
If you masturbate frequently, you may want to try #ShareHealthKnowledge

author:Cheng Medical Society Dr. Ma

In modern society, people are paying more and more attention to their health, and sexual health, as an important part of it, has also received more and more attention; Today, we're going to talk about a topic that may be overlooked by many people, but it's really worth paying attention to: frequent masturbation;

Let's be clear, masturbation is not a bad thing in itself, it is a natural sexual practice that helps people understand their sexual needs and physical responses; However, frequent masturbation may bring some health problems, such as mental anxiety, physical fatigue, etc.;

If you masturbate frequently, you may want to try #ShareHealthKnowledge

I have compiled three questions from fans and friends who are particularly concerned about this to give you a reply:

Question 1: What are the effects of frequent masturbation on the body?

Frequent masturbation may lead to some physical problems, such as fatigue, lack of concentration, and even affect the health of the reproductive system. However, each person's physique is different, and the degree of influence will also be different;

Solution: First of all, recognize that masturbation is a normal sexual behavior and do not need to be overly anxious; Second, try to reduce the frequency and set yourself a reasonable goal; Finally, maintain a healthy lifestyle, such as a regular sleep schedule, a balanced diet, and moderate exercise.

Question 2: How can you tell if you are masturbating excessively?

To judge whether masturbation is excessive, the following aspects can be considered: whether it affects daily life, whether it feels unwell, whether it affects emotional state, etc.;

Note: If you find yourself feeling guilty, anxious, or unwell after masturbating, you may need to adjust your behavior;

Question 3: Are there any health tips that can help improve this condition?

Both Chinese and Western medicine have a lot of health advice that can help improve physical condition;

If you masturbate frequently, you may want to try #ShareHealthKnowledge

Solution: In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, you can try some food remedies that regulate the body; For example, wolfberry and yam are good ingredients for tonifying the kidney, which can enhance physical strength and improve fatigue; The preparation method is simple, you can boil goji berries and yams together and drink them, or add them to your daily diet;

What advice do you have for different groups of people?

It is very important for teenagers to understand sexual knowledge and establish correct sexual concepts; For adults, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a good mental state is key; For older people, maintaining a moderate sex life can contribute to physical and mental health;

Give some suitable health advice

In addition to the aforementioned wolfberry yam recipes, you can also try some other TCM recipes, such as:

Eight Treasure Porridge: Made from a variety of grains and legumes, it is nutritious and helps to strengthen physical fitness; Schisandra Tea: Schisandra has a calming effect and can help improve sleep quality;

If you masturbate frequently, you may want to try #ShareHealthKnowledge

Method: Boil schisandra chinensis with an appropriate amount of water, then simmer for 10 minutes, filter and drink;

Results: These remedies can help improve not only physical condition but also quality of life;

In conclusion, masturbation is part of a personal choice, and the key is to find a balance that works for you, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and a positive mindset; Hopefully, these suggestions will be helpful;

In life, frequent masturbation may lead to physical discomfort such as fatigue, pain, etc.; In such cases, do not panic, stay calm, adjust your lifestyle appropriately, and seek professional advice if necessary;