
New complaints from the automobile quality network|SAIC Volkswagen Tourang electromechanical unit failure requires handling

author:Hi Guizhou
  • Complaint No.: [1187480]
  • Complaint time: 2024-06-03
  • Complaint brand: SAIC Volkswagen
  • Online complaint car series: Tourang
  • Net complaint model: Net 2017 530 V6 four-wheel drive flagship version
  • Content of the complaint

    New complaints from the automobile quality network|SAIC Volkswagen Tourang electromechanical unit failure requires handling
    New complaints from the automobile quality network|SAIC Volkswagen Tourang electromechanical unit failure requires handling
    New complaints from the automobile quality network|SAIC Volkswagen Tourang electromechanical unit failure requires handling
    New complaints from the automobile quality network|SAIC Volkswagen Tourang electromechanical unit failure requires handling
    New complaints from the automobile quality network|SAIC Volkswagen Tourang electromechanical unit failure requires handling
    New complaints from the automobile quality network|SAIC Volkswagen Tourang electromechanical unit failure requires handling

    Gearbox electromechanical unit in the car within six years to replace twice the manufacturer is not maintained, once in 23 years of quality in January broken in the 4S shop replaced, the second time is in April this year and the network is broken to find the manufacturer maintenance reply is not maintained during the maintenance period, 4S shop to find a third party out of 2380 yuan for a dismantling car parts but the quality is too poor to use, after loading the test car found that there is a jump problem, the car to 80 yards when the gear does not enter the seventh gear, even to 100 yards do not enter the gear, the speed is more than 3,000 rpm, The staff of the 4S shop said that it was normal and helpless to call the Market Supervision Bureau, and I called them before, after the Supervision and Administration Bureau repeatedly negotiated with Mr. Guo of the 4S shop, Mr. Guo gave the condition that the car was not bought in their store, and it was taken to see that the old customers often repaired it in their store to do a good thing, and now it can be ignored, and the second is to refund the cost of the electromechanical unit I repaired in their store in 2023 to 1596 yuan, and I want to go to other 4S stores to repair, At that time, I had already paid 2380 yuan as long as the car was repaired, this is the pit dug by the manufacturer, and many times called the manufacturer 400 calls to no avail, but after the test car was installed today, I found that the jump gear speed did not enter the gear, and I was forced to refund me to the 4S store in desperation, the car entered the store from May 4 to today for almost a month, and the result is still a bad car FAW-Volkswagen why should I dig such a pit for consumers, my car has had a lot of problems in just six years, replaced the turbocharger, and turned off twice during driving, Replace a valve, the aforementioned unexplained smell change, the gearbox electromechanical unit is broken twice, the manufacturer is not maintenance, the consumer protection law does not stipulate that the warranty period is two years? How can such a big manufacturer be so domineering! I implore to make the decision for me, and I implore you.

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