
A 57-year-old man eats noodles and loves raw garlic, and after a physical examination half a year later, the doctor is puzzled: What are you usually eating?

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Your hands are shaking abnormally." While looking through the physical examination report, the doctor raised his head and said to Lao Li.

Lao Li, a 57-year-old bus driver, recently noticed that his hands were shaking from time to time, which frightened him.

Especially when driving, his hands trembled so badly that he was nervous.

A 57-year-old man eats noodles and loves raw garlic, and after a physical examination half a year later, the doctor is puzzled: What are you usually eating?

So, he decided to go to the hospital for a full check-up.

"Doctor, I'm not going to be Parkinson's, am I?" Lao Li asked nervously.

The doctor smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry, it's not Parkinson's.

However, your report shows that your cholesterol and blood lipid levels are very normal, even a little low. ”

He showed a look of confusion, "What are you usually eating?" ”

Lao Li scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly: "I usually like to eat noodles, and I like to put some raw garlic every time, I think it tastes good." ”

A 57-year-old man eats noodles and loves raw garlic, and after a physical examination half a year later, the doctor is puzzled: What are you usually eating?

When the doctor heard this, his eyes lit up, "It turned out to be raw garlic!" No wonder your metrics are so good. ”

It turned out that Lao Li had developed the habit of eating noodles since he was young, and every time he ate noodles, he would add a few cloves of raw garlic.

He always thought it was a way to add flavor, but he didn't expect this habit to help his health so much.

The doctor went on to explain: "There are many benefits of raw garlic.

First of all, raw garlic contains a substance called allicin, which has a strong antibacterial and antiviral effect and can help boost immunity.

Secondly, allicin also helps lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease. ”

A 57-year-old man eats noodles and loves raw garlic, and after a physical examination half a year later, the doctor is puzzled: What are you usually eating?

To make Lao Li more clear, the doctor gave a few examples: "One study showed that people who ate two cloves of raw garlic a day had a 9% reduction in cholesterol levels, and blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure also improved significantly.

Another patient had been suffering from high cholesterol for a long time, but after insisting on eating raw garlic every day for three months, his cholesterol level returned to normal. ”

Lao Li was dumbfounded when he heard this, it turned out that the few cloves of raw garlic he added casually had so many benefits.

He had never thought of that before.

The doctor continued, "Not only that, but raw garlic is also rich in antioxidants, which can help remove free radicals from the body and slow down the aging process.

Studies have also found that people who eat raw garlic regularly also have a significantly lower risk of certain cancers, such as stomach cancer and colorectal cancer. ”

A 57-year-old man eats noodles and loves raw garlic, and after a physical examination half a year later, the doctor is puzzled: What are you usually eating?

Hearing this, Lao Li was even more overjoyed, "It seems that my habit of eating raw garlic is really a treasure." ”

The doctor smiled: "It's true, but you should also pay attention to the appropriate amount, after all, garlic has a strong flavor, and eating too much may irritate the stomach." ”

Lao Li nodded, and his heart blossomed, it turned out that his eating habits over the years were not only fine, but also beneficial to his health.

He decided to continue this habit after he went back, and also told his friends around him, so that everyone could enjoy this "health secret" too.

After returning home, Lao Li told his wife about today's discovery, and his wife was also surprised, "What you said is true?" ”

Lao Li smiled: "Of course it's true, the doctors have said that raw garlic has many benefits." ”

A 57-year-old man eats noodles and loves raw garlic, and after a physical examination half a year later, the doctor is puzzled: What are you usually eating?

In order to let the family also enjoy the benefits of raw garlic, Lao Li also specially checked some information about raw garlic and found that raw garlic can not only be eaten directly, but also can be paired with various dishes, such as garlic shrimp, garlic pork ribs, etc., which are delicious and healthy.

However, Lao Li still has a question in his heart, if raw garlic is so good, is it better to eat a few more cloves every day?

With this question, Lao Li came to the hospital again, and the doctor explained to him in detail the intake of raw garlic.

"Raw garlic is good, but it shouldn't be excessive. Eating 2-3 petals a day is sufficient, and excessive consumption may cause irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, especially for people with stomach ulcers or excess stomach acid. The doctor explained.

The doctor continued: "Also, eating raw garlic on an empty stomach may cause stomach upset, and it is best to consume it after a meal.

In addition, the taste of raw garlic is strong, some people may not be able to accept it, you can try to cut it into small pieces and mix it with food to eat together, so that you can enjoy the benefits of raw garlic without being too strong. ”

A 57-year-old man eats noodles and loves raw garlic, and after a physical examination half a year later, the doctor is puzzled: What are you usually eating?

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Lao Li was completely relieved.

He decided to insist on eating raw garlic in moderation every day, and at the same time, he should also pay attention to the diversity of his diet and not eat partially.

As a result, Lao Li became the "health ambassador" of the community, and he conveyed the benefits of raw garlic to everyone, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, reasonable intake of raw garlic and maintaining healthy living habits.

His friends also joined in the ranks of healthy eating, and everyone made garlic food together and exchanged experiences of eating raw garlic.

However, Lao Li still has an unsolved mystery in his heart: what ingredients are working in raw garlic? How do they affect our health?

Lao Li consulted the doctor again, and the doctor explained in detail the composition and mechanism of action of raw garlic.

A 57-year-old man eats noodles and loves raw garlic, and after a physical examination half a year later, the doctor is puzzled: What are you usually eating?

"The main active ingredient in raw garlic is allicin, which is produced by the reaction of alliin and allyl enzymes when garlic cloves are cut or crushed.

Allicin has strong antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects that can help prevent and treat a wide range of infections. The doctor said.

The doctor went on to explain: "In addition, allicin lowers cholesterol levels, inhibits low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation, and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

It also has an antithrombotic effect and may prevent cardiovascular disease.

Studies have shown that allicin also promotes blood circulation, improves microcirculation, and helps lower blood pressure. ”

"In addition to allicin, raw garlic is also rich in antioxidants, such as selenium and vitamin C, which can neutralize free radicals in the body, reduce oxidative stress and delay the aging process," the doctor added.

The polyphenols in raw garlic also have anti-inflammatory effects and can alleviate chronic inflammation. ”

After listening to the doctor's detailed explanation, Lao Li thoroughly understood the magic of raw garlic.

He not only strictly controls the intake of raw garlic himself, but also continues to spread scientific health knowledge to the people around him.

In the community, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to their eating habits, consume raw garlic reasonably, and live a healthier life.

As a result, Lao Li not only successfully managed his health problems, but also became a "leader" in the healthy life of the community.

His story also teaches us that a healthy lifestyle, starting with every meal choice and paying attention to details, can lead to long-term health.

A 57-year-old man eats noodles and loves raw garlic, and after a physical examination half a year later, the doctor is puzzled: What are you usually eating?

However, Lao Li still has an unsolved question: raw garlic is so good, so do other garlic products, such as cooked garlic, garlic powder, and black garlic, have the same effect? How should I choose and use these products?

Again, the doctor explained in detail the difference between garlic products and how to use them.

"During the cooking process of cooked garlic, the allicin will be partially destroyed, although it still has a certain nutritional value, but the effect is not as good as raw garlic.

Garlic powder is a powder made by drying garlic and grinding, although it retains some allicin, but the effect is not as good as fresh raw garlic.

Black garlic is a product obtained by fermenting raw garlic, which has a milder taste and a change in nutrient content, but its antioxidant capacity is enhanced. The doctor said.

Doctor advises: "If you want to maximize the health benefits of garlic, it's best to choose fresh raw garlic and consume it daily in moderation.

At the same time, other garlic products can also be used as dietary supplements, but they cannot completely replace the role of raw garlic. ”

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Lao Li not only strictly controlled the intake of raw garlic, but also continued to spread scientific health knowledge to the people around him.

In the community, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to their eating habits, consume raw garlic reasonably, and live a healthier life.

Lao Li's story also makes us realize that a healthy lifestyle needs to start from every small detail and pay attention to diet in order to have long-term health.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Huang Linlin. Potential Possibility of Developing Anticancer Drugs from Garlic Organosulfur Compounds, Herald of Medicine, 2012-11-01

A 57-year-old man eats noodles and loves raw garlic, and after a physical examination half a year later, the doctor is puzzled: What are you usually eating?