
Today's miscanthus species

author:Journalists observe

Reporter Guan Junlong

It is the ninth of the 24 solar terms and the third solar term of summer. Every year on June 5 or 6, when the sun reaches 75° of ecliptic longitude, it is the solar term of mangzhong. The solar term marks the beginning of the vigorous growth period of crops and is a busy season for farmers. At this time, the earth is full of life, and everywhere is full of life.

Today's miscanthus species

During the planting season, the wheat seedlings have grown into golden rice fields, and the rice grains are swaying, as if to show people the hope of a good harvest. Farmers toiled in the fields, sowing, pruning, fertilizing, weeding, all for the sake of harvesting a good harvest season. They sweat like rain and work hard, just for a good harvest in the future, just to make their hometown more prosperous.

Today's miscanthus species

During the mango season, the scenery of the countryside is particularly beautiful. The golden waves of wheat in the fields dance in the breeze, as if dancing the music of life. The sounds of the peasants working, hoeing, harvesting, and laughing are intertwined to form a beautiful picture. The sun hangs high in the sky, shedding golden rays that shine on the earth, making everything bright and beautiful.

During the mango planting season, the life in the countryside is also extraordinarily colorful. The children of the village frolic in the fields, playing hide and seek, kicking shuttlecocks, flying kites, and enjoying the summer sun and fresh air. The old people in the village sat at the door basking in the sun, chatting about family life, reminiscing about the past, and enjoying the quiet time of the years. The women of the village chatted and cooked together, and supported each other through every hardship and difficulty in life.

Today's miscanthus species

During the mango season, the scenery of the countryside is picturesque and intoxicating. The golden wheat waves, red apricots, and verdant vegetables in the fields constitute a beautiful picture, which makes people feel refreshed and feel the wonder and beauty of nature.

During the mango planting season, people's mood is also particularly happy. In this season, everything is so beautiful, so harmonious, so full of hope and longing. The farmers work hard, pay and dedicate themselves in the fields, so that people can feel the warmth and beauty of life, and let people feel the warmth and happiness of their hometown.

Today's miscanthus species

The season of mango planting is a harvest season, a season full of hope and longing. In this season, let us feel the beauty of nature, the warmth of life, and the happiness of our hometown. Let us cherish everything in front of us, cherish every beautiful moment in life, let us feel the beauty of life with our hearts, enjoy the fun of life with our hearts, and cherish every moment of life with our hearts.

Today's miscanthus species

In the season of mango planting, let us feel the beauty of life together, let us enjoy the fun of life together, and let us cherish every moment of life together. May our lives be full of hope and longing, may our hometown be more prosperous, and may our hearts always be full of sunshine and hope. May our lives be like mango seeds, full of harvest and joy, full of hope and longing. May our lives always be happy and beautiful, always full of warmth and happiness.