
Checking love flowers blooms and illuminates the future - Pinglu County People's Procuratorate carried out a series of activities to welcome "June 1st".

author:Journalists observe

Shanxi, June 4 (Zhao Yong, correspondent Fu Danyang, Chang Linxia) On the occasion of International Children's Day, it is the third anniversary of the implementation of the revised "Law on the Protection of Minors" and the "Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency" and the first anniversary of the establishment of the "Rainbow Bridge" Juvenile Procuratorate Office of the Pinglu County People's Procuratorate. In order to further strengthen the protection of minors and promote the coordinated efforts of the "six major protections", in the past few days, the "Rainbow Bridge" Juvenile Prosecution Studio of the Pinglu County People's Procuratorate has carefully organized and carefully planned, combined with the special action of "Inspecting and Protecting People's Livelihood", and carried out a series of activities of "Checking Love Flowers and Illuminating the Future" to bring children a unique holiday experience.

Send the law into the campus so that every flower and tree can grow to the sun

Checking love flowers blooms and illuminates the future - Pinglu County People's Procuratorate carried out a series of activities to welcome "June 1st".

Fa run the heart, check the growth. Since May, members of the Pinglu County People's Procuratorate's "Rainbow Bridge" Non-Inspection Studio have gone to Pinglu County No. 2 Primary School, Pinglu Middle School and other schools as "vice principals for rule of law", and arranged different classroom content according to the different needs of students of different ages for the study of the rule of law, and sent a variety of "rule of law feasts" to teachers and students. In the classroom, the members of the Pinglu County People's Procuratorate's "Rainbow Bridge" Unprosecuted Studio brought popular movies and cases in online incidents such as "All or Nothing" and "Article 20" into the classroom by explaining the law with cases, explaining to the students what is illegal and criminal, vividly showing the criminal behavior and its legal consequences, so that the students can understand that everyone is equal before the law, and age is not an excuse to evade responsibility, so that the students can deeply feel the seriousness of the law and the importance of abiding by the law. And I wish the students that under the sunshine of the rule of law, their hearts are like flowers and trees, and they are born to the sun.

Send love to your side so that every child can be seen

Checking love flowers blooms and illuminates the future - Pinglu County People's Procuratorate carried out a series of activities to welcome "June 1st".

Where the heart is connected, what is done. Recently, the members of the Pinglu County People's Procuratorate's "Rainbow Bridge" Unchecked Studio incarnated as "caring mothers" to visit and comfort the three left-behind children who were paired to help, and sent them carefully prepared schoolbags, extracurricular books, stationery and other loving materials, so as to send care and love to the left-behind children in a timely manner. During the visit, the "caring mothers" had a cordial conversation with the left-behind children and their guardians, learned about the children's physical condition and living conditions, asked about the recent difficulties and needs in life, answered the questions raised by the children one by one, and publicized to them the legal knowledge such as the protection of minors and telecommunication fraud, and encouraged them to study hard, overcome difficulties, and face life with a positive attitude. At the same time, the "caring mothers" also left contact information with their guardians, and said that they would keep the love "connection" and continuous "line", nourish the child's heart with love, and help the children solve emotional, psychological, life, learning, safety and other problems with heart, strength and affection, so that love and hope can continue to grow.

Guarding the "Plate of Food" Let every meal ensure the safety of the tongue

Checking love flowers blooms and illuminates the future - Pinglu County People's Procuratorate carried out a series of activities to welcome "June 1st".

Supervise and standardize, and fall to the "food" place. On May 30, the Pinglu County People's Procuratorate's "Rainbow Bridge" Uninspected Studio and the County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau carried out food safety inspection activities on campus canteens and around the campus in the county's first primary school, first junior high school and other schools. The joint inspection team inspected the school canteen's fruit and vegetable raw material storage room, pastry making room and other places, and conducted an in-depth and detailed investigation on the hygiene of the school canteen, the procurement of ingredients, the cleaning and disinfection of catering utensils, and the compliance of food samples. The joint inspection team also inspected whether the shops around the campus were operating without a license, whether the food packaging and labeling were standardized, whether there were any illegal acts such as selling expired food and selling tobacco products to minors. In response to the problem of merchants selling "cigarette cards" with cigarette logos found during the inspection, explain the law and explain the law and publicize the rule of law, and remind merchants not to guide minors to make wrong purchases. The "Rainbow Bridge" uninspected studio performs its duties with high-quality inspection, creates a healthy and safe campus environment, and makes every effort to protect the healthy growth of minors.

Checking love flowers blooms and illuminates the future - Pinglu County People's Procuratorate carried out a series of activities to welcome "June 1st".

Protecting flowers requires more people's strength, when the spring breeze and rain are endless. The Pinglu County People's Procuratorate's "Rainbow Bridge" Unprosecuted Studio will take this event as an opportunity to actively respond to the new expectations and requirements of all sectors of society for juvenile procuratorial work, continuously enhance the brand influence of unprosecuted, spread the seeds of "love", expand the platform of "love", and gather the joint force of "love", and take practical actions to be a good guide for the growth of minors, a guardian of rights and interests, and a future dream builder, and strive to build a new pattern of all-round, multi-level and multi-dimensional protection of minors, and continue to make efforts for the physical and mental health of minors. Spread the light of the rule of law in the hearts of minors, and show the temperature of the procuratorate in the subtleties!

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