
Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Oh my God, can soy milk cause kidney failure?" Li Daming looked at the cup of steaming soy milk in his hand, and suddenly felt that the sky was dark. He is an ordinary office worker, busy with work every day, and always likes to buy a cup of soy milk for breakfast on the side of the road in the morning when he is in a hurry to catch the subway.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Today, he heard that eating soy products can cause kidney failure, so he was so frightened that he quickly called his friend Dr. Wang. Dr. Wang is an internist with extensive experience working in tertiary hospitals. As soon as Daming's phone call came, Dr. Wang immediately understood the seriousness of the problem. So, he decided to explain to Daming in detail the relationship between soy products and kidney health.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Dr. Wang told Daming that soy products do not cause kidney failure. In fact, soy products are very nutritious foods, rich in high-quality proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Many people are worried that the purines in soy products will be harmful to the kidneys, but in fact, purines are mainly found in animal offal, seafood and some meats, and the purine content in soy products is relatively low, which is not enough to pose a serious threat to healthy kidneys.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Dr Ong emphasises that kidney health is closely related to diet, but the key is balance and moderation. Although soy products are good, it does not mean that they can be eaten in unlimited amounts.

Excessive intake of any food can have a negative impact on the body, especially for people who already have kidney disease, and need to pay more attention to the structure of the diet and nutritional balance. Dr. Wang explained in detail several vegetables that may be bad for the kidneys and advised him to reduce them in moderation in his daily diet.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Spinach is rich in oxalic acid, which can combine with calcium in the body to form calcium oxalate stones, which is not good for kidney health. Calcium oxalate stones are a type of kidney stone, which may cause urinary tract obstruction and affect kidney function in severe cases.

Spinach contains 970 mg of oxalic acid per 100 grams, which is relatively high among vegetables. If you eat a lot of spinach every day, your kidneys may not be able to excrete these oxalic acids from your body in a timely manner, which can increase your risk of kidney stones in the long run.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Although amaranth is rich in iron and vitamin K, it is not low in oxalic acid. Similar to spinach, the oxalic acid in amaranth is also prone to the formation of stones in the body, especially for those who have already experienced a decline in kidney function.

In addition, the oxalic acid in amaranth can also affect the absorption of calcium and magnesium, and long-term consumption of large amounts may lead to an imbalance of minerals in the body, which can adversely affect kidney function.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Bean sprouts are rich in protein and vitamins, but they are also high in purines. After purines are metabolized in the body, uric acid will be produced, and too high uric acid may cause gout, and in severe cases, uric acid crystals will be formed, which will be deposited in the kidneys and cause stones.

The total daily intake of purines in adults should be controlled below 400 mg, and the purine content in 100 grams of bean sprouts is about 75-100 mg, so moderate consumption is key.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Asparagus is a nutritious vegetable that contains a lot of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, asparagus also contains a certain amount of oxalic acid and purines, which will not cause much of a problem for people with normal kidney function.

However, for those with renal insufficiency or uric acid metabolism problems, these components in asparagus may increase the burden on the kidneys and increase the risk of kidney stones and gout.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Although choy sum has a crisp taste and is rich in nutrients, the oxalic acid content in it cannot be ignored. In particular, the calcium oxalate content in cabbage sum is high, and long-term large intake may lead to the formation of calcium oxalate crystals in the body, which in turn affects kidney health. The oxalic acid content in cabbage is about 550 mg per 100 grams, and excessive consumption may also increase the risk of kidney stones.

Dr Ong also added that maintaining kidney health is not just about avoiding certain foods, but more importantly about developing good lifestyle habits. Drinking enough water helps the kidneys to flush out metabolic waste products from the body, and the recommended daily water intake is 1500-2000 ml.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Avoiding a diet high in salt and oil can reduce the burden on the kidneys. A high-salt diet can lead to water and sodium retention in the body, raising blood pressure and putting stress on the kidneys. A high-oil, high-fat diet can easily lead to obesity, which is closely related to chronic kidney disease.

In addition, Dr. Wong specifically mentioned that moderate exercise also has a positive effect on kidney health. Regular exercise can promote blood circulation throughout the body, enhance heart and lung function, and help the kidneys filter waste products from the blood more efficiently. At the same time, exercise can also help control weight and reduce the negative effects of obesity on the kidneys.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Soy products by themselves do not cause kidney failure, but eating a balanced diet and eating in moderation is key to keeping your kidneys healthy. For some people whose kidney function is already impaired or have related diseases, it is especially important to pay attention to food choices and intake. Maintaining a good diet, exercising moderately, and drinking enough water in your daily life are all beneficial to kidney health.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Li Daming listened to Dr. Wang's explanation and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He understands that soy products do not directly cause kidney failure, and as long as you eat a balanced diet and pay attention to your intake, you don't need to worry too much. A question popped into his mind: since soy products themselves do not cause kidney failure, why is there such a statement?

Dr. Wang patiently explained that sometimes, people's misconceptions about certain foods come from over-interpretation and one-sided information dissemination. Many times, some seemingly harmful ingredients are actually beneficial to the body in a reasonable diet.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Soy products are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Unsaturated fatty acids can help lower levels of LDL cholesterol, the "bad" cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. It can be seen that soy products are not a flood beast, but an important part of a healthy diet.

Dr. Wang also mentioned the issue of a high-protein diet. Although protein is an essential nutrient for the human body, excessive intake is also bad for the kidneys. Excessive protein intake increases the metabolic burden on the kidneys and accelerates the damage to kidney function.

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

Especially for those who have pre-existing renal insufficiency, it is even more important to strictly control protein intake. From that day on, he began to pay more attention to his diet, maintain good lifestyle habits, and take responsibility for his own health.

What do you think about soy products? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes


[1] Li Cunfeng. An Analysis of Dietary Nutrition and Health of the Elderly, Food Safety Guide, 2024-04-05

Are soy products the "hair product" of kidney failure? Doctor reminds: If you want kidney health, eat less of these dishes

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