
"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei criticized angrily: The chaos that floated when the showbiz exploded

author:Poetry loves gossip
"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei criticized angrily: The chaos that floated when the showbiz exploded

Recently, Liu Yifei's remarks in the live broadcast went straight to the hot search. She bluntly pointed out that some actors have become popular too quickly, and they have not yet experienced artistic accumulation and tribulation, and they will be fluttering after they become popular, and may even have a bad impact on the public and bring negative effects to the entertainment industry, and assert that such actors will not go far.


As a group of people who eat melons, when we hear such remarks, our reaction is naturally full of curiosity. Who made the "fairy sister" feel so emotional?

"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei criticized angrily: The chaos that floated when the showbiz exploded

In this fast-paced era, overnight success is no longer a distant dream. Various talent shows and online platforms provide opportunities for many newcomers to become popular quickly. However, as Liu Yifei said, too fast to become famous is not necessarily a good thing. Without years of polishing and tempering of acting skills, these actors are easy to lose themselves and lose their awe of art in the face of sudden fame and fortune.

"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei criticized angrily: The chaos that floated when the showbiz exploded

It is possible to become complacent with the popularity of the moment, and instead of striving to improve one's professional qualities, they may indulge in vanity and pleasure. Such behavior not only disappointed the audience, but also brought a bad impact on the atmosphere of the entire entertainment industry. After all, what the audience wants to see is an actor with strength, connotation, and who can continue to bring excellent works, not a short-lived "meteor".

"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei criticized angrily: The chaos that floated when the showbiz exploded

Of course, Liu Yifei's words also make us think about whether the development of the entertainment industry is too impetuous? Is there a lack of training and guidance mechanism for new actors? While pursuing commercial interests and traffic, do you ignore the value of art itself?

"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei criticized angrily: The chaos that floated when the showbiz exploded

Everyone's growth path is different, although some actors become famous quickly, they can adjust their mentality in time in the follow-up development, strive to make up for their shortcomings, and prove that they are not short-lived.

"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei criticized angrily: The chaos that floated when the showbiz exploded

Liu Yifei's live broadcast speech sounded the alarm for the entertainment industry. As public figures, actors should always keep a clear head and understand their responsibilities and missions. Only by constantly accumulating and honing, and shaping every role with heart, can we go further and more stable on the road of acting.

"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei criticized angrily: The chaos that floated when the showbiz exploded

As a melon-eating crowd, while paying attention to celebrity gossip, we should also expect the entertainment industry to be more sincere and hardworking, less impetuous and vain, and bring us more excellent works. But I'm really curious, I don't know which celebrity will stand up and make similar sharp remarks next time.


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