
Zhu Fanyan, King of Baocheng: I have a lot of dissatisfaction with my eldest nephew Han Huiwang, and I have repeatedly provoked, what is the ending?

author:Qian Yue said history


On the twenty-fourth day of the first month of the fourth year of orthodoxy (1439), Ming Yingzong frowned slightly when he looked at the piece in his hand from the Han Wangfu in Pingliang, Shaanxi. Han King Zhu Chong (Huo or) said that the palace of Baocheng was suddenly attacked by Zhu Rong, and suffered heavy losses, and even the gold-plated silver book of the certificate of canonizing Zhu Fanyu as the king of Baocheng and the county crown clothes and guisash were burned, although the silver seal of the county king was rescued, but the outer layer of gold plating was completely peeled off, and it was no longer a form, and asked the court to remake it. Doesn't it cost money to remake, it's really not worth knowing that firewood and rice are expensive. However, these items are a symbol of the status of the county king, and if you don't give it, you can't do it, so you have no choice but to reluctantly agree.

Zhu Fanyan, King of Baocheng: I have a lot of dissatisfaction with my eldest nephew Han Huiwang, and I have repeatedly provoked, what is the ending?

Ming Dynasty canonization of the Golden Book (Liangzhuang Wang Jifei Golden Book)

Xu is emperor's attitude affected the Ministry of Works, which was responsible for the production of seals, etc., so that the working hours were delayed again and again. In June of that year, seeing that there was no trace of the book seal crown suit, King Han once again urged his son.

"Gengzi, Han Wang Chong (fire or) play: his son Baocheng Wang Fan Yu gave the old silver book, silver seal and crown clothes and other things were destroyed in the fire, and begged to be awarded. from it. ("Records of Ming Yingzong")

What are the deeds of the unlucky Baocheng King Zhu Fanyan in his life?

The first time to provoke the nephew

Zhu Fanyu (pronounced è), born in the twenty-first year of Yongle (1423), is the sixth son of Zhu Chong (Huo or), King of Han Gong, and his biological mother Ou Shi, because the two brothers are not named and died early, they are often called the fourth son.

In April of the first year of orthodoxy (1436), the imperial court allowed Zhu Fanyu's five brothers to be crowned kings, and the corresponding titles were determined at the same time, but it was not until May of the following year that the canonization was officially carried out, and he was named the king of Baocheng.

In September of the third year of orthodoxy (1438), Sun Shi, the daughter of Sun Xiang of Baihu, was canonized as the princess of Baocheng. has just been able to open the mansion, and it is a newlywed Yan'er, which is the time of pride. As a result, the palace was patronized by the god Huilu, and even the seal letter symbolizing the identity was burned, which can be said to be crying without tears. Fortunately, under the repeated efforts of his father, the court finally made up for it.

Just when His Royal Highness the King of Baocheng wanted to be a little transparent county king and live happily for this life, fate played a big joke on him.

On December 22, 1440, the fifth year of orthodoxy (1440), Han Gong Wang Zhu Chong (Huo or) died at the age of 44, and the evaluation given by the imperial court was "Wang Xiaoyou is frugal, happy and reasonable, and well-known at home and abroad". However, before the bones were cold, there was internal strife within the Han Domain.

King Han Gong had no concubines, and only five concubines behind him, namely: Zhu Fanyuan, King of Kaesong, Zhu Fan (pronounced yí), Zhu Fan, King of Xixiang, Zhu Fanyu, King of Pingli, Zhu Fanyu, King of Baocheng, and Zhu Fanshu, King of Tongwei. According to the inheritance system, Zhu Fan should be the lord. But he suffers from the disease of yin syncope, that is, cold syncope, and if he is not good, he will fall asleep, his physical condition is worrying, and he has no heirs. Therefore, his two uncles, Zhu Chongyong, the king of Xiangling, and Zhu Chongxuan, the king of Leping, thought that he was not suitable to serve as the king of Han, so they asked for "Lixian". Zhu Fanyuan naturally wouldn't watch the wealth in his hand slip away like this, so he also sued the two uncles for false accusations.

Zhu Fanyan, King of Baocheng: I have a lot of dissatisfaction with my eldest nephew Han Huiwang, and I have repeatedly provoked, what is the ending?

Pingliang Donghu Park, the original Hanwangfu Nanzhuang villa

In the end, under the mediation of Ming Yingzong, it was Zhu Fanwei who took the title. In May of the eighth year of orthodoxy (1443), the imperial court sent an envoy to canonize him, and in May of the following year, Zhu Fanyuan, the new king of Han, died suddenly at the age of 25. If the envoys were removed from the time they were on the road, they would have reigned for less than a year.

The heir of the great sect, Zhu Fan (Tuwei), the king of Xixiang, is on top. During this period, the third child, Zhu Fanyu, made trouble for a while in order to seize the heir, but in exchange for a stern warning from Ming Yingzong. Zhu Fan (Tu Wei) the new Zha Han king also reigned for a short time, the 11th year of orthodoxy (1446) November was entitled, the first year of Jingtai (1450) leap month 28 died, reigned only 4 years, at the age of 30, the court gave the Jing.

Fortunately, King Han Jing left two heirs, and in order to prevent accidents, Ming Dynasty Zong ordered the canonization of his eldest son Zhu Zhengzheng as King of Han in November of the first year of Jingtai (1450).

At the same time, Zhu Fanyu, the king of Pingli, who had won the heir with his second brother, also died on the second day of the first month of the first year of Jingtai, only 27 years old.

King Han Jing and King Pingli passed away one after another, and Zhu Fanyan, King of Baocheng, became the longest among the sons of King Han Gong in the world, and he was somewhat unconvinced by the nephew of the new Han King Zhu Zheng, who was only 11 years old, and wanted to wrestle with him.

In the second year of Jingtai (1451), Zhu Fanyan's grandmother Feng died. Feng is the concubine of Zhu Song, King of Han Xian, and is the grandmother of the Han family. Her death is definitely a big deal for Han Fanlai. For this reason, Zhu Zhengjun summoned Zhu Chongjiong, Zhu Fanyuan and other elders to the palace to discuss the future. Which Cheng thought, Zhu Fanyu and Zhu Fanshu brothers were good, and they actually swaggered straight into the Han Wangfu from the middle gate.

In ancient times, there were two side doors next to the gate for slightly powerful people, and the main gate in the middle was also called the middle gate. Under normal circumstances, the middle door is closed most of the time, and only during important events such as marrying a wife or greeting a distinguished guest, will the middle door be opened to allow them to enter.

For the Han Palace, to welcome the angel who delivered the holy decree, it was necessary to open the middle door. Similarly, if Zhu Zhengzheng goes to visit the fourth uncle, the Baocheng Royal Mansion must also open the middle door to greet him. But on the other hand, I'm sorry, even if you are the king of the county, it is only a small sect for King Han, so please go through the side door to enter the mansion.

But the brothers of the king of Baocheng broke into the palace of the king of Han from the middle gate, not to mention, and let people beat up Feng Gui, the official of the palace who stood up to dissuade him, which obviously did not take Zhu Zheng, the sect master who was still in his prime, in his eyes.

In Zhu Fanyu's view, this move was undoubtedly an extreme contempt for his eldest nephew, but he obviously forgot that this was not only a provocation to King Han, but also a challenge to the authority of the imperial court. It can only be said that his city is too shallow and the pattern is too small, so he will make such a child's play that has no substance.

Zhu Fanyan, King of Baocheng: I have a lot of dissatisfaction with my eldest nephew Han Huiwang, and I have repeatedly provoked, what is the ending?

Willow Lake Park

Sure enough, when King Han filed a complaint with Jingshi, the Ming Dynasty Sect clearly supported King Han and issued a stern warning to Zhu Fanyu, saying that if you dare to be so evil, be careful that I will abolish you!

"(February) Geng Yin, the king of Baocheng, Fan Yuantong, and the king of Wei, Fan Shu, said: 'King Song of the Han Dynasty and others came to the palace through the middle gate and the middle road, and the gate official Feng Guiqi admonished the king, but angrily ordered the official school to beat. I only have the ancestors to train, and the etiquette is orderly. For the sake of their children and grandchildren, they should all walk carefully, and how can they step in the slightest? The king is the king of the county, and he enters the middle gate of the prince's mansion and gallops into the middle road, which has exceeded the courtesy! It's impossible to beat the doorman again! Ignore it now. From now on, the king and others will divide and follow reason, and ensure wealth and prosperity together. If you don't care, the law of your ancestors is there, and I don't dare to be selfish! The king waits for his province. ("Records of Emperor Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty: Appendix to the Abolition of the Emperor and the Emperor")

The second time to provoke the nephew

For the emperor who was far away in the sky, Zhu Fanyan was afraid. was hit by this, and finally extinguished his desire to win the heir, and instead focused on the welfare of his family. For example, in the third year of Jingtai (1452), the eldest son Zhu Zhengju had grown up, because he was the eldest son of the county king and had no age, he could only gnaw on the old man, and his burden was too heavy.

However, Pingliang is a "small county with cut edges", with insufficient self-sufficiency and need to be supported by other places, so there is naturally a priority level in the distribution of materials, and the difference in the treatment of the prince and the county king themselves further amplifies the gap between the two. In the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Han Wangfu may occasionally have a temporary difficulty, but on the whole, the small life is quite nourishing. But at the level of the county king, it is very different, for example, during the Jiajing period, Zhu Xu, the king of Jianning, was even so poor that he had to live by mortgaging the silver seal of the county king. Not to mention the generals and lieutenants below, during the Jiajing period, there were two mass incidents in which hundreds of clans attacked the yamen to recover the debts.

In the era in which King Baocheng lived, this phenomenon had already begun to appear. For example, in the first month of the fifth year of Jingtai (1454), the princess of Baocheng, Sun, died, and it stands to reason that it should be a grand funeral, but the palace could not even afford the funeral expenses, so she could only ask the court for help. Ming Dynasty Zong saw that he pitifully gave him 100 stone of rice, 50 pieces of cloth and 50 pieces of silk. For example, in the first year of Tianshun (1457), Zhu Zhengju reached the age of marriage, but the palace was so poor that he could not get a gift from the collection.

Zhu Fanyan, King of Baocheng: I have a lot of dissatisfaction with my eldest nephew Han Huiwang, and I have repeatedly provoked, what is the ending?

Model of Pingliang Mansion City

On the one hand, there is the Baocheng Palace, where life is stretched to the point that whenever there is a major event, it has to report to the court for help; On the one hand, there is the Han Wangfu, which has a very comfortable life and has the ability to hold a wedding for his younger brother. Zhu Fanyu, who had been in peace for more than ten years under the warning of Ming Dynasty Sect, felt that the more he thought about it for a while, the more angry he became, and the more he took a step back, the more he lost. This is just the case, after the key entered the Tianshun Dynasty, the two sides were again dirty because of the incident of "fake Han Mansion for the road" incident in the Baocheng Palace.

The attached map of the Jiajing edition of "Pingliang Mansion Chronicles" compiled by Zhao Shichun, a writer, military strategist and Pingliang man of the Ming Dynasty, shows that the Han Wangfu is close to the north city wall of Pingliangfu City, located on the west side of the Dingbei Gate, and the Baocheng Wangfu has not seen its location. According to the Qing Dynasty large-scale book "King James Ancient and Modern Books Collection: Pingliang Mansion Department", the Han Wangfu is located on the right side of the Dingbei Gate, the east side is the Chongwen Academy, and the Baocheng Wangfu is in the west of Pingliang Mansion, so the two are not next to each other.

The so-called "Hanfu gap" should not be in the Hanwangfu, but a vacant land belonging to the Hanwangfu adjacent to the Baocheng Wangfu. Zhu Fanyan felt that the road in front of his palace was a little narrow, and it was somewhat inconvenient to enter and exit, if he could merge this piece of Hanfu gap, it could become a thoroughfare, so he discussed with his eldest nephew. As a result, Zhu Zhengli refused very facelessly.

The old hatred has not disappeared and new hatred has been added, and the mentality of His Royal Highness the King of Baocheng has exploded. As a result, the idea of competing with the eldest nephew reappeared. In the first month of the seventh year of Tianshun (1463), at the instigation of Peng Xiang, the chief guest of honor of Fufeng County, the eldest son-in-law, he went to the left deputy capital Yushi Wang Hong to complain, claiming that Zhu Zheng, the king of Han, was guilty of micro-service travel, drunkenness, and oppression of elders.

Wang Hong belonged to a generation of strange people in the Ming Dynasty, and after the change of Tumubao, he took the lead in setting off a full martial arts line in the court, and led a group of ministers to kill the Jinyi Guard, who commanded Ma Shun. In the defense of Beijing, he led the troops to march and garrisoned Juyong Pass, which was quite feathering. But because of this, it was liquidated after the change of seizing the door. During the Tianshun period, the Tatar leader came and became the biggest enemy of the Ming Dynasty. For this reason, Ming Yingzong had to reactivate him, and he was in charge of the defense of Shaanxi together with Bai Gui, the right attendant of the military department.

At this time, Wang Hong supervised military affairs as the left deputy capital of the imperial history, and sat in Shaanxi Rili, so how could he have extra energy to pay attention to the broken affairs of Han Fan. Therefore, whatever Zhu Fanyan said, he wrote it, and reported the matter without distinction and asked the court to send someone to verify it.

Zhu Fanyan, King of Baocheng: I have a lot of dissatisfaction with my eldest nephew Han Huiwang, and I have repeatedly provoked, what is the ending?

Wang Xiang Images

Seeing Wang Hong kicking the ball so slippery, Ming Yingzong was very angry, and said that he was a dignified minister, and even such a trivial matter had to bother the imperial court to send people, do you really think that the left deputy capital Yushi on your head is watching and playing? Helpless, Lord Wang could only honestly send someone to investigate. This matter is not complicated, so as soon as Wang Hong became serious, the rights and wrongs quickly appeared in their original form. The final result was that Zhu Fanyan was reprimanded for this, and Peng Xiang was taken out as a scapegoat and cleaned up severely.

"The Minister of the Constitution of the Emperor is a practical reviewer. but that he wanted to appoint other officials, and the edict was overcome. Everything is untrue, and I am afraid, and I apologize. Shang Youhong didn't ask, and the edict was issued to the king of Baocheng. He still ordered the patrol to collect the auspiciousness according to the imperial history, and returned to his post by sitting on a ransom rod. ("Records of Ming Yingzong")

After this battle, His Royal Highness the King of Baocheng no longer dared to wrestle with his eldest nephew.

Ah Yue said

On November 12 of the second year of Chenghua (1466), Zhu Fan, the king of Baocheng, died, reigned for 31 years, at the age of 44, and the imperial court gave him Zhaoyu. Zhu Fanyu is a little stunned, for the sake of interests, for the sake of the title, he has wrestled his wrist with his eldest nephew twice, but he has played classics such as "Wulun Book" in the Jingtai Dynasty, which shows that he is at least a literature lover. In this regard, it is reasonable to conclude that the coffin is covered with "Zhaoyu".

Zhu Fanyan, King of Baocheng: I have a lot of dissatisfaction with my eldest nephew Han Huiwang, and I have repeatedly provoked, what is the ending?

Kongtong Mountain

After the Zhaoyu King Zhu Fanyuan, the Baocheng County State spread the Xuanhui King Zhu Zhengju, the Anxu King Zhu Kaiyu, the Kangshun King Zhu Xulan, the Wenjing King Zhu Rong (Shangcheng and the Fire) and the Xihe King Zhu Moyuan five generations, developed to the Wanli period, the Baocheng County clan was quite large, but because Zhu Moyuan had no heirs, according to the county king inheritance system, it was still expelled from the country.

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