
【Night Reading · Prose] Glory of the Battlestars

author:Dongfeng Express
【Night Reading · Prose] Glory of the Battlestars

In the equipment warehouse of the launch battalion of a certain brigade, a three-dimensional red five-pointed star is attached to the middle of the front of the launch vehicle. Every time the launcher successfully launches a missile, it can win a "commendation" and harvest a "red star", which has also become a precious record of the launcher's combat history, and the soldiers call this a glorious battle star.

"Each red star carries a story of winning the war, the old comrades-in-arms are glorified, and the unit trumpeters are extremely proud." Cao Haigen, a sergeant major of the first class, said that at the beginning of the brigade's formation, there was a shortage of equipment, equipment, and qualified personnel, and the officers and men used cardboard boxes as instruments and hemp rope as cables, and drew switches and buttons on cardboard boards to simulate equipment and equipment for training.

"There is a mission! It's time to play! That year, Ji Hanqi, the commander at the time, received the sampling inspection task of a certain model and led the unit to go to the desert.

The natural environment of the plateau Gobi is harsh and the temperature difference between day and night is large, Ji Hanqi and the trumpeter fought the scorching heat and sand together, explaining the rules over and over again, deducing the process over and over again, and anticipating prevention over and over again, in order not to make the slightest mistake and make full preparations for everything.

At that time, the recruit Li Sanjun was a vehicle-controlled hydraulic trumpeter, and he was even dreaming of memorizing regulations and passwords. On the zero day of launch, the missile dragged a raging tail flame to pierce the sky, and all the comrades-in-arms present cheered.

So far, the launch vehicle on the mission has received the first glory star.

That experience left an unforgettable memory for Li Sanjun, inspiring him to quench his strength at the launch position, dreaming of one day being able to command the unit to launch missiles. Opportunity always favors those who are prepared, and many years later, Li Sanjun caught up with the non-commissioned officer commander to pilot, and as he wished, he went to the command post and picked up the command operation bag.

【Night Reading · Prose] Glory of the Battlestars

"It was the first time I led a missile launch as a commander, and while I was excited, I felt more responsibility." Li Sanjun is tall and gives people a sense of ability and spirit. In that launch, the Li Sanjun made full preparations and meticulous command, from the performance status of the equipment to the operation skills of the trumpeters, from the special situation handling plan to the combat launch process, and did not let go of a detail and hidden danger.

"Three, two, one, ignition!" Li Sanjun gave an order, and as the ground test trumpeter pressed the ignition button, the missile danced a graceful white drill in the blue sky, and the trumpeters hugged each other tightly......

Soon after returning to the camp, the company organized a ceremony for the launch vehicle to paste the red star. Li Sanjun was impassioned: "The state of a soldier is to fight and prepare for war, and I am no exception. This was the first missile that the commander fought, and he not only gained valuable experience in the live-fire mission, but also felt that only by fighting with one heart and working hard was the best annotation to the Red Star. ”

This is like a thought mobilization before the expedition, inspirational and uplifting. The trumpeters around stared intently at Li Sanjun, and as soon as the words fell, everyone clapped in unison, and the scene was hot.

Today, Li Sanjun is a second-class sergeant major, a professional coach and an ideological backbone of the company, and has always taken root in the post of squad leader. He said that no matter how the role changes, the commander of the launch frame is his favorite identity, and winning the battle is his first task, and as long as he is still wearing this military uniform, he will never change.

The brigade also has a launch vehicle that shines with a halo of 7 stars, and has fought in the desert many times and has won many good results. Among the 7 red stars, there is a special story -

"Commander, the blood on your head ......" That year, the troops entered the northwest, and the launch was imminent, and a small accident made the atmosphere a little more solemn.

Hu Bo, the commander of the launch pad, shuttled back and forth around the launch vehicle, and his forehead was accidentally knocked by the edge of the launch pad, tearing a 3-centimeter-long opening. "It's okay, it's okay, just deal with it simply, I can stick to it and ensure that the task is completed." Hu Bo hurriedly reported to the battalion commander.

The time was tight and the task was heavy, and after a simple bandaging, Hu Bo continued to put himself into command, and the process was carried out in an orderly manner. At the end of the mission, when the military doctor treated the injuries, he found that the gauze was soaked in blood.

"When you go to the battlefield, how can you have time to think about anything else, and all unexpected situations must give way to the mission." Hubo said.

【Night Reading · Prose] Glory of the Battlestars

In the late autumn of last year, Hu Bo went to the plateau again to participate in a live-fire mission. This time, he led the unit as the sole backup unit.

After receiving the order, Hu Bo encouraged the trumpeter: "Our vehicle is full of meritorious achievements, and the backup task is so glorious and important, everyone shows their hard skills!" Speaking of doing more, in the end, Hu Bo led the unit to complete the task "without mistakes".

There is also a red star, which tells the story of backup.

In that year, the higher authorities organized a multi-service joint exercise with a background in actual combat. On the zero day of the launch, the commander Zhang Yi led the unit to undertake the backup launch mission. Approaching the countdown to ignition, the command post suddenly issued an order to "backup to launch". Zhang Yi did not hesitate at all, and calmly commanded into the launch procedure.

In this battle, Zhang Yi and the unit trumpeter used their ability and confidence to test the strength of the unit's rapid response and on-the-spot response, and showed their excellent ability to fight at any time and listen to orders.

Returning to the camp, the launcher wins a special red star. At the end of that year, Zhang Yi was rated as one of the "Top Ten People Who Moved the Barracks" by the brigade.

Talking to the soldiers about the launch, it is not difficult to find that the launch vehicle is a close comrade-in-arms of the commander and the missile operator, and behind the glorious battle star, there is an entrepreneurial story engraved with the tenacious struggle and arduous struggle of the officers and men, and it also reflects the brigade's journey of growing and strengthening and sharpening its sword from weak to strong in the course of actual combat tempering.

The country's heavy weapon, the responsibility of the mountains. Stepping into the new era and new journey of strengthening the army, whether it is going to the plateau into the forest sea, or fighting the Gobi into the "Dragon Palace", the footprints of the officers and soldiers are still continuing, and the glorious battle stars will always be with them. This supreme glory belongs to loyalty and fearlessness, to the youth, to the assault battle, and to winning the battle.

Author: Guo Haitao

Announcer: Dream Spirit

Source: Rocket Soldier Daily