
Wang Wenli: Strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era and create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship

author:Qitaihe release

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Wang Wenli: Strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era and create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship
Wang Wenli: Strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era and create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship

Wang Wenli emphasized when visiting the "Diligent and Honest Longjiang" Qitaihe City Integrity Culture Construction Theme Works Exhibition

Strengthen the construction of a culture of integrity in the new era

Create a good atmosphere of clean air and entrepreneurship

Li Bing, Chen Xiufen, and Wang Xianyu participated

Wang Wenli: Strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era and create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship

On June 4, Wang Wenli, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited the Municipal Cultural Center to visit the "Diligent and Honest Longjiang" Qitaihe City Integrity Culture Construction Theme Works Exhibition. He stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on the party's self-revolution, fully implement the spirit of the provincial conference on the construction of a diligent and honest Longjiang, carry out party discipline learning and education, continue to strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era, promote party members and cadres to consciously abide by rules and disciplines, enhance the ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration, create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship, and provide a strong guarantee for the high-quality development of Qitaihe.

Li Bing, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, Chen Xiufen, Chairman of the CPPCC, Wang Xianyu, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and other leaders of the four municipal teams, as well as leaders of the Municipal Intermediate People's Court, the Municipal People's Procuratorate and the Qitaihe Vocational Technician College participated.

The exhibition of the theme of clean culture construction is jointly sponsored by the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, exhibiting more than 130 works of art, calligraphy, paper-cutting, photography and other works created by people from all walks of life in the province and in our city. These works have distinct themes, diverse forms, and novel perspectives, which deeply reflect the contemporary connotation of the culture of integrity. At the exhibition site, Wang Wenli and other city leaders watched the exhibition carefully, listened carefully to the explanation of the staff, learned in detail about the ideological connotations embodied in different forms and styles of works, and discussed and exchanged views on the content of the works. Everyone agreed that these works not only have high artistic value, but also a profound interpretation and vivid display of the culture of integrity. We must persist in rejecting corruption and preventing degeneration, and make unremitting efforts to fight corruption and promote clean government, truly transform discipline and rules into political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness, and practice the original intention, bravely undertake the mission, and benefit the people with a thorough spirit of self-revolution.

Wang Wenli: Strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era and create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship

Wang Wenli stressed that it is necessary to deeply understand the great significance of the construction of a clean culture in the new era, and take the strengthening of the construction of a clean culture as an integral part of the basic project of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, and constantly cultivate a good political and ecological soil. It is necessary to consolidate the ideological foundation, deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions, comprehensively deepen the construction of a clean culture, carry forward the party's glorious traditions and fine style, and promote party members and cadres to establish a correct view of power, political performance, and career. It is necessary to vigorously carry forward the spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation, the spirit of the Great Northern Wilderness, the spirit of Daqing and the spirit of the iron man, combine it with the miner culture and champion culture of our city, dig deep into the integrity gene contained in it, and strive to work creative transformation and innovative development, and further promote the spread and popularization of integrity culture. It is necessary to make good use of the platform of the exhibition of works on the theme of the construction of a clean culture, carry out a good education activities on integrity, promote the construction of a clean culture, and constantly realize the integrity of cadres, the government, politics, and society.

Reporter: Zhan Junchi, Zhou XuefengEditor: Li YuanyuanReview: Teng HaixiaSupervisor: Zhang Jinhua



Qitai River

Wang Wenli: Strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era and create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship
Wang Wenli: Strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era and create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship

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