
Five ancient poems of the solar terms of mango seeds, the rain and the miscanthus seeds, the four fields are all transplanted, talking about the miscanthus seeds and rice planting

author:Hatsui Katsuyuki

Five ancient poems of mango seed solar terms and rice transplanting: when the Tian family planted seedlings in a rain, they slapped the mud with Danhe water

At the beginning of June of the Gregorian calendar, the fifth month of the lunar calendar, ushered in the ninth of the 24 solar terms, mangzhong.

The solar calendar is actually a solar calendar, and the solar calendar is a calendar based on the cycle of the earth's revolution around the sun. Although the ancients did not know that the earth revolves around the sun, through long-term observation, it is concluded that the sun and sunlight change regularly throughout the year, bringing about a constant cycle of four seasons. The solar term calendar, on the other hand, divides the year into time periods, which more accurately reflects the close relationship between the sun, climate change, nature and agriculture.

For example, the mango seed festival in the solar term calendar corresponds to the June 5th to 7th of the Gregorian calendar, which is very constant.

The arrival of the solar term and time marks the beginning of the traditional midsummer. In terms of time and space, it is the last fifteen days when the sun shines directly close to the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere, and the abundant and warm sunshine brings a warm climate in summer, and warm and humid air masses enter the continent, bringing abundant precipitation. The Northern Hemisphere is blessed with abundant summer colours.

As China's ancient solar term calendar, the climate reflected is in the service of agriculture.

What is the meaning of this solar term designated as mango seed?

Five ancient poems of the solar terms of mango seeds, the rain and the miscanthus seeds, the four fields are all transplanted, talking about the miscanthus seeds and rice planting

The mainland is the country with the longest history of rice cultivation. More than 10,000 years ago, the tribal people of southern China discovered and cultivated rice as food. Rice is characterized by the need for a warm and humid climate, and a lot of water.

Although I don't know what changes took place in the climate of ancient Chinese mainland between 10,000 and 5,000 years ago, but in the Zhou Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago, the climate of the Yellow River in the north did have a long period of humidity and warmth, and the Yellow River Basin was rich in bamboo, and plum blossoms from the south could be planted. Such a climate is suitable for the cultivation of rice.

In the Zhou Dynasty, there was a specific government agency called the "Daoren", which was in charge of the planting, management, harvesting and transfer of agricultural knowledge to the land. So we know that there are also important food crops in the north, such as wheat, millet, millet, etc., why is the name of this institution and personnel called "rice people"? This is because planting rice was a major event for the benefit of the country and the people at that time, and the corresponding supporting planting technology was also needed, that is, the wetlands suitable for growing aquatic weeds could be planted after reclamation and water storage. The cultivation of rice has increased food production and alleviated the problem of reduced yields of dryland crops due to climate. Therefore, the rice people were in charge of all kinds of agricultural planting, and at that time, there was also an important task, which was to promote the cultivation of rice.

So what do I have to do with the solar terms of mangzhong?

Because miscanthus appears in the earliest literature, it is related to rice people and rice cultivation. "Zhou Li Rice Man" "Born of Ze Grass, Planted by Mangs". It is said that where grass grows in the Mizusawa wetland, it is also suitable for growing grains and grains such as rice.

Five ancient poems of the solar terms of mango seeds, the rain and the miscanthus seeds, the four fields are all transplanted, talking about the miscanthus seeds and rice planting

The mangzhong solar term, which originated before the pre-Qin period, was officially surveyed in the Han Dynasty.

In other words, as a solar term name, mangzhong should have existed in the Zhou Dynasty.

In the fifth month of the lunar calendar, midsummer is coming, high temperature and humidity, and many crops that have been planted in the first year or planted have been ripe and harvested at this time, such as winter wheat, which is popular in the northern region, has been harvested or is nearing the end at this time. Isn't it time for people to slack off? With such abundant rain and abundant sunshine, it is suitable for rice sowing and transplanting. This solar term is a reminder to people not to slack off, this period is the best and best period for planting rice. Because after this period of rain and high humidity, as the sun becomes hotter and the heat comes, the grain yield may be reduced or even the grain harvest will not be harvested.

Therefore, miscanthus has a significant relationship with rice planting.

Of course, the solar term of miscanthus is also an important harvest period for wheat and other crops, so there are folk proverbs, miscanthus seeds, miscanthus seeds, wheat with miscanthus is harvested quickly, and rice with miscanthus is planted quickly. The solar terms of mango seeds include the busy period of traditional agriculture.

However, the ancient meaning of the solar term is to urge people to pay attention to the seasonal planting of rice and other food crops, cherish the favorable conditions given by the natural climate, and not waste agricultural time.

Rice is one of the continent's main foods, and it also feeds 60% of the world's population.

Five ancient poems of the solar terms of mango seeds, the rain and the miscanthus seeds, the four fields are all transplanted, talking about the miscanthus seeds and rice planting

"After the water country mango is planted, the plum sky is cold and rainy.

The dew silkworms bloom late, and Jiang Yan surrounds the perilous.

The toes of the mountain come to the north to solid, and the tide head goes to the west to grow.

年年此登景,HR 几销亡。 "Zhongtang · 窦常《北固晚景》

Beigu Mountain is in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, and this is the ancient Jiangnan region.

Standing on Beigu Mountain and looking into the distance, after the solar term of mangzhong, the water town here is full of rice fields with seedlings, and this season, there are often continuous plum yellow rain, which is very beneficial to the growth of rice.

And in this piece of smoke and rain in the landscape and pastoral, you can see the small courtyard of the farmhouse nearby, in the yard under the eaves, there are clusters of straw for the silkworm baby to form cocoons, which is also a model of agricultural utilization and conservation, because part of the straw after the wheat field is harvested, can be used as a cocoon of the silkworm, this is already the harvest season of early summer, and the hard-working farmers use the green color of rice to cover the countryside.

In the distance, there are sailboats slowly moving on the Yanyu River.

The green mountains and flowing water, the land does not stop, the magnificence and vastness, the quiet and open pastoral summer beauty, make people forget the historical situation.

Also, in the magnificent historical changes in history, all kinds of major events, promote social development, and how many heroes and dynasties have been born, how many swords and swords have joys and sorrows, but in the face of this quiet pastoral, it suddenly became distant and insignificant.

In 3,000 years, it was only 3,000 times that wheat was green and yellow, and rice was planted 3,000 times.

And it is this seemingly soothing growth of grass seedlings and the endless green color of paddy fields that hold up the magnificent history of China.

It makes people quiet, open, memorable, and sighing.

Five ancient poems of the solar terms of mango seeds, the rain and the miscanthus seeds, the four fields are all transplanted, talking about the miscanthus seeds and rice planting

"The new seedlings are just coming out of the water, and the green carpet is small.

Early in the morning, the father and son competed for support.

It is full of green and mud, and then there is no mud at the roots.

Take advantage of the mango planting in time and scatter the furrows. "Song · Lou Xuan "Ploughing Picture Twenty-one Song Its Eight Pulling Seedlings"

Rice cultivation is really a technical job.

If you don't just sow rice in the soil, you can only harvest a bunch of weeds.

When planting rice, you must serve carefully, because only by serving each seedling well, in the autumn, the seedling will repay you a huge harvest.

First of all, it is necessary to select the rice to be excellent and full and sprinkled in the moist land, usually not the mango seed solar term, but the valley rain solar term.

By the time the solar term comes, these seeds have grown into healthy seedlings that are more than a foot long, and these seedlings should be given to go to larger paddy fields and arrange their new homes at intervals.

This is the busiest and most beautiful work of the mango solar term, dividing seedlings and planting seedlings. This is the kind of seed that is planted.

The new seedlings have just emerged from the water and are as fresh as a green blanket.

In the early morning, the father and son, carrying baskets, pulled out these seedlings and picked them to be planted in the paddy fields.

These seedlings are in the paddy field, held in their hands, washed with water to wash the roots, and then gently planted.

It is to take advantage of the solar terms and time period of this mango plant, and scatter them in the paddy fields.

Why do you want to take advantage of the mangs?

Because of the planting period, wet and rainy, these seedlings transplanted will not damage the roots due to drought, and with the planting, there will be a period of rainy and humid weather, just to give the seedlings the greatest adaptation, take root, thrive, and will also bring a good harvest in autumn.

Therefore, it is the farmers who know the most about plants, the farmers who work the hardest, and the farmers who are the most intelligent.

Five ancient poems of the solar terms of mango seeds, the rain and the miscanthus seeds, the four fields are all transplanted, talking about the miscanthus seeds and rice planting

"When the rain and mango are planted, the four fields are planted with seedlings.

Every family has beautiful wheat and rice, and the song is long everywhere.

The old self has become a lazy farmer, and the bamboo bed is paid forever.

The decay is short, and I love this rain and cold.

The garden wood sets strange sounds, and the vines are fragrant.

The warbler's clothes are not wet, and I am persuaded to hold on.

Fortunately, there is nothing to do now, and the sea is full of agriculture.

The wild old man is endless, and he sings Yu Tang. Southern Song Dynasty · Lu You "Time Rain"

The elderly Lu You can no longer go to the field to farm, but in the mangzhong solar term, he has to go to the field to see in the rain.

Although the weather was raining, the fields were full of rice planters.

Every family is cooking rice with new wheat, treating the men and strong men who work in the fields, and there are mountain songs and labor songs everywhere.

Lu You took a turn and was happy when he returned home. Everything is pleasing to the eye.

This is the year of peace, everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, hard work, I feel like I have returned to the ancient legend of the Yu and Tang dynasties.

If you see the grand scene of rice planting in the vast paddy fields in the countryside, you will also have the kind of pastoral beauty in the depths like Lu You.

Although the Southern Song Dynasty has always been shrouded in the clouds of war, it eventually lost the country because of the iron invasion of the Yuan Dynasty. But it was the generations of farmers who loved the land, who held on to their homes with perseverance and diligence, kept people away from the fear of war, and after the war, persevered for generations, and China and its culture, the oldest and most extensive agricultural civilization and culture, were passed on.

When I write this, I can't help but sigh that it is the peasants of China who have supported the vast history, the pastoral land of China, and the Chinese dream.

Five ancient poems of the solar terms of mango seeds, the rain and the miscanthus seeds, the four fields are all transplanted, talking about the miscanthus seeds and rice planting

"When the Tian family planted seedlings in a rain, they slapped the mud with Danhe water.

Segmented rows to the shore, with a muddy back, regardless of whether it is late. Southern Song Dynasty · Han Shu "Mango Seed Part I"

This is written about the hard work and diligence of farmers in planting seedlings in the solar terms.

It rains a lot, but it is this rain that happens to be planted. Working in the rain in the field.

Carrying a basket full of seedlings, walking among the muddy ridges and paddy fields, the water and mud slapped the body.

And the farmers concentrated on planting rice in sections and branches, all the way from the field to the field shore.

There were endless seedlings in the baskets, and when night came, they were unaware of it, as if they didn't know that they were hungry and tired.

In the midst of this good rain, all the seedlings should be planted in the field as soon as possible within a few days. Some people work day and night, wearing the stars and the moon, and even working in the rain.

Why is that? There is no reason, because I am afraid of delaying the agricultural time. Spring planting and autumn harvest, love the natural rain and dew, moisturize the seedlings, give a bumper harvest, after this God-given period, in the face of drought, people will work harder.

The farmers are astronomers, naturalists, and practitioners, exchanging wisdom and blood and sweat for a good harvest.

Five ancient poems of the solar terms of mango seeds, the rain and the miscanthus seeds, the four fields are all transplanted, talking about the miscanthus seeds and rice planting

"Let the order be planted as a mango, and the farmer will plant the sky.

The branches are neat, and I stopped watching the shadows.

Listen to the song and listen to the drums.

Once a thousand acres, the long days are like years. "Qing · Yinzhen "Twenty-three Songs of Ploughing Pictures, Ten Rice Planting"

Ancient agriculture also emphasized collective and cooperation.

When the peak season of rice planting arrives, the village will organize labor, collectively plant rice, hold labor competitions, and gongs and drums will be held together.

The advantage of this is that the resources are pooled, and all the paddy fields can be planted with seedlings in the shortest possible time, which also benefits some poor families with a shortage of labor. Of course, the biggest benefit is that it has increased the total grain production.

This practice is very old and effective, and in the area where rice is grown, it has been passed down almost from generation to generation.

When the time comes to plant miscanthus seeds, it is the season for farmers to plant seedlings.

You see, the paddy field that has been planted with seedlings, the seedlings are neat and tidy, and you can see the seedlings from a distance.

This is the most beautiful sentence like the seedlings, usually Qianying Qianqian is to describe the youth and beauty, but it is not contrary to the harmony here, on the contrary, it is very appropriate.

How did these neat rice fields come about?

Come and see, this brigade of rice planters, listen to the order, listen to the drums, work together, plant rice in the sun, sweat, diligence, and competition at the same time.

When the infinite paddy fields are full, the time is only morning, and it is time to call it a day, and you can watch the sun shine brightly in the neat seedling fields, and see the sun walking slowly, giving these land plants a long bath and warmth.

Five ancient poems of the solar terms of mango seeds, the rain and the miscanthus seeds, the four fields are all transplanted, talking about the miscanthus seeds and rice planting

Mangzhong, an ancient and energetic solar term.

The seedlings that were planted, the autumn harvest and the ten thousand grains, all came from this hardest summer crop.

I love farmers, I love farms, and I love mango seeds.

Hatsui Katsuyuki interprets the love and beauty in the poems for you. #头条创作挑战赛 ##芒种#