
Mangzhong: Three Pieces of Life Wisdom Left by Our Ancestors (In-depth Article)

author:Positive energy big mouth
Mangzhong: Three Pieces of Life Wisdom Left by Our Ancestors (In-depth Article)

At 12:09 on June 5th, this year's mangzhong solar term will be ushered in.

Between June 5 and 7 every year, when the sun reaches 75 degrees of ecliptic longitude, the solar term of Mangzhong arrives.

The name "miscanthus seed" comes from "Zhou Li", which means "born of grass and planted by miscanthus seed", where "miscanthus" refers to the needle at the top of the grass, and "seed" means sowing seeds.

At the same time, the mangzhong temperament also contains the three wisdoms of Confucian culture.

1. Seize the moment

Mango is the ninth of the 24 solar terms and the third of the summer.

At this time, rice is planted in the south and wheat is harvested in the north, so it is also called "busy seed", reflecting the busy agricultural activities during this period.

If people miss the sowing and harvesting seasons, they will not reap the grain. So at the right time, do the right thing.

Being a human being is the same as farming, once you miss the opportunity, you will achieve nothing.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu successively invaded Xianyang, and at that time, Xiang Yu led 400,000 troops to be stationed in Xinfeng Hongmen outside Xianyang.

Liu Bang led 100,000 troops to be stationed on the dam, the two armies were very close to each other, Xiang Yu was in full swing at this time, and the opportunity to eliminate Liu Bang could be said to be easy.

The strategist Fan Zeng offered a plan to Xiang Yu, asked him to set up a banquet to entertain Liu Bang in Hongmen, and then took the opportunity to kill Liu Bang, which could easily prevent future troubles.

However, at the "Hongmen Banquet", Xiang Yu was indecisive and repeatedly gave up the opportunity to kill Liu Bang.

Then, he listened to Xiang Bo's "benevolence and righteousness", let go of the opponent who was at an absolute disadvantage at that time, and named Liu Bang the "King of Han".

Subsequently, Xiang Yu led troops from Xianyang to Pengcheng, intending to return to his hometown to show off, so as to delay the fighter.

At this time, Liu Bang's power had grown day by day.

In the end, the embattled voices forced a generation of Western Chu overlords to say goodbye to their beloved Yu Ji in tears, and ended up with Wujiang killing himself.

In fact, although there are other objective factors in the tragedy of Xiang Yu's defeat and death, this has a lot to do with his missed opportunity in Hongmen.

At that time, when Xiang Yu let Liu Bang go in Hongmen, Fan Zeng said angrily: "The erector is not enough and the plan is also."

It means that I don't want the opportunity to be sent to you, how can I have a boss like you, I'm really angry.

When the opportunity comes, we must seize it, and once we miss it, we will regret it.

Mangzhong: Three Pieces of Life Wisdom Left by Our Ancestors (In-depth Article)

2. Causal cycle

In June, the year is halfway over, the fruits of the first half of the year are harvested, and the seedlings of the second half of the year are planted.

In the middle of a harvest, life is endless, pouring sweat, sowing hope, and concentrating on hard work, in order to reap the abundance of life.

In the midst of this kind of harvest, there is hidden the wisdom of cause and effect of Buddhism.

As the saying goes: plant melons and get melons, and plant beans and get beans. There is a cause and an effect.

There was a Zen master in Liang in the Southern Dynasty, and he was very diligent in meditation, and people called him a kowtow master.

Emperor Wu of Liang had great respect for him, so he sent someone to find him to meet him. On the day when the kowtow master came to meet him, Emperor Wu of Liang was playing chess with others.

The guards came in and reported, "Your Majesty, the Zen master is here."

Emperor Wu of Liang, who was concentrating on playing chess, didn't seem to hear it, because he wanted to kill one of the opponent's chess pieces, so he responded: "Kill!"

When the guards received the order, they went out and beheaded the kowtower.

After the chess game was played, Emperor Wu of Liang remembered to see the kowtow master, so he said, "Please come in."

The guard replied, "Your Majesty ordered him to be killed just now, and the minister has already been ordered to kill him."

Emperor Wu of Liang sighed sadly after hearing this, and asked, "Did the Zen master say anything before he died?"

The guard said for the priest:

"Poor Dao is not guilty, I was a farmer in my previous life, and when I was digging the ground with a shovel, I accidentally killed an earthworm. The emperor is the earthworm, so I have suffered this retribution in this life. ”

After hearing this, Emperor Wu of Liang couldn't help but shed tears and remorse.

You have sown a good heart for the world today, and one day, this good fortune will be inadvertently returned to yourself.

Everything in the world has cause and effect, those who love love to return, and those who are blessed are blessed.

Mangzhong: Three Pieces of Life Wisdom Left by Our Ancestors (In-depth Article)

3. Go with the flow

Although the mango seeds are busy, they can't be greedy for temporary success, and they can't do things that help seedlings grow.

We are all children of nature, and many things must conform to the laws of nature.

The Tao Te Ching says: "Man is the law of the earth, the earth is the law of the sky, the heaven is the law, and the Tao is the nature." ”

Life is a practice, the road is simple, and only by going with the flow can we live this life well.

Many things in the world are better to conform to the laws of nature, and now there is a very popular word "reverse growth, where you want to rectify".

Many women will make themselves look good through plastic surgery, and they will not hesitate to use a knife on their face.

Xiaoyu, who looks sweet, always feels that her nose is not high enough and not straight enough, so she decided to go for plastic surgery.

Although her friends said that your nose was okay and there was no need to go under the knife, she still insisted on plastic surgery.

In the end, after comparing four or five plastic surgery hospitals, Xiaoyu spent more than 30,000 yuan and chose a relatively large hospital for nose plastic surgery.

After the plastic surgery, Xiaoyu entered the recovery period, she felt pain and swelling in her face, but her heart was full of anticipation and longing for the future.

But after more than 40 days, Xiaoyu felt that something was wrong, because it did not recover in a month, as the doctor said, and she felt that the bridge of her nose had been painful.

Xiaoyu went to the plastic surgery hospital, and the doctor in charge of plastic surgery replied that everyone's physique is different, and she would take painkillers when she was in pain.

Two months later, Xiaoyu couldn't stand the pain, so she went to the hospital for an X-ray examination, and finally diagnosed that the entire nose cushion was severely inflamed, and if not treated in time, it might affect the respiratory tract.

In desperation, Xiaoyu had to take out the pad body, and it took three or four friends time for Xiaoyu to recover, and the doctor also said that there was no guarantee that the nose could be restored to before plastic surgery.

Life is short, conform to nature, and grow together with all things in heaven and earth in order to live in harmony with nature.

Mangzhong: Three Pieces of Life Wisdom Left by Our Ancestors (In-depth Article)

4. Conclusion

There are four seasons in this world, some people live in one place, some people have ideals and distances, and what they want depends on themselves.

Hard work is a kind of life attitude, regardless of age, it is never too late to start, instead of learning from the best others, it is better to be the best version of yourself.

Do things in March and April, July and August have their own answers, you just have to work hard, and leave the rest to time.

Mangzhong: Three Pieces of Life Wisdom Left by Our Ancestors (In-depth Article)

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