
Why can't these two scrapped aircraft-carrying cruisers be sold for export even if they are killed?

author:Xiongnu Wolf Mountain
Why can't these two scrapped aircraft-carrying cruisers be sold for export even if they are killed?

It has been mentioned more than once in the past that after 1980, the eastern powers have actually introduced at least 4 abandoned aircraft carriers, of course, 3 of which are called aircraft-carrying cruisers; But in the end, only one of them was modified and rebuilt, that is, the first 60,000-ton sliding platform; The question is, where did the other 3 go? In fact, it is not difficult to find the last traces of these 3 ships. In 1985, the first scrapped aircraft carrier Melbourne was introduced, which was a real light aircraft carrier; Until the day it was towed into the Pearl River Estuary shipbreaking yard, it still had a complete beveled blocking deck and steam catapult; Even most of the equipment of the command and control system was not completely destroyed and dismantled. After a certain degree of repair and maintenance, it can be put back on the horse immediately, and its comprehensive integrity is much more powerful than the 20,000-ton small aircraft carrier of the Bordeaux Navy at that time, which was also in service in Asia! It's a pity that the sailors back then were too poor. Needless to say, I bought it all at once, I just wanted to keep it for a few more months,

Why can't these two scrapped aircraft-carrying cruisers be sold for export even if they are killed?

You can't even look at it thoroughly. Because people want to pursue efficiency in shipbreaking yards; If you look at it for a few more months, the local shipbreaking yard will have to wait for a few months, and who will go to the hundreds of thousands of dollars lost? In the end, it was easy to say that it was only a month of precious time difference for observation and measurement, but in the end, it was completely demolished. If you can grit your teeth and sell iron to buy it at that time, then it is equivalent to having a regular aircraft carrier 20 years in advance! It's a pity that the opportunity that has passed from heaven has passed, and if you miss it, you miss it. The next thing is the collapse of the Soviet Union, and most of the capital ships that once flaunted their military might in the world were immediately decommissioned as scrap iron for sale around the world! By chance, at least two 45,000-ton Kiev-class aircraft-carrying cruisers changed hands at least twice before they all fell into the hands of the same big country. The new roles of the two giant ships in the next ten years are also similar, that is, they were simply converted into a military theme park, moored on the pier and bought tickets for public visitors. This in itself means that

Why can't these two scrapped aircraft-carrying cruisers be sold for export even if they are killed?

It has also become impossible for these two giant ships to be modified for militarized use again. The problem is that in the last seven or eight years, the mission of the 2nd ship as a theme park has basically been completed. Even 2 ships were resold internally again, and at least 1 of them caught up with the project and was abandoned in the aquatic weeds by the river, and no one cared about it all year round! So since the two ships have been acquired at the same time, why not continue to upgrade them like the later 60,000-ton ship? Wouldn't that have had 3 aircraft carriers earlier, and so far there are 5 aircraft carriers! Even if it still can't be compared with 10 Nimitz-class, at least on the surface, it seems that having 5 aircraft carriers at the same time is a huge momentum! However, it is said that the main structure of the two Kiev-class ships was deliberately damaged many times before they were sold for scrap metal, and the large shaft was also cut off, so they could no longer be upgraded by themselves. But in fact, for the world's largest shipbuilding country, it is easy to re-dock and replace 4 large shafts; As for the internal,

Why can't these two scrapped aircraft-carrying cruisers be sold for export even if they are killed?

If the key structure is blown up in advance, it is a complete investigation without evidence! In essence, a certain sailor did not look at this 45,000-ton sample from beginning to end, and he wanted to start from more than 60,000 tons. The question is that since the military has been abandoned twice, and even as a theme park, why not export scrap steel again? At least the 2 ships add up to buy scrap, and they can also recycle 70 or 80 million occupied capital. And in fact, even if you are killed, you can no longer sell it to the outside world! Because if it is sold internationally, then it can only be bought by Bordeaux or Bangladesh shipbreaking yards, because these two account for almost 100% of the global shipbreaking business. Bengal is fine, but it is not possible to sell it to Bharata! Because the current Bharata capital ship Chaori King, and the current two were originally sister ships. Even if it is not used for further upgrades, the main structural parts and equipment of the two old ships, especially the oil-fired boilers, and even the refractory bricks on the old oil-fired boilers, are completely universal. And the maintenance of the Super Sun King,

Why can't these two scrapped aircraft-carrying cruisers be sold for export even if they are killed?

What is most lacking in daily life is precisely these refractory bricks that can no longer be found in the world with the same model! Also includes the main original metal parts above. Once the two old ships of the same type are in hand, this will solve the problem of spare parts guarantee for the whole life of the Chaori King in the next 30 years; Moreover, the shipyard in Borneo has been trained by the Vikrant, and may already have the strength to upgrade the two old ships to the standard of the Super Sun King. Make a few more so-called ugly small benches, and sooner or later you can make a batch of usable benches. If the Borata Navy is allowed to have 4 aircraft carriers at the same time, then it must not be arrogant to the sky? Therefore, I would rather blow up and sink these two ships as a reef in a few years, rather than easily cultivate and grow a long-term competitor!