
Excel Data Recovery, 4 Tips to Rescue Important Data

author:Data Frog Software

In the digital age, Excel spreadsheets have become an indispensable part of our work, study and even life. They carry our data, plans, analyses and decisions, like maps that carry wisdom and sweat, guiding us forward. However, when this precious data is accidentally lost or mistakenly deleted, it is as if we are lost in a vast digital wasteland, and we don't know what to do.

But don't panic, because in this seemingly barren digital world, there is still the possibility of rediscovering value. How does Excel data recovery work? Let's embark on this data recovery adventure and regain value from lost numbers.

Excel Data Recovery, 4 Tips to Rescue Important Data

Method 1: Recover data from recycle bin

How to retrieve the table data if it is accidentally deleted? Normally, the files we delete will be moved to the recycle bin by the system first, and recovering data with the help of the recycle bin is a more effective recovery method.

Step 1: Open the Recycle Bin in your Windows system;

Step 2: In the Recycle Bin, look for the Excel file that you deleted by mistake;

Step 3: Right-click on the file and select the [Restore] option to restore the file to its original location.

Excel Data Recovery, 4 Tips to Rescue Important Data

Method 2: Use the undo operation to restore the data

If you accidentally delete important data when editing a table, you can try to use the undo operation to restore the data when Excel is not closed.

Step 1: Open the Excel file of the accidentally deleted data;

Step 2: Click [Undo] in the Excel toolbar (or use the shortcut key Ctrl+Z) to undo the recent deletion operation. Repeat this until the data is recovered.

Excel Data Recovery, 4 Tips to Rescue Important Data

Method 3: Recover data through the software's built-in features

How does Excel recover previous content? Actually, the software has its own recovery function, which we can try to use to recover data.

Step 1: Launch the Excel software, click the [File] tab, select [Information], and then find the [Manage Workbook] section;

Step 2: Click the [Restore Unsaved Workbook] option, find the version before the accidental deletion of data, and click to open;

Step 3: Save the recovered file as a new Excel file.

Excel Data Recovery, 4 Tips to Rescue Important Data

Method 4: Use third-party software to recover data

After trying various methods, if you haven't recovered your files well, we recommend you to use a professional data recovery software to complete Excel data recovery. Data Frog Recovery is a good choice, not only does it have a simple interface, but it only takes a few steps to easily recover files; At the same time, it also has an efficient recovery system that supports the recovery of multiple data types and storage devices. Here are the steps of the software.

Data Recovery Expert Software Download Link:

Operating Environment:

Demo model: Lenovo GeekPro 2020

System version: Windows 10

Software Version: Data Frog Recovery Expert 3.3.16

Step 1: After downloading the software to the computer disk, click Run Software, check [Document], and check the disk to be scanned, click [Scan].

Excel Data Recovery, 4 Tips to Rescue Important Data

Step 2: After the scan is completed, you can view the file type, or you can use the [Filter] to quickly locate it;

Step 3: After locating to the relevant file and selecting it, click [Recover] and wait for the recovery to complete.

Excel Data Recovery, 4 Tips to Rescue Important Data

In the digital age, the security and protection of data is of paramount importance. The loss of data is not only the loss of files, but also the loss of our time, energy and wisdom. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the backup and protection of data to ensure that they can be safe and sound in critical situations. If you encounter data loss problems while using your computer, you can try these 4 Excel data recovery methods shared in this article, and they may have a chance to help you get back your important data.

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