
The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Lao Li, your blood lipids are a little high." Uncle Li looked at the physical examination report in his hand and secretly complained in his heart. Uncle Li, 58 years old this year, has been a carpenter all his life, and his craftsmanship is not to be said, but this body is really worrying.

Hearing that this high blood cholesterol is not a joke, Uncle Li beat a drum in his heart. So he inquired around, and finally heard his neighbor Aunt Wang say that purple rice can lower blood lipids. Aunt Wang is a health expert in the community, Uncle Li was convinced of her words, and hurriedly went to the market to buy a few catties of purple rice, and since then he has used purple rice instead of rice for dinner every day.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

After eating for a while, Uncle Li felt that his body seemed to be a lot easier, so he decided to go to the hospital for a follow-up examination to see what had changed. The doctor took Uncle Li's physical examination report, looked at it carefully, nodded and said, "Lao Li, your blood lipids have indeed dropped a lot." ”

It turns out that purple rice is not only beautiful in color, but also super nutritious. It contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can effectively help lower blood lipids. Dietary fiber binds cholesterol and helps the body to excrete it, thereby reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Adequate daily intake of dietary fiber can reduce total cholesterol by 5% to 10%.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

In addition, purple rice is also very rich in antioxidants, especially anthocyanins. These antioxidants can neutralize free radicals in the body and reduce oxidative stress, thereby protecting blood vessels and reducing the occurrence of atherosclerosis, and anthocyanins can reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) by 9% to 15%.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

The magnesium content in purple rice is also not negligible, as magnesium is a very important mineral for the human body and is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions, including regulating blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and nerve function.

Adequate magnesium intake can help maintain the normal function of blood vessels and prevent high blood pressure and heart disease. Increased magnesium intake was significantly associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, with a 100 mg daily increase in magnesium intake associated with a 22% reduction in cardiovascular disease risk.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

Of course, purple rice is also rich in B vitamins, which play an important role in energy metabolism and nervous system health. In particular, vitamin B3 (niacin), which can help lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, can also raise high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, and niacin supplementation can increase HDL-C levels by 20% to 35%.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

Not only that, but the protein content in purple rice is also higher than that of regular white rice. Protein is the basic component of human tissues and is involved in almost all physiological activities in the body.

Adequate protein intake can help repair damaged tissues, boost immunity, and preserve muscle mass, especially in the elderly population. A daily intake of 1.2 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight in older adults can significantly improve health and reduce the risk of disease.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

When Uncle Li heard the doctor say this, his heart blossomed, and he felt that this purple rice was really a good thing. In fact, purple rice is not only good for blood lipids, but also has many benefits for overall health.

Purple rice has a high antioxidant capacity, which is very helpful in anti-aging. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals in the body and reduce cell damage, thereby slowing down the aging process. The anthocyanins in purple rice are 30 times higher than the antioxidants in ordinary rice, and the antioxidant capacity is several times higher than that of other rice.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

The abundance of minerals and vitamins in purple rice is also helpful in preventing chronic diseases. For example, purple rice is rich in potassium, a mineral that regulates the body's water and electrolyte balance and supports normal heart function. Increased potassium intake was significantly associated with a reduced risk of hypertension, and a 1000 mg daily increase in potassium intake was associated with a 10% reduction in the risk of hypertension.

In addition, the dietary fiber in purple rice is not only good for blood lipids, but also promotes digestive health. Dietary fiber can increase stool volume, promote intestinal peristalsis, and prevent constipation. At the same time, dietary fiber can also be used as a prebiotic to promote the growth of intestinal probiotics and maintain the balance of intestinal microecology.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

Increased dietary fiber intake was significantly associated with a reduced risk of digestive disorders, and a 10-gram increase in dietary fiber intake per day was associated with a 15% reduction in colon cancer risk. Purple rice is also an advantage due to its low glycemic index, which is an indicator of the effect of food on blood sugar, and foods with a low glycemic index can help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.

The glycemic index of purple rice is much lower than that of ordinary white rice, and a low glycemic index diet can significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, and daily consumption of low glycemic index foods can reduce the risk of diabetes by 20%.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

In addition, the dietary fiber in purple rice also has a very important role, that is, as a prebiotic, to promote the growth of probiotics in the intestines. Probiotics are good bacteria in the gut, they can help digest food, synthesize vitamins, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, and maintain the balance of intestinal microecology.

The health of probiotics has a profound impact on the overall health of the body, probiotics can boost immunity, reduce the risk of infections and allergies, and can also improve mood and cognitive function by regulating the gut-brain axis. Uncle Li thought that he was sometimes a little depressed, and felt that this purple rice was really a baby, which could not only lower blood lipids, but also make him feel better.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

Uncle Li listened to the doctor's lecture and felt that he was really lucky to choose the right food. The doctor finally advised: "Lao Li, although purple rice has so many health benefits, we must also pay attention to a balanced diet, not just eat one food, eat more vegetables and fruits, and maintain a moderate amount of exercise, in order to improve the overall health level." ”

So, Uncle Li returned home and continued to eat purple rice every day, while also starting to pay attention to other healthy lifestyle habits. He not only insisted on walking every day, but also learned to do some simple aerobics, and his life became more and more regular, and his physical condition was getting better and better.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

After eating purple rice for such a period of time, there are really so many benefits, it is simply a godsend. But how can things in this world be so simple? As the doctor said, health is not just about what you eat, but also depends on the accumulation of daily bits and pieces.

Choosing the right foods and lifestyle can have a positive impact on your health. As a food with high nutritional value, purple rice does have many benefits, but it cannot be relied on too much, only on the basis of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, can we really achieve the effect of preventing and improving diseases, pay attention to health, choose a lifestyle that suits you, and make life better.

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

What do you think about purple rice as a substitute for rice? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?


[1] Chen Shuangshuang. The Effect of Dietary Structure on the Health of the Elderly in China, Journal of Shandong Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2016-09-15

The 58-year-old uncle was found to have high blood lipids and insisted on replacing rice with purple rice, what is the difference in going to the hospital for a reexamination?

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