
How to Recover Deleted Data? A Collection of 7 Effective Data Recovery Methods!

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In today's increasingly digital world, the data stored in computers is essential for our work and life. However, there is always a risk of data loss, and if encountered, it can be extremely inconvenient. In order to deal with this risk, it is crucial to understand and master several effective computer data recovery methods. Next, I will outline six data recovery strategies that are worth trying for you.

How to Recover Deleted Data? A Collection of 7 Effective Data Recovery Methods!

How to Recover Deleted Data?

1. Use the system temporary folder

The Windows system stores temporary files in specific temporary folders. When some files are deleted, copies of those files sometimes remain in the temporary folder. So, you can try to search for and recover these files in the temporary folder. Typically, the location of the temporary folder is either C:\Windows\Temp or C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Temp.

How to Recover Deleted Data? A Collection of 7 Effective Data Recovery Methods!

Make use of the system temporary folder

2. Use professional data recovery software

Data recovery software is a tool designed specifically for getting back lost data. It scans your computer's hard drive in depth for files that have disappeared due to deletion, formatting, or other reasons, and does its best to recover the data. There are many well-known data recovery software options available in the market today, such as Zhuan Zhuan Master Data Recovery. You can also choose the one that suits you best according to your personal needs.

How to Recover Deleted Data? A Collection of 7 Effective Data Recovery Methods!

Use professional data recovery software

How do I do it?

Run the Zhuan Zhuan Master data recovery software on your computer. On the homepage of the software, select the data recovery feature that applies to your situation and specify the location of the disk where the data was located before it was lost. Subsequently, launch the scanning procedure and wait for the scan to complete. Once the scan is complete, the software provides a variety of filtering modes to pinpoint the lost data. At this point, by double-clicking on the file, you can preview its contents, ensuring the completeness and accuracy of the file. Once you've confirmed that everything is correct, you can restore the lost data to your computer's local storage location.

How to Recover Deleted Data? A Collection of 7 Effective Data Recovery Methods!

Use professional data recovery software

3. Command line tool recovery

For users who are familiar with command-line tools, you can try to use command-line tools to recover deleted data. Such tools are built into common operating systems, such as chkdsk, attrib, etc., but this method requires users to have relevant computer knowledge and skills, and the operation process must be cautious.

How to Recover Deleted Data? A Collection of 7 Effective Data Recovery Methods!

Command-line tool recovery

4. Recover from File History

Windows 10 and later systems have a file history feature that automatically backs up and saves earlier versions of files. If you have this feature enabled, you can try to recover deleted files from File History. Follow these steps: Select "Update & Security" in "Settings" and then tap "Backups" > "View Backups". In the Backups page, you can find and restore previous versions of deleted files.

How to Recover Deleted Data? A Collection of 7 Effective Data Recovery Methods!

Recover from File History

5. Use the System Restore function

In some cases, data loss can be due to system crashes or software failures. At this point, you can try to restore the system to its previous state using the System Restore feature to recover the deleted data. Note that using the System Restore feature will restore the entire system to its previous state, so make sure to back up your important personal files before restoring.

How to Recover Deleted Data? A Collection of 7 Effective Data Recovery Methods!

Use the System Restore feature

6. Check the cloud backup

When you have backed up your data to the cloud, recovering your data from the cloud is an easy and reliable option in the event of data loss or accidental deletion. Log in to your cloud storage service today, double-check your cloud backups, pinpoint those files that were accidentally deleted, and quickly download them to your local device. This makes it easy to recover the data you need, ensuring continuity of work and learning.

How to Recover Deleted Data? A Collection of 7 Effective Data Recovery Methods!

Check the cloud backup

7. Professional data recovery services

If you still find that some of your critical data cannot be recovered successfully after trying all the suggested methods above, then it is a wise choice to seek a professional data recovery service. These services are usually provided by experienced data recovery companies or experts who have the cutting-edge technology and professional equipment to provide effective solutions for a variety of complex data loss scenarios. In order to find such a service, you can search the internet, find a reputable data recovery agency, or consult your local computer repair shop and technical expert for more information and recommendations about data recovery experts.

How to Recover Deleted Data? A Collection of 7 Effective Data Recovery Methods!

Professional data recovery services


In conclusion, it is essential for everyone to be familiar with and master some practical computer data recovery skills. The above seven data recovery methods provide us with diverse options to deal with data loss, which helps us to protect our data more effectively. However, it is important to understand that each method has its specific applicable scenarios, so in practice, we should choose the appropriate method to recover lost data based on the specific situation. In addition, prevention is always better than afterthought, and by cultivating good computer habits, we can significantly reduce the risk of data loss.

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