
The weight has risen sharply, has this wave of A-shares stabilized? I'll give you a clear view!

The weight has risen sharply, has this wave of A-shares stabilized? I'll give you a clear view!

Brother Finance and Economics

2024-06-04 12:32Posted in Guangdong financial field creators

There is a strange phenomenon in A-shares today, and the downward weights for many consecutive days, such as Chinese prefixes, banks, securities, and real estate, have all risen, which is intended to stabilize.

New energy and medicine, which are the worst pressed on weekdays, have also risen. So the question is, after days of decline, can A-shares stabilize under the protection of weight?

Today I give you a clear view! After the weight of the year and the year, as the main force of the disk protection, it seems to have risen a lot, but in fact it consumed a lot of money. Don't forget, everything comes at a price.

The next A-shares must be looked at separately, and it is very likely that the weight and the track will go out of the two clear routes. When it comes to future industries (new energy, medical and high-tech), win! Those who are traditionally backward in production capacity will be defeated!

These two correspond to the highs and lows of today (June 4, 2024), and once the funds start to switch, the vigorous drama begins!

On the plate:

First: weight collective protection

Represented by the prefix of the Chinese character, the subsequent weight of securities and banks suddenly counterattacked today, and the reason is not difficult to find. It was too ruthless to go down some time ago, and if you slide like this again, do you want to lose face?

But do you think that you can have face if you want it? Wrong! Only absolute strength is equipped with face, and now retail investors do not support it, and the water can cover the boat.

This is also the reason why many people feel very bad after the year, after all, it is not retail investors who pull weights and enjoy happiness!

Second, new energy is beginning to emerge

Today is June 4th, and it has been 13 months since the lithium mine fell from a high of 600,000/ton to less than 200,000/ton! Half a year has passed since it fell below 100,000 / ton!

For so many days, 100,000 blocks have been a firm support line for lithium mines. I not only look at stocks, but also look at futures, and always pay attention to every move of new energy.

I believe that new energy will soon usher in a new spring, and perseverance will be rewarded!

Third: semiconductors have fallen miserably

Semiconductors, which have performed well for 3 consecutive days, have repeatedly fallen to the top today. However, I didn't participate in this part, mainly because many students in it couldn't understand the trend.

Not engaging in what I don't understand is my basic working principle. If you can't understand the trend, you can't understand it, so you don't play. If I understand the trend in the future, I will not hesitate to draw my sword quickly.

I am Brother Caijing, a man who is determined to spend 10 years to make 100 million fans easily understand finance, pay attention to me and grow up together.

The above is only a personal opinion and is not intended as any advice!

The weight has risen sharply, has this wave of A-shares stabilized? I'll give you a clear view!

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  • The weight has risen sharply, has this wave of A-shares stabilized? I'll give you a clear view!

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