
Witness the European Cup live! The 12-year-old "Village Super" will leave for Germany this month

author:Qianzhong Ping Dam
  • Time: 2024/06/05 Source: Colorful Guizhou Net

  Colorful Guizhou Network News (Reporter Peng Dian) 12-year-old Lai Xunxiang never dreamed that one day he could go to Germany to watch the European Cup.

  "It's exciting to be able to watch the quadrennial European Championship live. I've loved playing football since I was a kid and I want to be in the national team when I grow up! At the same time, I also hope that through this opportunity, more people can know my beautiful hometown Rongjiang. On June 4, Lai Xunxiang said in an interview.

Witness the European Cup live! The 12-year-old "Village Super" will leave for Germany this month

Lai Xunxiang on the court worked hard

  Lai Xunxiang is a sixth-grade student at Guzhou No. 2 Primary School in Rongjiang County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, and is also a member of the school football team. He passed the selection of the Guizhou Village Super Cooperation Project of the vivo European Cup and will go to Germany in mid-June to watch the European Cup.

  Lai Xunxiang has been involved in football since he was 1 year old, and his father Lai Hongjing is his enlightenment coach. Lai Hongjing is a physical education teacher at Rongjiang County No. 1 Middle School and vice chairman of the Rongjiang County Football Association in Guizhou Province.

  The young Lai Xunxiang has been playing on the court with his father since he was a child, watching his father play football. He also gradually became fond of football.

  "The original intention of taking my son to play football was to exercise. Football is a full-body sport that allows all parts of the body to be exercised. Lai Hongjing said.

  Lai Xunxiang started playing in the school team at the age of 8 and has always been a striker. 'Strikers can get past defenders, shake them off and shoot and score. It's a refreshing feeling. He said.

Witness the European Cup live! The 12-year-old "Village Super" will leave for Germany this month

Dad Lai Hongjing (right) is Lai Xunxiang's football coach

  Lai Xunxiang's life is basically two points and one line, home and school. After finishing his homework at school, he would play football with his teammates. On weekends and winter and summer vacations, I "soaked" in school to play football, and all my spare time was spent on football.

  "It's a joy to play and I enjoy it." Lai Xunxiang said that on average, it takes two months to break a pair of sneakers.

  On weekends, Lai Xunxiang is training for 4 hours a day. The training includes skillful juggling, kicking, dribbling, etc. Teaching skills such as passing, ball control, and dribbling, he will silently practice during breaks.

  Lai Hongjing will also give him "tasks" from time to time, such as juggling the ball 100 times before resting. Every time he watches his son play, Lai Hongjing will give him a "review", such as a mistake in the pass, and the offense can be better.

  "Dad is a strict coach." Lai Xunxiang said.

Witness the European Cup live! The 12-year-old "Village Super" will leave for Germany this month

Lai Xunxiang and his teammates won awards in the competition

  "Playing football is a part of my life and I can't give it away. I enjoy the pure joy of playing. Lai Xunxiang said.

  In a match in 2021, Lai Xunxiang's foot was stepped on by an opposing player, and his back toe was infected, and he rested at home for 4 months. At that time, his biggest wish was to get better and continue playing.

  After playing football for many years, Lai Hongjing feels that the biggest change in her son is that his sense of responsibility has become stronger and more cheerful. "Playing football has taught him to work together and get along with his classmates. I also made a lot of like-minded children. Lai Hongjing said.

  On the evening of May 27, the "Dream Chasing" Champion Charity Tournament opened at the "Village Super" Stadium in Guizhou, and the "Village Super" ushered in Kaka, the World Footballer of the Year.

  Lai Xunxiang saw Kaka at the scene and shook hands with him. "Excited for a night." He said.

  While liking football, Lai Xunxiang also understands that the first task at this stage is to study. "I'm going to study hard and play well at the same time," he said. ”

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