:

was misunderstood by a friend and silently swallowed his grievances; was embarrassed by his boss, so he could only remain silent.

However, life is one's own, so why should you satisfy the desires of others to wronged yourself? When you cry, no one will wipe away your tears for you, and some people will see you crying; You are tired, no one feels sorry for your suffering, and some are the ones who urge you to continue to improve. In that case, why not be your truest self in your heart!

In the past, I always felt that I didn't look good, and I didn't look good in clothes, so I always felt inferior. I felt like they were laughing at me for what people said, so much so that I didn't dare to go in front of people for a long time. It wasn't until I graduated that I joined the workforce, my career gradually got better and better, I traveled more places, met a lot of people, and I found that I was not bad, and some people were very envious of my personality behavior.

When a friend asked me, "If you could go back in time, what would you most like to say to yourself at that time?" ”

I thought about it and said, "Love yourself well, don't care so much about your figure, don't be swayed by other people's evaluations." ”

In this life, live as you like! (In-depth article)


For the rest of your life, live as you like

Some people say that our lives don't exist to please others. In this life, we live for ourselves.

You don't have to give up for the sake of other people's liking.

You don't have to convince yourself to work hard for the benefit of others.

If you are wronged, say it out loud, and you don't need to hide it.

When you are sad, you cry out loud and don't care about the eyes of others.

When I was very tired, I told myself to rest, and I didn't need to rush to make myself miserable.

Because, no matter how hard a person works, there are always people who are dissatisfied with you and pick and choose your life, so it is better to make yourself satisfied. It's not easy for you to come to the world, you don't have to live like others, and you can't live like others.

If you like it, you can pay attention to it, life is not long, you have to try to live as you want, so as to live up to yourself.

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