
Do you want to allow the People's Liberation Army to be unified? Biden is no longer pretending, and the Pentagon has set up a secret team to accelerate the arming of Taiwan

author:Beacon front station

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin delivered a speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore held by a British think tank, during which he directly reaffirmed the U.S. policy of maintaining the "status quo in the Taiwan Strait." As a matter of fact, the so-called "status quo in the Taiwan Strait" is already contrary to the "one-China policy," because under the active fire of the United States, the DPP authorities on Taiwan Island are promoting "gradual Taiwan independence," and Lai Ching-te openly shouted the "two-state theory" on 20 May. Obviously, the United States' active arming of Taiwan has greatly stimulated the DPP authorities, and for this reason the DPP dares to openly launch a provocation. Under the atmosphere of the Biden administration hollowing out the "one-China policy", the Pentagon has set up a so-called "secret group", which is mainly used to promote the acceleration of the arming of Taiwan.

Do you want to allow the People's Liberation Army to be unified? Biden is no longer pretending, and the Pentagon has set up a secret team to accelerate the arming of Taiwan

The US "Defense News Weekly" revealed that the so-called "Taiwan Integration Group" set up by the Pentagon is engaged in promoting US arms dealers to provide weapons and equipment to Taiwan, highlighting that US President Biden no longer pretends to be and will continue to use the "Taiwan card" to prevent China's development and rise. According to public information, the United States still has nearly $20 billion in weapons and equipment that has not been delivered to Taiwan, and in fact, the weapons that the United States has not delivered are in "dynamics" because Taiwan continues to buy American weapons. Judging from the information released by Taiwan, Taiwan is also trying to purchase US AGM-158C stand-off cruise missiles, so as to enhance Taiwan's long-range strike deterrence capability.

Do you want to allow the People's Liberation Army to be unified? Biden is no longer pretending, and the Pentagon has set up a secret team to accelerate the arming of Taiwan

In recent years, the United States has stepped up its military assistance to Taiwan, and when providing military assistance to Ukraine, the United States has also taken a ride to provide military aid to Taiwan, thus exposing the hostile position of the US Congress to China. When the US Congress strongly supported Taiwan, the Biden administration of the United States also actively cooperated, and for this reason, the Pentagon set up a "Taiwan Integration Group". Due to the outbreak of the conflict in the Ukraine crisis, the United States has seen a new opportunity, and for this reason it has tried to deal with China by replicating the strategy against Russia, and American politicians have shouted the slogan "Ukraine today and Taiwan tomorrow", thus providing an excuse for actively arming Taiwan.

Do you want to allow the People's Liberation Army to be unified? Biden is no longer pretending, and the Pentagon has set up a secret team to accelerate the arming of Taiwan

According to the analysis of the Beacon Front Station, the Pentagon's establishment of a secret group is working hard for the US arms dealers, and the collusion between the US Pentagon and the US arms dealers is an open secret, and the United States itself is a huge military-industrial complex, and while the United States exports weapons, US congressmen and Pentagon officials can obtain direct benefits, thus forming a closed-loop chain of interests. At a time when Taiwan can seize benefits from the mainland, the United States has lost no time in continuing to push for the supply of weapons to Taiwan, and this has led to the action of the Pentagon.

Do you want to allow the People's Liberation Army to be unified? Biden is no longer pretending, and the Pentagon has set up a secret team to accelerate the arming of Taiwan

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's claim that he wants to maintain the status quo in the Taiwan Strait and opposes unilateral change of the status quo through force is in fact not allowing the PLA to change its rhetoric. Regarding Austin's remarks and the actions of the Pentagon, the DPP authorities on Taiwan Island have once again been excited, exaggerating the so-called "rock-solid" relationship. In fact, not only the United States has jumped up and down, but also its allies, and recently a missile frigate of the Dutch Navy has passed through the Taiwan Strait.

Do you want to allow the People's Liberation Army to be unified? Biden is no longer pretending, and the Pentagon has set up a secret team to accelerate the arming of Taiwan