
The scuffle escalated, anti-American attacks blossomed everywhere, and within 24 hours, the Houthis attacked US aircraft carriers twice

author:See the world in the vernacular

How did the US respond to the two successive attacks on US aircraft carriers by the Houthis in 24 hours?

As the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues, the melee war in the Middle East is also escalating, and the battlefield is no longer limited to Gaza, but also in the Red Sea, anti-US and anti-Israeli attacks are also blooming everywhere. Recently, within 24 hours, Yemen's Houthi rebels launched two successive attacks on the US Navy's USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Red Sea. On the 1st, Yemen's Houthi spokesman Sarea pointed out in his speech that in a recent operation, the Houthis launched a missile and drone attack on the US aircraft carrier "Eisenhower", which is currently in the northern part of the Red Sea, which is also the second time that the Houthis have attacked a US aircraft carrier in the past 24 hours. Not long ago, the Houthis carried out an attack on the US aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower, using multiple winged missiles and ballistic missiles, and hitting the target. Apparently, this is the latest movement in the history of Houthi attacks on US warships in the waters of the Red Sea. Why attack on US aircraft carriers? There are two main reasons: First, the US aircraft carrier is considered to be the symbol of the US naval fleet, and attacking the US aircraft carrier is of different significance than attacking other US warships; Second, as a response to the US-British attack. It is understood that on the eve of the Houthi attack on the US aircraft carrier, on the night of May 30 to 31, the US-British coalition attacked the Yemeni capital Sana'a and the port city of Hodeidah, killing 16 people and injuring more than 40 in Hodeidah alone.

The scuffle escalated, anti-American attacks blossomed everywhere, and within 24 hours, the Houthis attacked US aircraft carriers twice

So how did the US respond to the Houthi attack on the US aircraft carrier? So far, the U.S. military has not responded to the attack, and as for the Houthi claim that the attack hit the target, U.S. military officials responded that they have not found such a situation for the time being. It is not difficult to find that the US side deliberately "coldly handled" the incident and did not want public opinion to continue to ferment. Why is the US doing this? You know, attacking US aircraft carriers is not a trivial matter. A simple analysis shows that there is a possibility, that is, the United States does not want to be really dragged into this Middle East melee because of this incident. To put it bluntly, I just don't want to go to war, and I don't want to get bogged down in the Middle East war again. Because the United States' strategic objectives are now mainly focused on the Asia-Pacific region, its military operations in the Middle East are more for Israel and other allies to see, so that they will not lose confidence in the United States' so-called commitment to "defend its allies." As for the US air strikes on Yemen, they are also a response to the previous Houthi attacks on US warships and merchant ships.

The scuffle escalated, anti-American attacks blossomed everywhere, and within 24 hours, the Houthis attacked US aircraft carriers twice

So did the Houthis really hit the Chinese and American aircraft carriers this time? Before answering this question, it needs to be understood that the cruise missiles that the Houthis can attack, that is, anti-ship missiles, have a relatively limited range, while the combat radius of the aircraft carrier itself is greater than 1,000 kilometers, and there is no need for the US aircraft carrier to expose itself to the range of the Houthis. In addition, it should be noted that if the US aircraft carrier is really so weak that it cannot even withstand the strike of the Houthi general missiles, then the US aircraft carrier is inevitably too weak, right? You must know that the US aircraft carrier dispatch must be the entire aircraft carrier battle group, and its combat power should be more than that. In addition, US warships have been attacked by the Houthis many times in the Red Sea before, which is bound to make the US military maintain a high degree of vigilance, and in this case, the US aircraft carrier was also hit by Houthi missiles, which is somewhat unrealistic. However, although there is a high probability that the US aircraft carrier will not be hit, the fact that the Houthis dare to attack the US aircraft carrier is enough to prove their anti-US courage and determination, and it no longer matters whether the missile hits the US aircraft carrier or not.

The scuffle escalated, anti-American attacks blossomed everywhere, and within 24 hours, the Houthis attacked US aircraft carriers twice

To some extent, these two attacks on the US military also mean that the Houthis have raised their confrontation with the United States to the maximum limit. However, having said that, the US military is also to blame for this in the Red Sea. Originally, the Houthis only attacked "Israeli-related" ships at first, and it was the United States that insisted on high-profile claims of support for Israel, and also enlisted Western allies to form so-called "escort formations" in the Red Sea, and at the same time sent military aircraft to carry out air strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen, which eventually led the Houthis to turn the spearhead to American ships. To put it bluntly, the United States is deeply responsible for the escalation of the chaos in the Red Sea, and its counter-violence has exacerbated regional tensions.

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