
The neighbor borrowed 200 yuan from me, and I lent it to him without thinking about it, and my husband came back and told the truth

author:Aunt Wang is in Shanghai

(Statement: This article is the original debut of Toutiao, and it has been defended by the whole network, plagiarism must be investigated, don't plagiarize!) Thank you for your understanding! )

I have been renting a house in Shanghai, and for a few years the house I rented was a private house, and the house was very small, only 7 square meters, with only a bed and a table inside, a wooden board outside, and a liquefied gas stove, and we cooked in the corridor outside.

The neighbor borrowed 200 yuan from me, and I lent it to him without thinking about it, and my husband came back and told the truth

Across from us was a boy in his 20s, we were all busy, we met just to say hello, he came to see us cook every time we cooked, sometimes I did too much and asked him to eat with us.

The boy called me aunt, called my husband uncle, this boy has a very sweet mouth, every time we meet, uncle and aunt call him, my husband and I like him a lot.

I don't know what the boy does, he often sleeps at home during the day and goes to work at night. He doesn't cook by himself, sometimes he orders takeout and sometimes eats at our house.

The neighbor borrowed 200 yuan from me, and I lent it to him without thinking about it, and my husband came back and told the truth

My husband went to work that day, I came back to rest at noon as a part-time worker, and just finished eating and was about to take a nap, when the little boy came knocking on the door.

The little boy smiled at me embarrassedly and said, "Auntie, can you lend me 200 yuan, I have to pay the rent today, my money is not enough, I will pay you back when I get my salary." ”

I didn't think about it, I took 200 yuan from my bag and gave it to him, I still have 200 yuan, if you ask me to borrow 2000 yuan, it will be gone.

When the boy got the money, he said thank you and went back to his room. I don't understand, why does this boy even have to borrow two hundred yuan?

When my husband came back in the evening, I told him that the boy had borrowed 200 yuan from me. My husband blamed me, saying that I shouldn't have lent him the money, and if I lent him the money, I just didn't get it back.

That night, the boy went to the chess and card room to play mahjong, and lost money again, and the boy had already asked the boss to borrow a lot of money, and asked the boss to borrow money from me when he couldn't borrow money.

I see! Why didn't such a young boy learn well, and why did he become addicted to gambling?

Since it was lent to him, forget it, even if he doesn't pay it back, it's only 200 yuan. Since then, every time the little boy sees us, he is embarrassed, we cook, he does not come to see us cook, and he does not come to our house to eat.

Later, I didn't see the little boy for a long time, and the door across from me was always closed. My husband said to me that the little boy must have moved away, and he still owes a lot of money to the owner of the chess and card room, but he hasn't paid it back, not to mention my 200 yuan.

The neighbor borrowed 200 yuan from me, and I lent it to him without thinking about it, and my husband came back and told the truth

If you don't pay it back, you won't pay it back! Anyway, it's only 200 yuan. It's been years since I forgot about it.

Some time ago, I went to my cousin's place to play, and I went to the vegetable market with my cousin to buy fruit, and it was a boy who called me the fruit, and I felt very familiar.

The little boy also saw me, it turned out that he was my neighbor back then, the little boy blushed when he saw me, and called us good fruits, and I was about to pay, but the little boy stopped me, and he wouldn't let me pay.

The neighbor borrowed 200 yuan from me, and I lent it to him without thinking about it, and my husband came back and told the truth

Then the little boy took out 200 yuan from the drawer and said to me: "Auntie, I'm sorry, I owe you 200 yuan and haven't paid you back for so many years, I made money later, and when I went to pay you back, you moved away and never found you." ”

I can't imagine it! The boy remembered the 200 yuan, and I took the 200 yuan, and then I took out two pieces of money for the fruit, and the little boy insisted on not wanting the money for the fruit.

The little boy said, "Auntie, this fruit is for you to eat, in the past, I used to eat at your house, I don't know how to thank you, I have made money by opening a fruit shop, and I should send you a little fruit to eat." ”

I saw that the little boy was very sincere, so I accepted the fruit. I went home with my cousin, and when we got to my cousin's house, we washed the fruit and ate it, and it felt very sweet. #头条创作挑战赛#