
Successes and successes! The first batch of land acquisition, demolition and delivery tasks of the 32nd line of the track were successfully completed

author:Bay Area 360

"The demolition of the first phase of rail line 32 begins!" With the order of Yang Haijie, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Kwai Chung, the demolition site of the Shangdong area of Xiyong Community, Kwai Chung Street, Dapeng New District, Shenzhen sounded with the roar of mechanical operations.

On the afternoon of June 28, the Kwai Chung Office carried out the demolition and land transfer ceremony of the first phase (the first batch) of Urban Rail Transit Line 32 in the Shangdong area of Xiyong Community, and the demolition of 25 houses (with an area of 4,383 square meters) involved in the three stations of Shangdong, Kwai Chung and Kwai Chung East was started, and the construction site was handed over to about 49,000 square meters, successfully completing the task of land acquisition, demolition and delivery in the first half of the year.

Successes and successes! The first batch of land acquisition, demolition and delivery tasks of the 32nd line of the track were successfully completed

The site of the land handover ceremony.

The first phase of Rail Transit Line 32, starting from Xichong Station of the third phase of Line 8 and ending at Kwai Chung East Station, has a total length of about 9.53 kilometers and a design speed of 80 kilometers per hour. The line has 4 stations: Shangdong Station, Tuyang Station, Kwai Chung Station and Kwai Chung East Station, of which Kwai Chung Station can be transferred to the Shenzhen-Huizhou Intercity Dapeng Branch Line, which is expected to start construction this year and be completed and put into operation in 2028, and is expected to realize the "first-line direct connection" between the city center and the Kwai Chung area in the future. Mr. Chen, who lives near Kwai Chung Station of Line 32, said excitedly: "In the past, it took a long time to drive to the city to run errands, and there was a traffic jam on holidays, but after the completion of the subway in the future, commuting will become much easier, and it will also drive the improvement of surrounding supporting facilities, attract more commercial investment, and create more employment opportunities for residents." ”

Successes and successes! The first batch of land acquisition, demolition and delivery tasks of the 32nd line of the track were successfully completed

Rail Transit Line 32 Phase I Route Map.

It is worth mentioning that the expropriation and demolition of the first phase of the rail line 32 project has been fully supported by Dapeng New Area. In order to ensure the high-quality completion of the task of land acquisition, demolition and delivery, Kwai Chung Sub-district dispatched capable forces to concentrate on tackling key problems, inverting the construction period, and implementing mechanisms such as weekly meetings, project list operation, information sharing and problem feedback, and assignment and supervision; The tackling group strengthened cooperation and linkage with comprehensive administrative law enforcement, comprehensive management, judicial and other departments, and implemented comprehensive policies to accelerate the completion of the task of expropriation and demolition. Feng Hechang, deputy secretary of the Kwai Chung Party Working Committee and director of the office, pointed out that he would like to thank all the staff for their hard work in the process of expropriation and demolition, as well as the joint efforts of Shenzhen Railway Group and relevant units in the new area.

Successes and successes! The first batch of land acquisition, demolition and delivery tasks of the 32nd line of the track were successfully completed

The centralized demolition work was officially launched.

It is understood that in 2024, the Kwai Chung Party Working Committee and Office will implement the "Millions and Thousands Project" in depth, formulate a work plan for urban development space security, and the expropriation and demolition of major municipal transportation projects in the jurisdiction will continue to be successful, and the 10 houses of about 6,100 square meters in the Yankui section of the Shenzhen-Huizhou Intercity Dapeng Branch Line (Dapeng Section) have been fully completed and handed over for construction at the end of March, and the first phase of the construction of the Yanba Municipal Transformation Project involving sporadic buildings has been cleaned up and demolished and entered the stage of comprehensive construction. The 51.25-hectare construction site of the third phase of the Outer Ring Expressway project was fully handed over at the end of May. In addition, the expropriation and demolition of Tuyang Station, which was added in the first phase of Line 32, is also progressing in an all-round and orderly manner.

Successes and successes! The first batch of land acquisition, demolition and delivery tasks of the 32nd line of the track were successfully completed

The construction site of the Shenzhen-Huizhou intercity Dapeng branch line.

(Li Jianqiang, Liang Jialin, Zhou Ying, Wang Lei)