
Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

author:Pineapple Bun Entertainment

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

Lu Liang used to be a popular actor, and starred in nearly 100 plays such as "Silent Rain", "Dragon and Tiger Life", "Children of the River", "Apocalypse of Life", "Also Squared" and so on.

In and out of the play, he has a great contrast.

Lu Liang was born in Beijing into a literary family.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

His parents are both actors in the art troupe, and since he was a child, he has learned to sing, dance, and play a lot of musical instruments.

His mom also often took him to the show.

When she was rehearsing, Lu Liang always sat on the side and played, giving him an ordinary piece of paper, and he could play all morning.

The mother went to pick up her son for dinner after the rehearsal, but when she looked up, the son didn't know where to run.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

After looking around, it turned out that I followed an aunt to the cafeteria to eat.

After graduating from high school, he went to work as a chef in a nursing home.

In the kitchen, he learned to cook with the master, one large and one small sat around the table, and the tall man swept away the things on the table, put a large plate, and began to teach the little one to make dumplings.

The tall man asked the little one, "Do you know how to make dumplings?" ”

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

He was most annoyed with cooking and rarely went into the kitchen, so he shook his head.

The master smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll teach you how to wrap it." ”

The master patiently taught him to roll out the dumpling wrappers and wrap the filling.

As soon as he pinched the dumplings, the skin was broken, and he stood there at a loss.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

The master smiled and said that there was too much stuffing.

Lu Liang doesn't like to cook, and the clothes and hair on his body that stay in the kitchen all day have a big smell of oil smoke.

After the two of them cooked the meal, they squatted at the door to blow the wind, and the master asked him what he wanted to do if he didn't cook.

Lu Liang looked up at the sky, the sky was blue and the sky was blue, if he didn't cook, he would be an actor like his parents.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

Later, the college entrance examination resumed, and Lu Liang was admitted to the drama and learned acting.

When rehearsing the sketch, he played a bad guy, this was his first role, and he didn't play it very well, he thought to himself that he would not be able to play the bad guy in the future.

Lu Liang is also a very careful person.

During a rehearsal, Song Yining accidentally twisted his foot and felt a pain.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

However, in order not to affect everyone's rehearsals, she endured it all the time.

She thought that her face was light, and others would not be able to see it.

As a result, Lu Liang walked around to her from behind and asked her in a low voice, "Xiao Ning, did you twist your foot?" ”

As soon as Song Yining turned his head, he saw a pair of big dark eyes, and lowered his voice and asked, "How do you know?" ”

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

"I can see it, wait a minute, you go to me, I have medicine there."

Song Yining felt for a moment that this boy was so delicate.

The two often rehearse together, and they are in the same class, and after getting along for a long time, they gradually came together.

Lu Liang treats her very well, and often goes to eat with her after class.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

Once, he asked her out to play again, and the two of them didn't get to the place for a long time, she was a little tired, and wiped the sweat from her nose, "Why haven't you arrived yet, where are you going to take me?" "Wait a minute, it's almost there."

After a few more minutes, just when she couldn't walk, she finally arrived at the place.

It turned out to be a flower shop, and he went in and bought a bouquet of flowers for her and said happy birthday.

She was stunned that she had never told him her birthday, how did he know? He smiled, having already inquired from her friend.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

After graduation, the two went their separate ways.

Song Yining is a native of Shanghai, and after graduation, he went to the Shanghai People's Art Theater.

And her boyfriend went to Eying Studio.

Lu Liang went to filming, he still doesn't like to cook, he usually doesn't buy vegetables at home, and the kitchen at home is rarely used and a lot of dust has fallen.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

He usually eats in the crew, and the boxed lunches in the crew are not very tasty, but he can only eat this if he doesn't like to cook, and he goes home after eating every time.

When Song Yining came to see him, he would occasionally cook for him, and he took the initiative to help her wash and chop vegetables.

His wife cooks deliciously, he always asks her to cook a little more, and he can eat for a few days.

Later, the two got married, and in order not to separate from his wife, he was transferred to the Shanghai People's Art Theater again, and finally worked in the same place with his wife.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

When Lu Liang was filming in the crew, he always had a smile on his face and mingled with everyone.

During the break, I ate around a table with the people in the crew, small biscuits, snacks, all kinds of delicious and delicious food, talking and laughing, and from time to time there was a burst of laughter on the table, and everyone thought he was a very good person and very easy-going.

But every time he returned home, he became a serious person again, with a straight face.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

A trip to the couch at home is a day, watching TV for a day.

Song Yining asked him, "Do you want to go out for a walk together?" He said no, and continued to lie on another arm.

He is very homely, and every time he comes home, he doesn't want to go out, so he likes to stay at home.

His wife came over and pulled him hard, but he couldn't pull it, and he grew up with the sofa.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

After marriage, Song Yining also gave birth to a daughter.

After having a daughter, she still did not give up drama and often took her children to perform together.

Once, after Lu Liang finished filming, he received a call from a friend, who was the producer of Shanghai TV's program "Meet on Saturday".

wanted Lu Liang to be the host, but Lu Liang had been filming before, and he had never hosted any shows, so he felt that he couldn't do it, so he asked his friend to find another host.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

My friend sighed, do you think I don't want to, but I haven't been able to find the right person to find you, so you can help host for a few days, and then replace you when I find the right person.

Lu Liang saw that he was really nobody, so he had to agree to him, and he went to be the host again, but he didn't expect that this host would be 8 years.

Lu Liang is usually busy with work, filming and hosting, but he did not neglect his family because of this, and he usually went home to accompany his wife and daughter as soon as his work was over.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

After Song Yining had a child, her work focused on the drama stage, and she starred in more than 20 dramas.

Sometimes when she performs on stage, her daughter sits underneath, and when she finishes the performance, she looks and her daughter is gone! Just when she was in a hurry, a man told her that it was her father who picked her up and left.

Song Yining went out of the door to take a look, one big and one small were coming back with a glass of juice, Lu Liang gave her the juice in his hand, "It's still cold, it's delicious." ”

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

Song Yining took the juice and took a sip, "Why did you come here suddenly?" He smiled and said to pick you and your daughter home.

Now, Lu Liang and Song Yining have been married for 40 years, and the two are still very affectionate.

Lu Liang is still filming, he has become an old actor, and he has met a lot of friends, every time he goes out to party with his friends, his wife doesn't let him drink, he doesn't drink at all, and listens to his wife very much.

Lu Liang: Married his first love Song Yining, gave birth to a daughter after marriage, and didn't want to cook at all

He doesn't like to cook at all, and often goes home after eating in the crew.

The daughter of the two has also grown up, with a high nose bridge, and she looks as beautiful as a flower, even more beautiful than her mother.

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