
Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

author:Bubble gum

Huang Man, the goddess of short hair, is this hairstyle addicted or a bet!?

There are so many beautiful short-haired beauties in the entertainment industry, Sun Li, Ma Yili, etc., whose neat short hair has become their uncrowned crown. Playing different roles, switching between short hair and long hair at will, this is called real professionalism!

But there is an actress named Huang Man, her hairstyle is like the walking dead, and she will never change! Counting the works she starred in, except for costume dramas, her appearance in modern dramas has never changed:

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

【Netizen Hot Comments】

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".
Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

ID:88 Zhi Hua Tsai: I always thought she was filming a reality show that lasted for more than ten years!

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

Recently, in "Just to Meet You at That Moment" starring Lu Yi and Li Yitong, Huang Man played the scheming stepmother Peng Jing, with short hair, and her appearance is exactly the same as Deng Xiaoqi's mother Deng Bancheng played in "Youth School" before!

【Netizen Hot Comments】

ID: Coo Dong Gu Dong Man: ⊙∀⊙! I thought it was the same show!

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

Non-stop, Huang Man also staged this look without suspense in another new drama this year, looking at the trailer, I recognized her in three seconds! How does this look exactly the same as the characters in her previous works, such as Bai Li in "No Fraud in the World", Wen Ya in "Sweet Lies", etc.?

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

[Hee-hee-hee-hee, it's a drug addiction! 】

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

[Is it that he has been shaved bald since he was a child, so he has a shadow on short hair? ] 】

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

[Ask the screenwriter to arrange a second female for her, change her long hair, and save her hair! ] 】

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

In fact, the characters in the play are also forgotten. Even Huang Man's off-screen appearance is also this one! She once bluntly said that she was simply in love with her short-haired self. Hehe, I believe the first two sentences, but are you sure that aesthetics never get tired? The audience is going to be mentally tired!

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

As a professional actor, even if you like a certain hairstyle, you should weigh the pros and cons. The acting skills are good, but the image work is no trace, is it not easy for the audience to confuse the roles and string plays? As an old drama bone, Huang Man, I'm afraid he wants everyone to only watch the performance and not analyze the appearance.

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

【Netizen Hot Comments】

ID: Trouble you: Give a thumbs up to the writers and producers! It's just such a recognizable degree, we can't see who she is without changing the hairstyle!

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

So, Huang Man, don't you take it as an example! Actors Jin Dong and Lu Yi know that if you change your tricks, you can do it! Short hair and long hair do whatever you want, this is called the professional ethics of an actor! The beautiful hair style in the costume drama, you are also very suitable!

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".

To sum up, Huang Man's short hairstyle that has not changed for thousands of years makes people laugh and cry! I wonder how you feel? Welcome to leave a message to interact and communicate!

Ask the actress to change her hairstyle! has acted in five or six dramas with "semi-permanent short hair".