
From left-behind children to empty nesters, a cycle of fate

author:Cat door
From left-behind children to empty nesters, a cycle of fate

The weather was hot, and after washing up, I just wanted to hide in a room with a cool temperature and lie down and play with my mobile phone, but I saw my mother sitting alone in the yard.

I stepped forward to her and said, "Isn't it hot, why are you still sitting here?" How comfortable it is in an air-conditioned room! ”

Mom shook the fan twice, laughing without saying a word.

I know she's waiting for someone to come and talk.

There were originally 7 families living in our yard, and there were many people, and the neighbors in the neighborhood also loved to come to our yard to play after dinner, chatting and laughing.

Mom is not a talkative person, most of the time she listens to other people's conversations, and she doesn't participate. Sometimes when it comes to gossip among villagers or about planting crops, she can say a few words, and when it comes to current affairs, she doesn't say a word. Even so, she loves to sit with everyone and listen to their chats.

From left-behind children to empty nesters, a cycle of fate

Later, every household was equipped with air conditioning, and when it was cold in winter, everyone blew heating at home; In the summer, no one came out to play at night, only my mother still followed her routine day after day, and she would sit in the yard after dinner, even if she knew that no one would come, she still had to sit until late.

Many times I couldn't bear to see her sitting alone, and she was the only one in the huge courtyard, like a lonely watchman, and I felt very uncomfortable to see her.

One day after lunch, I sat on the sofa with my mother watching TV, and my mother dozed off when she watched it, and I turned my head to look at her, and she was leaning on the sofa with her head down.

This familiar scene made my eyes wet.

I patted her gently, "Go to bed." ”

Mom yawned and sat up straight, "Sleepy and not very sleepy, but sitting and dozing off again." ”

I smiled and said, "You looked too much like your grandmother just now, and your grandmother used to be like this, you and she really look like you." ”

So I talked to my mother about my grandmother in my memory, and about the years when I was a left-behind child, and my grandmother and I spent time with each other.

"At that time, I was not too rebellious, but sometimes I hated getting along with my grandmother, thinking that she was too conservative, uneducated and verbose, and I couldn't help but talk about how hard they were in that era, how difficult they were in that era, and I didn't like to hear it at all." I recalled my grandmother's appearance, "But sometimes I feel very sorry for her, she is uneducated, she is too honest, not to mention friends, there is not even a person in the village who is willing to talk to her, and even the children in the yard have to deliberately tease her for fun." There was no one to play with, so she had to go around the field every day to pass the time, or sit and doze off. ”

From left-behind children to empty nesters, a cycle of fate

My mother listened quietly to me talk about my grandmother's life.

"You're better than Grandma in that you can play cards for fun, but I can't imagine how boring you are when you're not playing."

Mom was silent for a while before saying, "It's not boring, it's not like this." ”

Does this look like a kind of reincarnation of fate?

When I was a child, my parents worked outside, and my grandmother stayed at home with me, looking forward to my parents coming home; Now I'm working outside, and my parents stay at home and look forward to me coming home.