
Carrot Run responds to a driverless car on the side of the road for an hour on a rainstorm: to ensure the safety of passengers

Carrot Run responds to a driverless car on the side of the road for an hour on a rainstorm: to ensure the safety of passengers

Drive the house

2024-06-26 10:17Published in Henan

Fast Technology reported on June 26 that some netizens recently posted that when riding the unmanned vehicle of Radish Run, they encountered heavy rain weather, and the vehicle automatically stopped on the side of the road in the rainstorm and stayed for an hour before continuing to run.

In this regard, the customer service of Carrot Express said that the self-driving car does not support passengers to get off the bus halfway in case of emergencies, which is to ensure the safety of passengers, and if there are special circumstances, you can contact the safety officer or the itinerary specialist to get off the bus in time.

Carrot Run responds to a driverless car on the side of the road for an hour on a rainstorm: to ensure the safety of passengers

The customer service also said that in order to ensure the safety of passengers during the rainstorm, the driverless car may be adjusted and suspended.

According to the data, Radish Express is Baidu's autonomous driving travel service platform, which has opened manned test operation services in 11 cities across the country, achieving full coverage of super first-tier cities.

As of April 19, 2024, Baidu Radish Express has provided more than 6 million orders on open roads, making it the world's largest autonomous driving travel service provider.

Carrot Run responds to a driverless car on the side of the road for an hour on a rainstorm: to ensure the safety of passengers

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  • Carrot Run responds to a driverless car on the side of the road for an hour on a rainstorm: to ensure the safety of passengers
  • Carrot Run responds to a driverless car on the side of the road for an hour on a rainstorm: to ensure the safety of passengers

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