
Holding hands for 28 years, the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong is not just a "call"?

author:Qianzhong Ping Dam

Colorful Guizhou Net 2024-06-05 16:39 Guizhou

The radio wave is affectionate, and the love of Guizhou and Guangdong is deep

Holding hands for 28 years, the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong is not just a "call"?
Holding hands for 28 years, the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong is not just a "call"?

Dear Yueyue, summer is coming, as the "big air conditioner" of the whole family, don't worry, the expensive electricity is already on the way!

Hee hee ~ Looking forward to this summer's air conditioning, watermelon and snacks! I also want to come to Guizhou for a summer vacation! Cool summer!

Holding hands for 28 years, the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong is not just a "call"?
Holding hands for 28 years, the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong is not just a "call"?

Do you know? Every year, the electricity delivered by "Guizhou Power to Guangdong" basically guarantees one-third of Guangzhou's electricity demand, which is equivalent to reducing carbon emissions by more than 24 million tons for Guangdong every year, providing strong support for local economic development.

Holding hands for 28 years, the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong is not just a "call"?

Today, let's talk about the energy artery connecting Guizhou and Guangdong

—— Guizhou telegraph to Guangdong.

This is not only a transmission line of electricity,

It is also a bridge of deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong.

Holding hands for 28 years, the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong is not just a "call"?

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What is the origin of the transmission of Guizhou electricity to Guangdong?

Behind the word,

It carries the dream of energy cooperation between Guizhou and Guangdong provinces.

Guizhou, a place with the reputation of "Mountain Park Province",

It is rich in water resources and coal resources.

Guangdong, as the forefront of China's reform and opening up,

The economy is dynamic and the demand for electricity is growing day by day.

In this context, the strategy of transmitting electricity from west to east came into being, and Guizhou power transmission to Guangdong became a key part of it, providing a historic opportunity for Guizhou's resource advantages to be transformed into economic advantages.

How to send Guizhou electricity to Guangdong?

Let's turn the clock back to the year 2000.

When the "Guizhou Electricity to Guangdong" project started

The annual power transmission is only 3.5 billion kilowatt hours.

And in 2020,

This number has soared to 50 billion kilowatt hours,

That's more than 14 times bigger.

This leap is due to the construction of 500 thousand volt "five crossings and two straight" transmission channels, which are like power highways, continuously transporting Guizhou's clean energy to Guangdong.

Taking Wujiang Hydropower as an example, as an important part of the "Guizhou Power Transmission to Guangdong", its installed capacity reaches 10 million kilowatts, and it can transmit more than 20 billion kilowatt hours of clean electricity to Guangdong every year. This not only optimizes Guangdong's energy structure, but also injects new impetus into Guizhou's economic development.

Holding hands for 28 years, the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong is not just a "call"?

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What is the significance of sending electricity from Guizhou to Guangdong?

The significance of "Guizhou telecommunications to Guangdong",

Much more than just digital growth.

It promotes the optimal allocation of energy in the eastern and western regions.

It has promoted the common development of the economy.

As far as Guangdong is concerned, the "Guizhou Power to Guangdong" project has provided it with a stable power supply and ensured stable economic growth. At the same time, this project has also contributed to Guangdong's green development, helping Guangdong reduce standard coal consumption by 200 million tons and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 520 million tons by transporting clean energy.

For Guizhou, this project not only transforms resource advantages into economic advantages, but also drives the development of electricity, coal and other related industries. According to statistics, through the "Guizhou Electricity to Guangdong" project, Guizhou Province has delivered 645.164 billion kWh of electricity, providing a strong driving force for the coordinated development of the regional economy. In addition, by vigorously developing clean energy, Guizhou's energy structure has been greatly optimized.

Guizhou electricity to Guangdong, the future can be expected

With the implementation of the "positive push mechanism" of electricity prices,

The future of 'Guizhou Electricity to Guangdong' is brighter.

In July 2022, Guizhou and Guangdong signed the "Minutes of the Meeting on Issues such as the Price of Guizhou Electricity to Guangdong during the 14th Five-Year Plan", reforming the "backward mechanism" of electricity prices implemented by "Guizhou Electricity to Guangdong" over the past 22 years into a "forward push mechanism". This means that the price of electricity transmission will be more reasonable, better reflect the relationship between market supply and demand, and bring new development opportunities for Guizhou's energy industry.

In addition, with the rapid development of new energy,

Guizhou's new energy installed capacity continues to expand,

Photovoltaic power generation has become the third largest power source in Guizhou.

It has realized the traditional "mutual aid of water and fire".

"Fire, water, wind and solar" multi-energy complementary power structure transformation,

The power operation is moving forward in the direction of green, efficient and economical.

In the future, more clean energy will be delivered to Guangdong through this project, providing more solid support for Guangdong's green development.

Guizhou and Guangdong have deep affection, and draw a blueprint together

"Guizhou telecommunications to Guangdong",

More than just the delivery of electricity,

It is also a microcosm of the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong.

Holding hands for 28 years, the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong is not just a "call"?

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Guangdong-Guizhou cooperation, as the epitome of Pan-Pearl River Delta regional cooperation,

Focusing on "what Guizhou needs, what Guangdong can do"

and "what Guangdong needs, what Guizhou can",

From formulating a series of policies to integrate into the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

to a number of projects in cooperation with Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have been effective,

Today, the economic map of Guangdong-Guizhou cooperation

A win-win picture of regional cooperation is being drawn.

Holding hands for 28 years, the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong is not just a "call"?
Holding hands for 28 years, the deep friendship between Guizhou and Guangdong is not just a "call"?

Hand in hand for twenty-eight years,

Coastal and inland,

Qianyue's affection is not just a "call"?

It's a two-way race between the mountains and the sea.

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