
"Sight", there are too many helpless things in the world


Ophthalmologists who have been committed to treating eye diseases, reducing blindness, bringing light to many families, and sticking to their original intentions, were hit by a flying disaster and were slashed by their own patients with knives, and the conflict between doctors and patients was once again pushed to the forefront of public opinion, and Tao Yong also became the focus of attention. After experiencing these things, in the days of recovery, Tao Yong reviewed his career, recorded his feelings from his work experience, and also had his own vision for the future.

"Sight", there are too many helpless things in the world

After reading "Gaze", there is anger at the person who slashes people with knives, because he destroys the hopes of dozens, even hundreds, and thousands of families; has admiration for Dr. Tao Yong, but does not question life and the career he is engaged in; There are also thoughts through this book, the many sides of human nature, as well as those sunny touches.

"Sight", there are too many helpless things in the world

Good and evil are not two sides of the coin, but a whole that overlaps each other. A person who even does stealing in order to save money for the treatment of his child will immediately carry the old man to the emergency room after seeing the old lady fall, and then leave silently. Two different things done by the same person, which is good and which is evil?

"Sight", there are too many helpless things in the world

I believe that most people will say that you can't do stealing no matter what, yes, society has its own moral and legal constraints, but just imagine, if one day you are cornered and encounter the same situation as him, can you still say such things calmly? When a person is desperate, he can not hesitate to exchange his life and dignity for the health of his family, and no one can stand on the commanding heights.

"Sight", there are too many helpless things in the world

The hospital is a place where you can explore and see humanity closer. Because facing life directly, we can also see more human nature and taste more human nature. When the hopeless man frantically throws money in the hallway, the money is worthless in the face of health; When parents rushed to the hospital by train in the early morning in order to save dozens of yuan, and couldn't afford to pay for medical expenses, money means light; A child of a few years old can endure the severe pain of not taking anesthetics in order to see the world, and not give up a glimmer of hope in order to live; How many people may not be as good as this child's desire to survive; Some people have lost their money because of their treatment, but they are still willing to give a part of it to help others when they get it...... It turns out that life is unfair to everyone, but you still have to go on your way.

"Sight", there are too many helpless things in the world

Dr. Tao Yong is still moving forward in the field of medicine he loves, and he is still helping more people through his own strength. It is difficult to summarize the content of this book in any words, but I hope that we can all have a better understanding of life and human nature, and all parties will work together to promote the progress of society and people.

"Sight", there are too many helpless things in the world

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