
Looking at the door, it is useless to strengthen the kidneys? The root is in the heart, and Chinese medicine communicates the heart and kidneys to prolong the time

author:Dr. Liu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

Introduction~ Looking at the door and venting, it is useless to strengthen the kidney? The root is in the heart, and Chinese medicine communicates the heart and kidneys to prolong the time

I believe that many friends who are overinjured are no strangers to the fact that such a situation is very devastating to people's self-confidence, and the quality of life has greatly decreased. Many people also know that such chronic hidden diseases need to be treated with traditional Chinese medicine, but they are always not right, and the symptoms are never good, either they think that Chinese medicine is slow, or they think that their disease cannot be cured.

Looking at the door, it is useless to strengthen the kidneys? The root is in the heart, and Chinese medicine communicates the heart and kidneys to prolong the time

In fact, for such a problem, most people choose to carry out various conditioning for the kidneys, and the symptoms of kidney deficiency are very obvious. However, the occurrence of a disease is not only caused by kidney deficiency, but also heart deficiency.

Looking at the door, it is useless to strengthen the kidneys? The root is in the heart, and Chinese medicine communicates the heart and kidneys to prolong the time

Under normal circumstances, when we have a colored heart, our willpower will be transmitted to the heart, and the heart will quickly go down when it receives the instructions, and reach the kidney, wake up the kidney to provide kidney essence, and the kidney essence can nourish the tendons, and the kidney essence will also be transformed into kidney qi, and the kidney qi is sufficient and the essence can be guarded and solidified.

Looking at the door, it is useless to strengthen the kidneys? The root is in the heart, and Chinese medicine communicates the heart and kidneys to prolong the time

However, when we are addicted to our hands, not only will our kidneys be in a state of deficiency, but our minds will also be very weak. When you have an idea, only a few hearts replace your willpower to decline, and at this time the kidneys are also in a dying state, how to lift the king of Qin.

Looking at the door, it is useless to strengthen the kidneys? The root is in the heart, and Chinese medicine communicates the heart and kidneys to prolong the time

At this time, the heart and kidney are also in a state of impassability, and the deficiency of kidney water will lead to too much excitement in the heart, so the whole person's desire will be very heavy, and he will always think about it every day. Therefore, we not only have to nourish the heart and kidneys, but also communicate with the heart and kidneys, so that we can use our willpower to control the essence.

Looking at the door, it is useless to strengthen the kidneys? The root is in the heart, and Chinese medicine communicates the heart and kidneys to prolong the time

Mr. Li from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, has been in the habit of hurting sperm for several years in the past few years, although the frequency is not very high, but he also has functional problems. Jingguan is too sensitive, and many times if you move a little bit, it will immediately turn white, and it will end before it starts, making you very unconfident. Symptoms:

1. Collapse at the first touch, look at the door and vent, and give up halfway

2. Soreness and weakness in the waist and knees

3. Irritable personality and easy to get angry

4. Insomnia and dreams, short sleep time

5. Inexplicably upset and unable to hold your breath

6. Frequent urination bifurcation, dripping and inexhaustible

7. The tongue is light, white, the tip of the tongue is red, and the pulse is weak

The tongue coating is as follows:

Looking at the door, it is useless to strengthen the kidneys? The root is in the heart, and Chinese medicine communicates the heart and kidneys to prolong the time

Dialectic: Yang Qi is deficient, and the essence is not guarded

Treatment: Replenish the heart and kidney yang qi, solidify the astringency and essence

You can use yam, yam, sagewood, rehman, cocoon, zexiao, danpi, sichuan hyssop, boiled licorice, cinnamon, astragalus, atractylodes, ginseng, coptis. Tell him to maintain a normal state of mind, not to have bad habits, and to live like a normal person. After half a month, the sensitivity of Zongjin decreases, and he can freely control the sperm.

Looking at the door, it is useless to strengthen the kidneys? The root is in the heart, and Chinese medicine communicates the heart and kidneys to prolong the time

Many people ask me how I can see that my body is getting better. The first is the improvement of sleep quality, the heart fire can be suppressed when the kidney water is sufficient, and the sleep quality will be improved when the fire goes down. On the contrary, if the kidney water is always deficient, the heart will be overfired, and the gods will always be excited, and they will naturally turn over and over again and can't sleep. Don't always think about the symptoms of functional problems, the quality of sleep is improved, and the mental state is getting better and better, which means that you have made up for it, and there will be good results if you stick to it.

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