
Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

author:Shanghai Huangpu
Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

City affairs

"10 points" is convenient丨 change "reading comprehension" to "multiple choice questions", and Shanghai's first business consulting assistant system independently developed by the street has been launched

Recently, the Ruijin 2nd Road Community Affairs Service Center recently launched the "Business Consultation Assistant System", relying on the first system independently developed and used by the street in Shanghai, residents only need to click a few taps through the self-service machine, you can quickly understand whether they meet the application conditions for low-rent housing and other matters, if they meet the basic requirements, and then answer a few relevant questions, they can also get a detailed list of materials, which clearly lists the required materials to be submitted by family members.

Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

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The 75th anniversary of the liberation of Shanghai was commemorated by those who witnessed it with works of art

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Shanghai. Seventy-five years ago today, when the morning light gradually kicked off and the sun gradually illuminated the corners of the city, people suddenly found that on the road in the center of the city, rows of PLA troops were lying on the side of the road and sleeping soundly. While watching these lovely warriors smile sweetly in their sleep, people suddenly realize that Shanghai, the largest city in the Far East, has turned a new page in history.

Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

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The flood season is approaching, the evacuation and resettlement sites of Huangpu personnel have been determined, and the flood control responsible persons and telephone numbers of 10 streets have announced →

From June 1, Shanghai will officially enter the flood season. According to the climate forecast, during this year's flood season, the city will show the characteristics of "slightly more total precipitation, stronger impact typhoon intensity, stronger convective weather intensity, and slightly more high temperature days". This year, flood prevention agencies at all levels in the district have made efforts to grasp the work of flood prevention and preparedness in a steady and orderly manner.

Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

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Taking responsibility and serving the people with a righteous heart, the "Orange Service Week" is popular

Recently, the Ningbo Neighborhood Committee of the Bund Street and the Correct Property Management Co., Ltd. launched the "Orange Service Week" service activities for the people in the community. The activities are rich in content, including free dental clinics, special sales of Huimin goods, property rent collection, property policy consultation, ordering bright milk, recycling of waste milk cartons for gifts, discount sales of daily necessities, etc., and at the same time providing residents with free haircuts, knife sharpening, blood pressure measurement, blood sugar measurement, traditional Chinese medicine pulse and other convenient services, which attracted the participation of many residents.

Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

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The community "Magic Science Show" starts the science journey of teenagers

On the occasion of the 2024 Shanghai Science and Technology Festival and the Service Publicity Week of the Cultural Center, on May 26, a "Magic Science Show" Dapuqiao Community Youth Science Tour that integrates creativity and interaction was officially launched.

Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

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Children's words have become a "new force" in urban governance! The suggestions of the "little deputies" have been heeded

"Small representatives" appeal and harvest "big voices". On the afternoon of May 28, the Social Committee of the Huangpu District People's Congress, together with the Working Committee of the People's Congress of Laoximen Street and the District Women's Federation, held a face-to-face communication meeting on the handling of the "Penglai Town Meeting Hall" - "Suggestions on Building a Child-friendly Shared Space in Huangpu District" at the No. 2 Primary School of Penglai Road. Yao Xiaohong, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, attended the event.

Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

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Three new records! Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration"

"Happy! Happy! On the afternoon of May 30, bursts of warm applause and cheers erupted in Lane 565 of Fuxing Middle Road. At 15 o'clock, the second round of the old housing comprehensive renovation project at No. 21-22, No. 23 and No. 24-25, Lane 565, Fuxing Middle Road, was signed 100% and successfully took effect.

Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

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How to solve the problem of "big city pension"? The state-owned bank made a move

Finance is the blood of the national economy, and "pension finance" is listed as one of the "five major articles" to promote the high-quality development of finance. As one of the first banks in China to deploy pension finance, Bank of Shanghai has solved the "urgency, difficulty and longing" of the elderly around the problem of "big city pension", actively created the "Bank of Shanghai Plan" and contributed to the "wisdom of the Bank of Shanghai".

Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

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The old community adds a ladder, and the residents realize the "dream of taking the elevator"!

Since the start of the installation of elevators, under the leadership of the Party Working Committee of the street, the Xiangshan residential area of Ruijin 2nd Road Street has always adhered to the guidance of party building, constantly explored and optimized the way of work, and gnawed down a piece of hard bones, which not only realized the residents' "elevator dream", but also successfully made the community realize "both internal and external repair", leading the residents to open a new model of happy life together.

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Big brands join hands with Nanxiang Mantou Hall to co-brand two Shanghai dim sum for a limited time

On May 30, Balenciaga, the French luxury brand owned by Kering, held its Spring 25 collection launch show in Shanghai. This time, in order to pay tribute to Shanghai's traditional culture and special cuisine, from now until June 2, Balenciaga and Nanxiang Mantou Restaurant, a subsidiary of Nanxiang Mantou Restaurant, a time-honored Chinese brand founded in the 26th year of Guangxu, will start a creative cooperation in Xintiandi, Shanghai, and the two sides will launch a five-day limited dim sum and special takeaway packaging for the event.

Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

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It's on fire again! The nearly 4-meter giant capsule toy machine "twists" the 2024 Happy Huaihai Carnival

From May 28th to June 10th, as one of the Huangpu series of activities of Shanghai's "55 Shopping Festival", the 2024 Happy Huaihai Carnival is coming, with the theme of "Prosperous Road, Enjoy Huaihai", creating a large consumption pattern of "all scenes, all business districts, and all year", focusing on the two major sectors of "prosperity and consumption" and "branch road and fashion", and launching a series of marketing and promotional activities to fully stimulate market innovation.

Huangpu's first old housing renovation project in the historical area has run out of "acceleration.....

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