
When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

author:Remembrance of people

During the Spring and Autumn Period, in the vicissitudes of the princes' struggle for hegemony, the rise of Duke Qi Huan was undoubtedly the most eye-catching. He worked hard to govern the country, and became the head of the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons. However, while Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, the Qin State, far away in the west, was carrying out a seemingly ordinary but far-reaching move - moving the capital.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

In 677 BC, Duke De of Qin moved the capital to Yongcheng. This decision may seem unremarkable at first glance, but a closer look at the reasons reveals the rudiments of the rise of the Qin state. Why did Qin choose to move its capital at this time? What changes did this capital move bring to the Qin State? What's even more interesting is how this relocation of the capital is related to the historical origins of the Qin state? What kind of little-known story is hidden behind it? Let's uncover this long-lost history together.

In 677 BC, the Duke of Qin announced that the capital would be moved to Yongcheng. Behind this decision, in fact, contains far-reaching strategic considerations and historical inevitability. To understand the significance of this capital move, we must first review the political landscape of the time and the situation facing the Qin state.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Zhou royal family was declining, and the prelude to the struggle for hegemony among the vassal states had begun. In the Central Plains, Qi Huan was just busy uniting the princes and establishing a supremacy. At the same time, Qin, as a small country on the western border, faced different challenges and opportunities.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

The ancestors of the Qin State had made great achievements in the early Zhou Dynasty and were awarded the title of Qin. However, for many years, the Qin State has been regarded as the "Land of Rongdi" and it is difficult to integrate into the cultural circle of the Central Plains. Qin Degong knew that if he wanted to change this situation, he had to find another way. Moving the capital to Yongcheng was his choice after careful consideration.

Yongcheng is located in Fengxiang District, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province today, and its geographical location is extremely superior. To the south, it can control the passage into Shu, to the west to contain the Hexi corridor, and to the east to facilitate the control of the Guanzhong region. Such geographical advantages laid a solid foundation for Qin's future expansion.

What's more, Yongcheng is surrounded by many rivers and abundant water resources. This means that Yongcheng can support a larger population and has the potential to develop into a super-sized capital. This is especially critical in an era when agricultural productivity determines national strength.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

However, the decision to move the capital to Yongcheng did not happen overnight. It is rumored that Qin Degong sent envoys to secretly inspect Yongcheng and its surrounding areas on several occasions. These envoys not only have to assess the geographical environment, but also understand the local customs and people's livelihood. After repeated weighing, Qin Degong finally determined the location of this new capital.

The process of moving the capital was not easy. The first is the large-scale migration of people from the old capital to the new capital, which involves the resettlement of tens of thousands of people. The second is the construction of the new capital, and the infrastructure such as palaces, government offices, and city walls require a lot of manpower and material resources. Qin Degong personally supervised these projects to ensure that the new capital could be put into use as soon as possible.

It is worth mentioning that in the process of moving the capital, the Qin State also faced pressure from the surrounding vassal states. Some countries were worried that Qin's strength would increase greatly after the capital was moved, and they secretly made stumbling blocks. Qin Degong had to organize the relocation of the capital while dealing with diplomatic pressure, which can be described as exhaustive.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

After moving the capital to Yongcheng, the political, economic, and military patterns of the Qin State underwent great changes. The geographical location of the new capital allowed the Qin state to strategically occupy the initiative, laying the foundation for future expansion. At the same time, the fertile land and abundant water resources also made a qualitative leap forward in the agricultural production of the Qin State.

More importantly, the move of the capital to Yongcheng marked the beginning of the transformation of the Qin state from a semi-nomadic tribal confederation to a centralized state dominated by agriculture. This transformation had a profound impact on the future development of the Qin state.

However, Qin Degong at that time may not have foreseen that this seemingly ordinary decision to move the capital would become an important turning point in the history of Qin. It not only changed the development trajectory of Qin, but also laid the groundwork for Qin's unification of the six countries in the future.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

After the Duke of Qin moved the capital to Yongcheng, the development trajectory of the Qin State changed dramatically. This move of the capital is not only a transfer of geographical location, but also a major turning point in the political, economic, military and other aspects of the Qin State.

First of all, from the perspective of the shift of the political center, the geographical location of Yongcheng allowed the Qin State to gain more space for political maneuvering. Yongcheng, located in the Guanzhong Plain, was further away from the Zhou royal family's sphere of influence, which allowed the Qin state to break free from the influence of the Zhou royal family to a certain extent and gradually establish an independent political system.

In Yongcheng, the Qin state began to vigorously implement a series of political reforms. For example, the Duke of Qin set up special officials in charge of agricultural production, which was quite rare among the vassal states of the time. These officials were called "field officials", and their duty was to supervise agricultural production and ensure food production. The establishment of this system laid the foundation for the future agricultural development of the Qin state.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

Not only that, but the Qin State also began to try to implement some advanced political systems during the Yongcheng period. For example, the Qin state began to implement the "county system", a system in which the central government directly administered the localities, which was conducive to strengthening the centralization of power. Although this system was not perfect at the time, it planted the seeds for the great cause of unification of the Qin state in the future.

The increase in economic power is another important impact brought about by the relocation of the capital to Yongcheng. The land around Yongcheng is fertile and has abundant water sources, which provides unique conditions for agricultural production. The Qin State made full use of this advantage and vigorously developed agricultural production.

According to historical records, the Qin State began to promote the use of iron tools on a large scale during the Yongcheng period. The popularity of iron farming tools has greatly improved the efficiency of agricultural production. At the same time, the Qin state also began to build large-scale water conservancy projects, such as the famous Zhengguo Canal. These water conservancy projects not only improved agricultural irrigation conditions, but also accumulated a lot of wealth for the Qin state.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

As the economy grew, the population of the Qin state also began to grow rapidly. It is estimated that in the nearly 200 years between the relocation of the capital to Yongcheng and the eve of the Shang Dynasty reform, the population of the Qin State increased several times. The increase in population provided the Qin state with sufficient labor and soldiers, laying the foundation for future military expansion.

In terms of military defense capabilities, Yongcheng's geographical location also gave the Qin State a huge advantage. Yongcheng is surrounded by mountains on three sides, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, which greatly enhances the defense capability of the Qin state. At the same time, Yongcheng was located at the western end of the Guanzhong Plain and controlled the main road to the west, which facilitated the future expansion of the Qin state to the west.

The Qin State made full use of the geographical advantages of Yongcheng and continuously strengthened its military construction. For example, the Qin state began to use iron weapons on a large scale during the Yongcheng period. The use of iron swords, iron spears and other weapons greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the Qin army. At the same time, the Qin state also began to establish a standing army, which was quite advanced among the vassal states at the time.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

It is worth mentioning that the Qin State also began to pay attention to the training and use of cavalry during the Yongcheng period. This has to do with the geographical location of the state of Qin. Qin's western neighbor was Rongdi, and he was in contact with nomads all year round, so he realized the importance of cavalry very early. Qin's cavalry units played an important role in future military operations.

After moving the capital to Yongcheng, Qin's foreign policy also changed. The Qin State began to actively participate in the political activities of the Central Plains vassal states, trying to break the label of "the country of Rongdi". For example, in 651 BCE, Qin Mugong sent envoys to participate in the famous "Kwaiqiu Huimeng", which marked the beginning of Qin's acceptance by the vassal states of the Central Plains.

However, the rise of Qin also aroused the vigilance of other vassal states. In particular, the Jin state, which was adjacent to the Qin state, was uneasy about the rapid development of the Qin state. The contradictions between the two countries gradually deepened, culminating in the famous "Battle of the Dead". Although the Qin state suffered a crushing defeat in this war, this defeat also prompted the Qin state to carry out deep reflection and reform.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

In general, the impact of moving the capital to Yongcheng on the Qin State was all-encompassing. It not only changed the geographical pattern of the Qin state, but more importantly, it promoted the development of the Qin state in many aspects such as politics, economy, and military. These changes laid a solid foundation for the future rise of the Qin state, and also had a profound impact on the direction of Chinese history.

The rise of the Qin state was not accidental, and its roots can be traced back to ancient times. The historical origins and unique cultural characteristics of the Qin state laid the foundation for its future prosperity.

The ancestors of the Qin State were people surnamed Ying. According to the "Historical Records", the ancestors of the surname Ying can be traced back to the legendary Emperor Yu period. According to legend, the ancestor of the surname Ying is called Da Fei, who is the great-great-grandson of Emperor Yu. Da Fei was appreciated by the emperor for being good at domesticating dragon horses, and was named "Dragon Master". Although this legend is mythical, it reflects the fact that the Ying people may have used animal husbandry as their main livelihood in the early days.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

The development of the Ying people has gone through a tortuous process. In the last years of the Shang Dynasty, Feizi, the leader of the Ying clan, herded horses in the Qishan area in the west. King Wen of Zhou found that Feizi was talented, so he let him manage Ma Zheng. In the period of King Wu of Zhou, the descendants of Feizi made great achievements, so they were sealed in Qin, which is the origin of the Qin State.

This history tells us that the ancestors of the Qin state had a close connection with the Zhou royal family. This connection played an important role in the early development of the Qin state. Although the Qin State is located in the west, it has always been supported by the Zhou royal family because of this relationship.

However, the culture of the Qin state was significantly different from that of the Central Plains states. This is mainly due to the fact that the Qin state is located in the west and has long been in contact with nomadic peoples such as Xirong. This geographical environment created the unique cultural characteristics of the Qin state.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

Many elements of nomadic culture have been preserved in the culture of the Qin state. For example, the Qin people were very respectful of force and attached great importance to the skill of mounted archery. In the Qin state, even the children of nobles were subject to strict military training. This martial spirit provided the cultural basis for the future military expansion of the Qin state.

Another notable feature was the religious beliefs of the Qin state. The main deities worshipped by the Qin people were the White Emperor and Meng Tian. The White Emperor is the main god of the West, while Meng Tian is the ancestor of the Qin people. This belief is different from the religious tradition in the Central Plains, which mainly worships heaven and earth.

The funeral customs of the Qin State also reflect its unique cultural characteristics. Archaeological discoveries have shown that the tombs of the nobles of the Qin state were often accompanied by large quantities of bronze and jade. These artifacts are not only large in number, but also unique in shape and exquisite in craftsmanship, reflecting the high civilization of the Qin State.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

In terms of political system, the Qin state also showed distinctive characteristics. The Qin state implemented a local management system similar to the county system at an early stage. This system favored the centralization of power and laid the foundation for the future unification of the Qin state.

The relationship between the Qin state and the Zhou royal family went through a process from intimacy to estrangement. Before King Ping of Zhou moved eastward, the state of Qin had been a loyal supporter of the Zhou royal family. Qin Xianggong even escorted King Ping of Zhou to the east, so he was rewarded by the Zhou royal family and obtained the land west of Qishan.

However, as the strength of the Zhou royal family weakened, the Qin state began to gradually get rid of the influence of the Zhou royal family. Especially after moving the capital to Yongcheng, the independence of the Qin State became more obvious. The state of Qin began to call itself "Xirong", emphasizing its special status.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

This uniqueness is also reflected in the use of writing in the Qin state. The script used by the Qin state was different from that of the Central Plains states, and this was known as the "Qin script". The Qin script is characterized by simple strokes and a square structure, which laid the foundation for the later Xiao Seal.

The musical culture of the Qin State also has distinctive characteristics. The representative musical instrument of the Qin State is the "Qin Zheng", which has a crisp sound and is full of characteristics. It is said that the music of the Qin Zheng was able to imitate the calls of birds and beasts, reflecting the close connection between Qin culture and nature.

It is worth noting that despite the distinctive local characteristics of the Qin culture, the Qin rulers have been working hard to learn and absorb the culture of the Central Plains. For example, Qin Mugong once hired Baili Xi and other Central Plains wise men as officials to implement various reforms. This open and inclusive attitude provided important support for the future development of the Qin state.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

Qin's historical origins and unique cultural characteristics shaped Qin's national character that was different from that of other vassal states. This character not only contains the brave spirit of the nomadic people, but also integrates the essence of agricultural civilization. It was this unique cultural background that provided a strong impetus for the rise of the Qin state.

Qin's military expansion was a long and arduous process, beginning with the Spring and Autumn period, after hundreds of years of conquest, and finally completing the great cause of unification in 221 BC. This process not only demonstrated Qin's military strength, but also reflected its political wisdom and strategic vision.

The military expansion of the Qin state can be traced back to the Qin Mugong era during the Spring and Autumn period. During the reign of Qin Mugong, the Qin state began to expand eastward, and there was a fierce competition with the Jin state. In 627 BC, Qin Mugong led an army to attack the Jin state, defeated the Jin army in the Battle of Kunshan, and captured the Jin monarch Jin Huigong. This victory greatly elevated Qin's status as one of the overlords of the Spring and Autumn period.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

However, Qin's expansion was not without its challenges. After Qin Mugong, the Qin state experienced a period of relative downturn. In particular, in the Battle of Yan in 621 BC, the Qin state suffered a heavy defeat, and the strength accumulated over the past three hundred years was almost destroyed. This defeat made the Qin state realize its own shortcomings and began to carry out a series of reforms.

At the beginning of the Warring States period, Qin's military expansion resumed. During the period of Qin Xiaogong, the Qin State implemented the Shang Dynasty Reform Law, which greatly enhanced its national strength. After the reform, the Qin state began to expand eastward, and successively conquered the Hexi land and Shangjun of the Wei state. The acquisition of these regions not only expanded the territory of the Qin state, but also provided the Qin state with rich resources.

During the reign of King Huiwen of Qin, the military expansion of the Qin state reached a new height. In 316 BC, the Qin state conquered the Shu state and expanded its territory to the Sichuan Basin. This conquest not only increased Qin's population and resources, but also opened a channel for Qin's expansion to the south.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

The reign of King Zhaoxiang of Qin was an important stage in the military expansion of the Qin state. During his reign, King Zhaoxiang of Qin sent troops to attack Han, Wei and other countries many times, greatly expanding the territory of Qin. In particular, in 278 BC, the Qin army captured the Yingdu of Chu, and this victory greatly deterred the other vassal states.

In the later years of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, the state of Qin achieved another major victory. In the Battle of Changping in 260 BC, the Qin army, under the command of Bai Qi, defeated the Zhao army and killed 400,000 Zhao soldiers. This victory not only dealt a heavy blow to the Zhao state, but also gave the other vassal states a new understanding of the strength of the Qin state.

After King Zhaoxiang of Qin, Qin's military expansion entered the final sprint stage. After Qin Shi Huang ascended the throne, he adopted a more active military strategy. In 230 BC, the Qin army conquered Korea, which was the first step in the Qin state to destroy the six kingdoms. In the following ten years, Qin successively destroyed the five kingdoms of Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, and finally completed the great cause of unification.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

Qin's military expansion was able to succeed, in addition to its strong military strength, thanks to its flexible diplomatic strategy. The Qin state was good at taking advantage of the contradictions between the vassal states and implementing the strategy of "distant friendship and close attack". For example, during the attack on Korea, Qin won the neutrality of Wei through diplomatic means.

In addition, the Qin State was also good at making use of talents. The Qin state attracted a large number of foreign talents, such as Shang Ying, Zhang Yi, etc., who made important contributions to the military expansion of the Qin state. For example, Zhang Yi used diplomacy to help Qin gain the kingdoms of Shu and Ba.

Qin's military expansion was also accompanied by advances in science and technology. The Qin State made a major breakthrough in iron smelting technology and was able to mass-produce iron weapons of good quality. At the same time, the Qin State also developed advanced siege techniques, such as ladders and rushing vehicles, which played an important role in siege warfare.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

It is important to note that Qin's military expansion was not a blind conquest by force. After occupying a new region, the Qin state often took a series of measures to stabilize its rule. For example, after occupying the Bashu region, the Qin State built the Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project, which greatly increased local agricultural productivity, and this practice won the support of the local population.

The process of Qin's military expansion also reflected the advantages of its political system. The centralized system practiced by the Qin state allowed it to concentrate the resources of the whole country for war, an advantage that other feudal states did not have. At the same time, the military merit system of the Qin State also greatly stimulated the fighting enthusiasm of the soldiers.

However, Qin's military expansion also brought some problems. The protracted war consumes a lot of manpower and material resources and puts a heavy burden on the population. This situation became even more serious after the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, and eventually became one of the important reasons for the rapid demise of the Qin Dynasty.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

After Qin Shi Huang unified the Six Kingdoms, he established the first centralized feudal empire in Chinese history. The political system and social changes of the Qin Dynasty had a profound impact on later generations, laying the foundation for more than 2,000 years of feudal society in China.

The political system of the Qin Dynasty was centered on centralization. Qin Shi Huang abolished the feudal system and implemented the county system. The country is divided into 36 counties, each of which has a county guard, a county lieutenant and a superintendent. The county is divided into counties, which are administered by prefectural ordinances. This system allowed the central government to directly control the localities, which greatly strengthened the imperial power.

The institutions of the central government have also undergone significant changes. The Qin Dynasty set up three dukes, the prime minister, the taiwei, and the imperial historian, who were in charge of administration, military affairs, and supervision, respectively. This three-public system became the basic framework of the central government in later generations. At the same time, the Qin Dynasty also set up Jiuqing, which was responsible for the management of specific affairs.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

The bureaucracy of the Qin Dynasty was also unique. The Qin Dynasty implemented a strict evaluation system, and officials were subject to an annual assessment, called a "class". The results of the appraisal are directly related to the promotion and reduction of officials' punishments. This system greatly increased the efficiency of the bureaucracy.

The legal system was an important part of the political system of the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty unified the law and promulgated the Qin Law. The content of the Qin Law is detailed, involving many aspects such as criminal law, civil law, and administrative law. The Qin Dynasty also implemented the system of joint sitting, that is, if one person commits a crime, the whole family will be punished. This harsh legal system effectively upheld the rule of the Qin Dynasty.

The economic policies of the Qin Dynasty also reflected the characteristics of centralized power. Qin Shi Huang unified money, weights and measures, which greatly facilitated economic exchanges across the country. At the same time, the Qin Dynasty also implemented the equalization system, which stipulated the amount of land each household could own to prevent land annexation.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

In terms of culture, the Qin dynasty introduced a series of major reforms. The most famous is the unity of words. Qin Shi Huang ordered the implementation of the small seal and abolished the Six Kingdoms script. This initiative has had a profound impact on the unification and dissemination of Chinese culture.

The Qin Dynasty also implemented measures such as the same text for books and the same track for cars. The same text of the book refers to the unified text, and the same track of the car refers to the unified width of the track. These measures not only promoted economic and cultural exchanges, but also strengthened the central government's control over the local governments.

The education system was also an important part of the social transformation of the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty abolished the schools of the Six Kingdoms and established official schools with law as the main content. This educational system produced a large number of bureaucrats loyal to the imperial power.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

The military system of the Qin Dynasty was also unique. The Qin Dynasty implemented the military merit system, and the military merit was directly linked to the title. This system greatly stimulated the fighting enthusiasm of the soldiers. At the same time, the Qin Dynasty also implemented the system of integrating soldiers and peasants, working in agriculture in peacetime and serving in the army in wartime, which greatly enhanced the country's military strength.

The social changes of the Qin Dynasty were also reflected in population management. The Qin Dynasty implemented a strict household registration system, and every household had to be registered. At the same time, the Qin dynasty also pursued a policy of emigration, moving large numbers of people from the Guanzhong region to newly conquered regions in order to strengthen its control over these regions.

The religious policies of the Qin Dynasty are also noteworthy. Qin Shi Huang admired Huang Lao's technique, but at the same time vigorously suppressed Confucianism. The Qin Dynasty also promoted the burning of books and the prohibition of private learning, which had a profound impact on the development of Chinese culture.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

In terms of infrastructure construction, the Qin Dynasty also made great achievements. Qin Shi Huang built the Ling Canal to connect the Yangtze River and the Pearl River system; A straight road was built to connect Xianyang and Jiuyuan; The tracks were unified and the gallop road was built. These projects have greatly contributed to the transportation and economic development of the country.

The political system and social changes of the Qin Dynasty, although they strengthened the centralization of power, also brought some problems. Harsh laws and onerous forced labor caused discontent among the population. Excessive centralization has also suppressed local dynamism. These problems eventually led to the rapid demise of the Qin dynasty.

When Duke Qi Huan was busy fighting for hegemony, why was Qin busy moving the capital? There is such a history behind it

However, many of the systems and measures of the Qin Dynasty were inherited and developed by later dynasties. The centralized system, the county system, and the system of three princes and nine secretaries all became the basis of the political system of later generations. The Qin Dynasty's unification of writing, weights and measures and other measures had a profound impact on the unification of Chinese culture.

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